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Historical Records

Watch webinars that focus on specific record categories including adoption, vital records, cemetery records, census records, city directories, immigration records, newspapers and more for locations around the world.

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African Americans in the Army: 1868-1948
Following the Civil War, when nearly 200,000 African American men served, the U.S. Army established 4 African American infantry (later modified to 2) and 2 cavalry regiments in 1868. They initially served in the West but fought in the Spanish American War and the two World Wars in segregated units. It was not until 1948 that Executive Order 9981 integrated the military. What was life like for these soldiers? Where do you find service and pension records?
Following the Civil War, when nearly 200,000 African American men served, the U.S. Army established 4 African American infantry (later modified to 2) and 2 cavalry regiments in 1868. They initially served in the West but fought in the Spanish American War and the two World Wars in segregated units. It was not until 1948 that Executive Order 9981 integrated the military. What was life like for these soldiers? Where do you find service and pension records?
Fri, February 9 2024: 19:00 UTC
World War II “Internment Camps” and Mass Incarceration in the U.S.
After Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941, thousands of Japanese and Japanese Americans were incarcerated in “Internment Camps.” German, Italians, and Latin Americans were also interned. The various sites of confinement and the records created will be examined, covering the period of time immediately preceding World War II through resettlement and redress.
After Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941, thousands of Japanese and Japanese Americans were incarcerated in “Internment Camps.” German, Italians, and Latin Americans were also interned. The various sites of confinement and the records created will be examined, covering the period of time immediately preceding World War II through resettlement and redress.
Wed, August 16 2023: 18:00 UTC
1939-1945, parcours de prisonniers de guerre
Quand un généalogiste se lance dans des recherches sur un combattant français de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il est souvent amené à travailler sur un profil de prisonnier de guerre. C’est presque une affaire de statistiques, avec plus de 1,8 million de soldats capturés par les forces allemandes entre mai et juin 1940 ! La recherche prend alors une tournure particulière. Ce moment de la vie du combattant stimule la curiosité de son descendant. Et, ce qui n’est pas le moindre paradoxe, le généalogiste a parfois connu l’ancien prisonnier de guerre. Il a écouté les récits de son père, de son grand-père, il en a collecté les anecdotes. Mais une fois que le principal témoin a disparu, il se rend compte qu’il lui manque des données précises pour documenter cette histoire individuelle transmise dans l’intimité familiale. Heureusement les archives existent. Elles permettent de compléter les précieux souvenirs. Ce webinaire a pour but de recenser les sources, qui sont variées. Et, à partir de cet inventaire, il s’agira d’envisager les méthodes de recherche, et les conditions de consultation, en fonction des configurations.
Quand un généalogiste se lance dans des recherches sur un combattant français de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il est souvent amené à travailler sur un profil de prisonnier de guerre. C’est presque une affaire de statistiques, avec plus de 1,8 million de soldats capturés par les forces allemandes entre mai et juin 1940 ! La recherche prend alors une tournure particulière. Ce moment de la vie du combattant stimule la curiosité de son descendant. Et, ce qui n’est pas le moindre paradoxe, le généalogiste a parfois connu l’ancien prisonnier de guerre. Il a écouté les récits de son père, de son grand-père, il en a collecté les anecdotes. Mais une fois que le principal témoin a disparu, il se rend compte qu’il lui manque des données précises pour documenter cette histoire individuelle transmise dans l’intimité familiale. Heureusement les archives existent. Elles permettent de compléter les précieux souvenirs. Ce webinaire a pour but de recenser les sources, qui sont variées. Et, à partir de cet inventaire, il s’agira d’envisager les méthodes de recherche, et les conditions de consultation, en fonction des configurations.
Tue, May 31 2022: 11:00 UTC
Death and Burial Practices in World War I and WW II
Much of this webinar focuses on the process of collecting, identifying, and burying the dead, and the resulting records, including their genealogical significance. In World War I (1917–1918) there were 53,402 battle deaths, while in World War II (1941–1945) battle deaths rose to 291,557. There are 124,905 American…
Much of this webinar focuses on the process of collecting, identifying, and burying the dead, and the resulting records, including their genealogical significance. In World War I (1917–1918) there were 53,402 battle deaths, while in World War II (1941–1945) battle deaths rose to 291,557. There are 124,905 American…
Tue, January 19 2021: 18:00 UTC
Researching Your World War II Ancestors: Part 1 – The Road to War
This lecture includes resources from the New Deal programs including the Civilian Conservation Corps, National Youth Administration along with the Americans who served in the ranks of the Canadian and British military.
This lecture includes resources from the New Deal programs including the Civilian Conservation Corps, National Youth Administration along with the Americans who served in the ranks of the Canadian and British military.
Fri, March 16 2018: 0:00 UTC
Researching Your World War II Ancestors: Part 2 – Records of the Army
Part II of our four part series on researching your World War II ancestors covers and focuses on the abundance of records for the United States Army.
Part II of our four part series on researching your World War II ancestors covers and focuses on the abundance of records for the United States Army.
Fri, March 16 2018: 0:00 UTC
Researching Your World War II Ancestors: Part 3 – Records of the Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard
Part III of our four part series on researching your World War II ancestors continues as we move from the records of the United States Army to the other military branches. These include the United States Navy, the United States Marine Corps, and the United States Coast Guard.
Part III of our four part series on researching your World War II ancestors continues as we move from the records of the United States Army to the other military branches. These include the United States Navy, the United States Marine Corps, and the United States Coast Guard.
Fri, March 16 2018: 0:00 UTC
Researching Your World War II Ancestors: Part 4 – War on the Home Front & Post-War Years
The final Part IV of our series on researching your World War II ancestors covers various records and resources from the home front.
The final Part IV of our series on researching your World War II ancestors covers various records and resources from the home front.
Fri, March 16 2018: 0:00 UTC
World War II Heroes – Telling Their Stories
World War II is the earliest war where we can actually speak to the veterans themselves, the men and women who served, but this precious resource is fading quickly so time is of the essence! This webinar will present a case study, fleshing out a basic story of a pilot…
World War II is the earliest war where we can actually speak to the veterans themselves, the men and women who served, but this precious resource is fading quickly so time is of the essence! This webinar will present a case study, fleshing out a basic story of a pilot…
Wed, April 8 2015: 0:00 UTC

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Tue, August 13 2024: 18:00 UTC
Using MyHeritage DNA to Determine Immigrant Origins
Tue, August 13 2024: 18:00 UTC
This class will briefly explain the different types of DNA (autosomal, Y-DNA and mtDNA) and provide helpful tips for analyzing your DNA matches to identify your strongest matches to help you go back to your immigrant ancestor. A few examples of using this approach will be shown through mini case studies.
This class will briefly explain the different types of DNA (autosomal, Y-DNA and mtDNA) and provide helpful tips for analyzing your DNA matches to identify your strongest matches to help you go back to your immigrant ancestor. A few examples of using this approach will be shown through mini case studies.
Tue, August 13 2024: 18:00 UTC
Wed, August 21 2024: 18:00 UTC
Who Hid the Body? Finding Your Ancestor’s Place of Burial
Wed, August 21 2024: 18:00 UTC
It’s not over ’til the fat lady sings? Nope. It’s not over until you find where the big girl was buried. This presentation offers examples of records that can lead genealogists to an ancestor’s elusive final resting place.
It’s not over ’til the fat lady sings? Nope. It’s not over until you find where the big girl was buried. This presentation offers examples of records that can lead genealogists to an ancestor’s elusive final resting place.
Wed, August 21 2024: 18:00 UTC
Analyzing Deeds & Wills: I See What It Says—but What Does It Mean?!
Fri, August 23 2024: 18:00 UTC
Legalese. Boilerplate. Obsolete laws. Ancestral idiosyncrasies. The documents our ancestors created are full of such traps. This session uses two typical documents from different regions to illustrate, line by line, how to sort chaff from wheat, interpret deceptive language, and develop clues.
Legalese. Boilerplate. Obsolete laws. Ancestral idiosyncrasies. The documents our ancestors created are full of such traps. This session uses two typical documents from different regions to illustrate, line by line, how to sort chaff from wheat, interpret deceptive language, and develop clues.
Fri, August 23 2024: 18:00 UTC
Fri, September 6 2024: 16:45 UTC
10 Things You Don’t Know About Cemeteries
Fri, September 6 2024: 16:45 UTC
Genealogists LOVE cemeteries but we don’t always know the history behind them. When we know the history, types, and traditions of cemeteries we can do better research that helps us understand our ancestor’s final resting place. In this presentation we will take a look at the history of US cemeteries, what you would expect to find depending on time and place, and where you can find records beyond the usual places.
Genealogists LOVE cemeteries but we don’t always know the history behind them. When we know the history, types, and traditions of cemeteries we can do better research that helps us understand our ancestor’s final resting place. In this presentation we will take a look at the history of US cemeteries, what you would expect to find depending on time and place, and where you can find records beyond the usual places.
Fri, September 6 2024: 16:45 UTC
Wed, September 25 2024: 18:00 UTC
Buried in the Federal Records Center: Uncovering XC Pension Files
Wed, September 25 2024: 18:00 UTC
This talk will discuss how to obtain deceased 20th century veterans’ claims files, of which 1.1 million boxes are languishing in warehouses around the US.
This talk will discuss how to obtain deceased 20th century veterans’ claims files, of which 1.1 million boxes are languishing in warehouses around the US.
Wed, September 25 2024: 18:00 UTC
Fri, September 27 2024: 14:15 UTC
Church Records in Archives
Fri, September 27 2024: 14:15 UTC
Church record research is a must for any genealogist. Many of our archives have church records available to researchers. There are also independent church archives for specific religions or denominations that can help you discover your ancestor. Learn from a seasoned genealogist and archivist how to find church records in archives.
Church record research is a must for any genealogist. Many of our archives have church records available to researchers. There are also independent church archives for specific religions or denominations that can help you discover your ancestor. Learn from a seasoned genealogist and archivist how to find church records in archives.
Fri, September 27 2024: 14:15 UTC
Wed, October 2 2024: 2:00 UTC
Oops! Married twice (at the same time) Case Studies in Bigamy!
Wed, October 2 2024: 2:00 UTC
Divorce in Queensland Australia was very difficult to obtain. Some couples then just lived together and some underwent a bigamous marriage. What were the penalties? The records? Follow these ten bigamy case studies.
Divorce in Queensland Australia was very difficult to obtain. Some couples then just lived together and some underwent a bigamous marriage. What were the penalties? The records? Follow these ten bigamy case studies.
Wed, October 2 2024: 2:00 UTC
Wed, December 18 2024: 19:00 UTC
Finding Uncle John’s Grist Mill, His Neighbors And That Cemetery Using Maps, Records & Stories
Wed, December 18 2024: 19:00 UTC
Topographic maps and soil maps should help us identify a community, including neighbors, ferries, mills, cemeteries, historic houses, and many other landmarks. By using a combination of resources, the picture of this community will be more visible and more clearly understood.
Topographic maps and soil maps should help us identify a community, including neighbors, ferries, mills, cemeteries, historic houses, and many other landmarks. By using a combination of resources, the picture of this community will be more visible and more clearly understood.
Wed, December 18 2024: 19:00 UTC
Genealogical Research & Writing: Are You a Saint, Sinner, or Bumfuzzled Soul?
As researchers, family historians, compilers, bloggers, or writers of other ilk, genealogists face legal and ethical perils they often do not anticipate. This crash course offers practical guidance to enhance your skills and keep you safe as you explore history, reconstruct lives, and “write up” your findings. While the issues are serious—from the legal issue of copyright to the ethical issue of plagiarism—the lessons are taught with a light heart and humor.
As researchers, family historians, compilers, bloggers, or writers of other ilk, genealogists face legal and ethical perils they often do not anticipate. This crash course offers practical guidance to enhance your skills and keep you safe as you explore history, reconstruct lives, and “write up” your findings. While the issues are serious—from the legal issue of copyright to the ethical issue of plagiarism—the lessons are taught with a light heart and humor.
Fri, July 26 2024: 18:00 UTC