Johanne Gervais

Johanne Gervais worked for over 25 years at various large companies in Montreal, Québec implementing computer business systems. She has her own company Quebec Family Search ( providing research assistance in heir searches and tracing families in Quebec back to their country of origin. She does contract work for various large genealogical companies and recently provided research for Season 9 of Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates Jr. Johanne is the founder of the Québec Genealogical eSociety (, a non-profit virtual genealogical society launched at RootsTech 2018 providing members with various tools to conduct their own Quebec research from the comfort of their homes.

Johanne's Upcoming Live Webinars (1)

AI Video Creation for Genealogy
Fri, August 22 2025: 18:00 UTC
Do you have genealogy-related PowerPoint presentations full of interesting material that could benefit other researchers, except your presentations are languishing in a file on your computer? For whatever reason, do you no longer wish to share your research knowledge or material in front of a physical or digitally-linked audience? Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help you share your knowledge in a much different way. In today's dynamic digital landscape, visual content remains a dominant force. As genealogy professionals, we are always exploring new ways to captivate, educate, and motivate our audience. Enter PowerPoint to video converters — these revolutionary tools empower us to transform our static presentations into engaging videos. It's time to give our PowerPoint presentations the upgrade they deserve. In today's fast-paced digital era, transforming your PowerPoint presentations into dynamic videos can elevate your content's appeal and broaden its reach across multiple platforms. This presentation will show you how to move forward with AI to create and distribute video content.
Do you have genealogy-related PowerPoint presentations full of interesting material that could benefit other researchers, except your presentations are languishing in a file on your computer? For whatever reason, do you no longer wish to share your research knowledge or material in front of a physical or digitally-linked audience? Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help you share your knowledge in a much different way. In today's dynamic digital landscape, visual content remains a dominant force. As genealogy professionals, we are always exploring new ways to captivate, educate, and motivate our audience. Enter PowerPoint to video converters — these revolutionary tools empower us to transform our static presentations into engaging videos. It's time to give our PowerPoint presentations the upgrade they deserve. In today's fast-paced digital era, transforming your PowerPoint presentations into dynamic videos can elevate your content's appeal and broaden its reach across multiple platforms. This presentation will show you how to move forward with AI to create and distribute video content.
Fri, August 22 2025: 18:00 UTC

Johanne's Webinars (2)