Based on resources collected for the Net Notes Column of Internet Genealogy which I have authored since 2006. These will be not-yet-published resources from the US, Canada, UK, and from countries around the world. A real smorgasbord of topics, time periods, etc. A little bit of something for everyone.
FANTASTIC info! WHO KNEW?????? Speedy, but clear presentation!
A most excellent presentation! Concise information, good documentation for multiple websites. Thank you, Diane!
Unbelievable! What a treasure trove of websites! And 50 of them! Thank you, Diane Richard! I love what you write; now I love what you speak!
What isn’t there to like about Diane Richards’s presentation, it was unbelievable I don’t think she sleeps!!! So many new websites to check out!!!
Lots of good sites from her, Thank You
Am so pleased more & more is getting onlin. When I first had a computer in the 1980s, working in a Library History, people would come in immediately to my desk asking if the newspaper vols we had all around the room on shelve were indexed. They couldn’t understand why not. It takes people to put it online without really good programs to do so. So many of us began with the ones we had, they all had limits. Now newspapers are getting easier & easier to find online. Thank You very much for your Listing Diane!
So much info, so little time. Thank you
Spectacularly informative, wonderfully engaging. The speaker’s familiarity with the material, her high energy and good humor add to he interest in these sites. I’m going looking online!