
Take your genealogy skills to the next level with this online genealogy conference, held each Friday in September: 25 live webinars in all. Join live for all five Fridays or just one, and if you can’t, we’ve got you covered! Enjoy the recordings at your convenience below.

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Fri, September 6 2024: 14:15 UTC
Six Ways to Figure Out How We’re Related
Fri, September 6 2024: 14:15 UTC
Do you have mystery matches? Would you like to figure out how they are related to you? Which ancestors you share? Here are six ways to do exactly that!
Do you have mystery matches? Would you like to figure out how they are related to you? Which ancestors you share? Here are six ways to do exactly that!
Fri, September 6 2024: 14:15 UTC
Fri, September 6 2024: 15:30 UTC
Elizabeth Matson – the wife of Timothy Mather born 1711 or Timothy Mather born 1747?
Fri, September 6 2024: 15:30 UTC
Which Timothy Mather married Elizabeth Matson? An argument has long been made – based on a faulty entry in a Connecticut vital record book. Discovering the real answer requires taking a deep dive into Connecticut records, reviewing land, probate, militia commissions and more.
Which Timothy Mather married Elizabeth Matson? An argument has long been made – based on a faulty entry in a Connecticut vital record book. Discovering the real answer requires taking a deep dive into Connecticut records, reviewing land, probate, militia commissions and more.
Fri, September 6 2024: 15:30 UTC
Fri, September 6 2024: 16:45 UTC
10 Things You Don’t Know About Cemeteries
Fri, September 6 2024: 16:45 UTC
Genealogists LOVE cemeteries but we don’t always know the history behind them. When we know the history, types, and traditions of cemeteries we can do better research that helps us understand our ancestor’s final resting place. In this presentation we will take a look at the history of US cemeteries, what you would expect to find depending on time and place, and where you can find records beyond the usual places.
Genealogists LOVE cemeteries but we don’t always know the history behind them. When we know the history, types, and traditions of cemeteries we can do better research that helps us understand our ancestor’s final resting place. In this presentation we will take a look at the history of US cemeteries, what you would expect to find depending on time and place, and where you can find records beyond the usual places.
Fri, September 6 2024: 16:45 UTC
Fri, September 6 2024: 19:30 UTC
Bridging Generations: Connecting with Living Relatives Through MyHeritage
Fri, September 6 2024: 19:30 UTC
Connecting with living relatives can unveil a treasure trove of family history beyond the confines of documents and records. Are you making the most of these living links to your past? Join Lisa Lisson for an exploration of MyHeritage’s potent tools, designed to help you build bridges with relatives and unearth precious family memories. From initiating heartfelt conversations to orchestrating virtual family reunions, this session arms you with a toolkit to cherish and deepen intergenerational connections. Walk away with a newfound ability to weave your family’s living stories into your historical tapestry.
Connecting with living relatives can unveil a treasure trove of family history beyond the confines of documents and records. Are you making the most of these living links to your past? Join Lisa Lisson for an exploration of MyHeritage’s potent tools, designed to help you build bridges with relatives and unearth precious family memories. From initiating heartfelt conversations to orchestrating virtual family reunions, this session arms you with a toolkit to cherish and deepen intergenerational connections. Walk away with a newfound ability to weave your family’s living stories into your historical tapestry.
Fri, September 6 2024: 19:30 UTC
Fri, September 13 2024: 14:15 UTC
Luff In The Devon Cottages: Exploring A One-Place Study by Kirsty Gray
Fri, September 13 2024: 14:15 UTC
Our ancestors were people, just like us. They were born, they lived, they died, they laughed, they cried, and they fell in love – or should that be luff…? Join people-finding wizard and genealogist Kirsty Gray on a journey through her one place study about the small Devon parishes of Luffincott and Tetcott; learn about the history of these villages, their inhabitants and their challenges, as Kirsty talks you through the trials and triumphs of conducting a one place study. This exploration of the past of a remote and rural part of Devon is sure to providing a fascinating window into the past and be a great example of the benefits conducting a one place study can bring.
Our ancestors were people, just like us. They were born, they lived, they died, they laughed, they cried, and they fell in love – or should that be luff…? Join people-finding wizard and genealogist Kirsty Gray on a journey through her one place study about the small Devon parishes of Luffincott and Tetcott; learn about the history of these villages, their inhabitants and their challenges, as Kirsty talks you through the trials and triumphs of conducting a one place study. This exploration of the past of a remote and rural part of Devon is sure to providing a fascinating window into the past and be a great example of the benefits conducting a one place study can bring.
Fri, September 13 2024: 14:15 UTC
Fri, September 13 2024: 15:30 UTC
The Neighbors Knew: Strategies for Finding YOUR Ancestral Details in THEIR Records
Fri, September 13 2024: 15:30 UTC
A christening attended, best friend’s wedding, or the same church. Examples from the written words of other people provide details on YOUR family. Marriages, births, deaths, similar jobs, military service, memberships, education, employees, and more on YOUR family. Includes ways to find these other words along with many examples filled with names of other people.
A christening attended, best friend’s wedding, or the same church. Examples from the written words of other people provide details on YOUR family. Marriages, births, deaths, similar jobs, military service, memberships, education, employees, and more on YOUR family. Includes ways to find these other words along with many examples filled with names of other people.
Fri, September 13 2024: 15:30 UTC
Fri, September 13 2024: 16:45 UTC
Translating German Newspapers – As Easy as Eins, Zwei, Drei
Fri, September 13 2024: 16:45 UTC
Many 19th- and early 20th-century German language newspapers were printed in a Fraktur font. And not only that, they were written in a foreign language! This combination of an archaic font and a foreign language creates two significant hurdles for the 21st century genealogist, perhaps with limited foreign language skills, to overcome. But don’t despair. Modern technology has provided solutions. Learn how to “crack the code” and discover where your favorite newspaper sites have hidden the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) text. Translation tools will quickly make those foreign words readable for even the most die-hard English-only speaker.
Many 19th- and early 20th-century German language newspapers were printed in a Fraktur font. And not only that, they were written in a foreign language! This combination of an archaic font and a foreign language creates two significant hurdles for the 21st century genealogist, perhaps with limited foreign language skills, to overcome. But don’t despair. Modern technology has provided solutions. Learn how to “crack the code” and discover where your favorite newspaper sites have hidden the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) text. Translation tools will quickly make those foreign words readable for even the most die-hard English-only speaker.
Fri, September 13 2024: 16:45 UTC
Fri, September 13 2024: 18:00 UTC
Finding John Lee: The Saga Continues
Fri, September 13 2024: 18:00 UTC
Learn how DNA reconnected a family living on two continents (North America and Australia), and how the Underground Railroad, the Freedmen’s Bureau, a legal battle within the slaveholding family, and Broadway musicals became central threads to their dynamic story.
Learn how DNA reconnected a family living on two continents (North America and Australia), and how the Underground Railroad, the Freedmen’s Bureau, a legal battle within the slaveholding family, and Broadway musicals became central threads to their dynamic story.
Fri, September 13 2024: 18:00 UTC
Fri, September 13 2024: 19:30 UTC
Explore Millions of Norwegian Historical Records
Fri, September 13 2024: 19:30 UTC
If you’re researching your roots in Norway, these resources are a fantastic place to start: National Archives of Norway, National Library of Norway, MyHeritage and Genealogy Society of Norway. In this session, Vidar Øverlie will help you explore these essential resources.
If you’re researching your roots in Norway, these resources are a fantastic place to start: National Archives of Norway, National Library of Norway, MyHeritage and Genealogy Society of Norway. In this session, Vidar Øverlie will help you explore these essential resources.
Fri, September 13 2024: 19:30 UTC
Fri, September 20 2024: 14:15 UTC
The Real Life of New England Vital Records
Fri, September 20 2024: 14:15 UTC
What are the secrets to finding New England vital records today? If you understand how they were made, and all the things that have happened to them since, you will bring new skills and insight to your vital records research. Also, let’s develop some strategies for those times when the record cannot be found.
What are the secrets to finding New England vital records today? If you understand how they were made, and all the things that have happened to them since, you will bring new skills and insight to your vital records research. Also, let’s develop some strategies for those times when the record cannot be found.
Fri, September 20 2024: 14:15 UTC
Fri, September 20 2024: 15:30 UTC
Broken Branches: How to Detect Cases of Misattributed Parentage in Your Family Tree
Fri, September 20 2024: 15:30 UTC
Most individuals will have at least one case of misattributed ancestry in the first several generations of these family tree. Genetic genealogy testing is often the source of discovery of such events. Even so misattributed ancestry may go undetected unless DNA test results are analyzed carefully. Learn how to detect cases of misattributed ancestry and how to leverage genetic genealogy test results to identify a previously unknown biological ancestor.
Most individuals will have at least one case of misattributed ancestry in the first several generations of these family tree. Genetic genealogy testing is often the source of discovery of such events. Even so misattributed ancestry may go undetected unless DNA test results are analyzed carefully. Learn how to detect cases of misattributed ancestry and how to leverage genetic genealogy test results to identify a previously unknown biological ancestor.
Fri, September 20 2024: 15:30 UTC
Fri, September 20 2024: 16:45 UTC
Using the Hudson Bay Company Records for Genealogy Research
Fri, September 20 2024: 16:45 UTC
Information on fur trade and Indigenous ancestors can be found in the Hudson Bay Company archives. These records contain information on over 300 years of fur trade employees in Canada. Archivists have indexed, microfilmed, and digitized them. This presentation will cover what records are available, where they are found, how to use them, and what genealogy information may be found in them.
Information on fur trade and Indigenous ancestors can be found in the Hudson Bay Company archives. These records contain information on over 300 years of fur trade employees in Canada. Archivists have indexed, microfilmed, and digitized them. This presentation will cover what records are available, where they are found, how to use them, and what genealogy information may be found in them.
Fri, September 20 2024: 16:45 UTC

Featured Webinars

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Worth More than Gold or Silver – MyHeritage’s U.S. Naturalization Records, Northern California, 1852-1989 Collection
This Index is all about immigrants – over 544,000 of them – and spans 137 years! They came to California for various reasons and took a chance for a new life as a US citizen. Finding an immigrant is easier due to multiple search options. Minimal info is not a problem!
This Index is all about immigrants – over 544,000 of them – and spans 137 years! They came to California for various reasons and took a chance for a new life as a US citizen. Finding an immigrant is easier due to multiple search options. Minimal info is not a problem!
Fri, September 29 2023: 19:30 UTC
Welsh Emigration to North America
Examine migration patterns from Wales to the US and Canada, looking at the push and pull factors. An understanding of the group migration and historical processes can help in determining the place of origin. We will examine all the Welsh settlements in the US and Canada.
Examine migration patterns from Wales to the US and Canada, looking at the push and pull factors. An understanding of the group migration and historical processes can help in determining the place of origin. We will examine all the Welsh settlements in the US and Canada.
Fri, September 29 2023: 18:00 UTC
Mini Case Studies Demonstrate Finding a Town of Origin
Finding your immigrant ancestor’s town of origin is an essential piece of information. With it, the family line can be extended across the ocean. Trips to visit the homeland may be planned. Have you spent years searching for this elusive piece of information? This lecture uses mini case studies to demonstrate strategies for finding a village of origin.
Finding your immigrant ancestor’s town of origin is an essential piece of information. With it, the family line can be extended across the ocean. Trips to visit the homeland may be planned. Have you spent years searching for this elusive piece of information? This lecture uses mini case studies to demonstrate strategies for finding a village of origin.
Fri, September 29 2023: 16:45 UTC
A Revolutionary War Case Study: Joseph L. Harper
Using case studies the lecturer builds on his previous lectures relating to the Revolutionary War tracing soldier Joseph L. Harper from before the War until his death.
Using case studies the lecturer builds on his previous lectures relating to the Revolutionary War tracing soldier Joseph L. Harper from before the War until his death.
Fri, September 29 2023: 15:30 UTC
50 Family History Writing Tips in 50 Minutes
Learn how to conquer family history writer’s block with 50 fun and practical tips for getting words on the page.
Learn how to conquer family history writer’s block with 50 fun and practical tips for getting words on the page.
Fri, September 29 2023: 14:15 UTC
Using Negative Evidence: The Power of Silence in the Records
Can genealogists take a negative (the absence of something) and develop it into a positive (proof of something)? Yes! If we understand what we’re working with and how to develop it. Negative evidence is a tool used by many investigative fields; but its definition varies between disciplines. This session defines the concept used by genealogists and historians: contextually suggestive silence. In layman’s language, Mills clearly separates negative evidence from concepts that are often confused with it: negative searches, negative findings, negative arguments, and negative conclusions. Case studies using autosomal and Y-DNA, censuses, church records, death certificates, land deeds and grants, topo maps, and other source types to demonstrate how to recognize contextually suggestive silence and develop it into solutions for situations in which no document explicitly answers our research question. *** This class requires a password and an active webinar membership to attend. On the day of the webinar, obtain the password (located at the top of FamilyTreeWebinars.com when logged in as a member). Then click the Join Webinar link in your confirmation/reminder email, and enter the password when prompted. ***
Can genealogists take a negative (the absence of something) and develop it into a positive (proof of something)? Yes! If we understand what we’re working with and how to develop it. Negative evidence is a tool used by many investigative fields; but its definition varies between disciplines. This session defines the concept used by genealogists and historians: contextually suggestive silence. In layman’s language, Mills clearly separates negative evidence from concepts that are often confused with it: negative searches, negative findings, negative arguments, and negative conclusions. Case studies using autosomal and Y-DNA, censuses, church records, death certificates, land deeds and grants, topo maps, and other source types to demonstrate how to recognize contextually suggestive silence and develop it into solutions for situations in which no document explicitly answers our research question. *** This class requires a password and an active webinar membership to attend. On the day of the webinar, obtain the password (located at the top of FamilyTreeWebinars.com when logged in as a member). Then click the Join Webinar link in your confirmation/reminder email, and enter the password when prompted. ***
Fri, September 22 2023: 19:30 UTC
Finding John Lee
Discover how DNA, online and offline genealogy converged to break down a more than 100 year old brick wall revealing the life, times, and relations of a mysterious multi-ethnic man named John Lee.
Discover how DNA, online and offline genealogy converged to break down a more than 100 year old brick wall revealing the life, times, and relations of a mysterious multi-ethnic man named John Lee.
Fri, September 22 2023: 18:00 UTC
Lighthouses and Their Keepers; For Those in Peril on the Sea
As far back as 2,000 years ago there were lighthouses, with the earliest known in Egypt. As Europeans made their new homes in British America they also needed beacons to protect the craggy shores of this new land and the inland waters.
As far back as 2,000 years ago there were lighthouses, with the earliest known in Egypt. As Europeans made their new homes in British America they also needed beacons to protect the craggy shores of this new land and the inland waters.
Fri, September 22 2023: 16:45 UTC
Hidden Treasure in New England Town Records
New England town records represent a unique resource for Family historians. Early settlers from England brought their traditions of town governance to the new world, including their ideas of legal matters and record keeping. The result is a treasure trove of documents that capture aspects of our ancestors’ lives as they went about their day-to-day business. These records are especially valuable for the 17th and 18th centuries as many other records may not have survived. This webinar covers not only vital record sources but also records from the Town Treasurer, Overseers of the Poor, and the Selectmen.
Ann Lawthers
New England town records represent a unique resource for Family historians. Early settlers from England brought their traditions of town governance to the new world, including their ideas of legal matters and record keeping. The result is a treasure trove of documents that capture aspects of our ancestors’ lives as they went about their day-to-day business. These records are especially valuable for the 17th and 18th centuries as many other records may not have survived. This webinar covers not only vital record sources but also records from the Town Treasurer, Overseers of the Poor, and the Selectmen.
Fri, September 22 2023: 15:30 UTC