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French Emigrants: They Were Not All Huguenots, or Nobles, or from Alsace-Lorraine
One of the great difficulties for people researching their French immigrant ancestors’ roots is that so little is known outside of France about when and why the French left their country. This dearth of knowledge has led many family historians of the 19th century to presume Huguenot, noble émigré or Alsace-Lorraine ancestry for any ancestor with a French name. The supposition became a family legend that then became a research frustration as more recent family historians attempt to prove what was never more than a misguided supposition. This webinar looks at the many waves of French migration, as well as the three mentioned in the title, from the 17th to the 20th centuries. The historical reasons for when, why and to where they emigrated will provide the key points to bear in mind when conducting research. The bibliography, in English and French, contains not only books and articles concerning French emigration but a list of websites to aid the researcher.
One of the great difficulties for people researching their French immigrant ancestors’ roots is that so little is known outside of France about when and why the French left their country. This dearth of knowledge has led many family historians of the 19th century to presume Huguenot, noble émigré or Alsace-Lorraine ancestry for any ancestor with a French name. The supposition became a family legend that then became a research frustration as more recent family historians attempt to prove what was never more than a misguided supposition. This webinar looks at the many waves of French migration, as well as the three mentioned in the title, from the 17th to the 20th centuries. The historical reasons for when, why and to where they emigrated will provide the key points to bear in mind when conducting research. The bibliography, in English and French, contains not only books and articles concerning French emigration but a list of websites to aid the researcher.
Tue, April 16 2024: 16:00 UTC
How to trace your French ancestors with MyHeritage resources
How exciting it is to find French ancestors! But finding them in records can be tricky if you don’t know what archives are available nor the language. Using MyHeritage collections, tools and features, French research will have no mystery for you after this webinar.
How exciting it is to find French ancestors! But finding them in records can be tricky if you don’t know what archives are available nor the language. Using MyHeritage collections, tools and features, French research will have no mystery for you after this webinar.
Tue, January 23 2024: 19:00 UTC
Les collections d’archives françaises sur MyHeritage
Faisons le point ensemble sur les collections de données historiques françaises sur MyHeritage. Les actes de l’état civil, les recensements, les registres militaires, les naturalisations… Les collections qui peuvent vous aider à retrouver et mieux connaître la vie de vos ancêtres en France sont nombreuses. Nous en profiterons également pour voir et revoir comment fonctionnent les Record Matches, ces correspondances entre les profils de votre arbre et les documents des collections, et comment en tirer profit.
Faisons le point ensemble sur les collections de données historiques françaises sur MyHeritage. Les actes de l’état civil, les recensements, les registres militaires, les naturalisations… Les collections qui peuvent vous aider à retrouver et mieux connaître la vie de vos ancêtres en France sont nombreuses. Nous en profiterons également pour voir et revoir comment fonctionnent les Record Matches, ces correspondances entre les profils de votre arbre et les documents des collections, et comment en tirer profit.
Tue, August 29 2023: 12:00 UTC
An introduction to Filae: the largest source of French archives
Emmanuel Commadine, COO of Filae, will introduce you to this extremely valuable resource for French genealogy that was acquired by MyHeritage last year. Learn how to leverage the Filae platform to discover your French ancestors and relatives.
Emmanuel Commadine, COO of Filae, will introduce you to this extremely valuable resource for French genealogy that was acquired by MyHeritage last year. Learn how to leverage the Filae platform to discover your French ancestors and relatives.
Fri, September 9 2022: 16:45 UTC
Les naturalisations françaises et leurs archives
Lorsqu’un ancêtre ou un lointain cousin a émigré en France et s’y est définitivement installé, il a souvent souhaité devenir français. Il a alors entamé une procédure de naturalisation parfois longue et souvent compliquée… Elle a donné lieu à la constitution d’un dossier conservé aujourd’hui aux Archives nationales, incroyable et essentielle source d’informations sur le demandeur et sa famille. Complexe par ses règles qui n’ont cessé d’évoluer, la naturalisation l’est aussi par la procédure qu’il faut suivre pour vérifier l’existence d’un dossier et pouvoir ensuite le consulter. Heureusement, les Archives nationales ont récemment facilité les démarches. Une fois obtenu, le dossier a toutes les chances de se révéler instructif sur la vie de la famille, en France mais aussi dans le pays d’origine.
Lorsqu’un ancêtre ou un lointain cousin a émigré en France et s’y est définitivement installé, il a souvent souhaité devenir français. Il a alors entamé une procédure de naturalisation parfois longue et souvent compliquée… Elle a donné lieu à la constitution d’un dossier conservé aujourd’hui aux Archives nationales, incroyable et essentielle source d’informations sur le demandeur et sa famille. Complexe par ses règles qui n’ont cessé d’évoluer, la naturalisation l’est aussi par la procédure qu’il faut suivre pour vérifier l’existence d’un dossier et pouvoir ensuite le consulter. Heureusement, les Archives nationales ont récemment facilité les démarches. Une fois obtenu, le dossier a toutes les chances de se révéler instructif sur la vie de la famille, en France mais aussi dans le pays d’origine.
Tue, March 22 2022: 12:00 UTC
New Records on MyHeritage: France, Germany & Sweden
Discover the exciting new collections recently added to MyHeritage’s vast and ever-growing database of historical records – specifically the new records from France, Germany and Sweden.
Discover the exciting new collections recently added to MyHeritage’s vast and ever-growing database of historical records – specifically the new records from France, Germany and Sweden.
Tue, January 25 2022: 19:00 UTC
Comment suivre un ancêtre huguenot hors de France après 1685
Si vous avez des ancêtres protestants, vous devez déjà avoir eu bien des difficultés à retrouver les actes les concernant lors de la période dite du « Désert » après 1685. Mais avez-vous déjà cherché si un membre de la famille avait pris le chemin de l’exil et rejoint un…
Si vous avez des ancêtres protestants, vous devez déjà avoir eu bien des difficultés à retrouver les actes les concernant lors de la période dite du « Désert » après 1685. Mais avez-vous déjà cherché si un membre de la famille avait pris le chemin de l’exil et rejoint un…
Sun, December 19 2021: 13:00 UTC
An overview of the massive new record collection from France
With a newly added collection of 463 million Historical Records from France, MyHeritage is an incredible resource to search for your French roots. This session will provide an overview of these collections and highlight how to search them in MyHeritage’s historical record search engine.
With a newly added collection of 463 million Historical Records from France, MyHeritage is an incredible resource to search for your French roots. This session will provide an overview of these collections and highlight how to search them in MyHeritage’s historical record search engine.
Tue, November 9 2021: 19:00 UTC
Les généalogistes et la Commune de Paris
Les généalogistes connaissent bien la Commune. En tout cas, ils connaissent l’une de ses conséquences : la disparition de l’état civil ancien de Paris. Mais l'événement a eu bien d’autres effets sur la vie des contemporains, et il a bien d’autres conséquences pour le généalogiste à la recherche de ses…
Les généalogistes connaissent bien la Commune. En tout cas, ils connaissent l’une de ses conséquences : la disparition de l’état civil ancien de Paris. Mais l'événement a eu bien d’autres effets sur la vie des contemporains, et il a bien d’autres conséquences pour le généalogiste à la recherche de ses…
Mon, April 26 2021: 12:00 UTC
Les généalogistes et la guerre franco-allemande de 1870
La guerre franco-allemande de 1870 est un peu oubliée. Elle n’a pas les faveurs des généalogistes, surtout quand on la compare à la Première Guerre mondiale. Sur ce thème ils ont mobilisé leurs compétences de chercheurs et, en valorisant des archives inexploitées, ils ont fait sortir de l’ombre des foules
La guerre franco-allemande de 1870 est un peu oubliée. Elle n’a pas les faveurs des généalogistes, surtout quand on la compare à la Première Guerre mondiale. Sur ce thème ils ont mobilisé leurs compétences de chercheurs et, en valorisant des archives inexploitées, ils ont fait sortir de l’ombre des foules
Mon, July 29 2019: 0:00 UTC
Online Resources for French Genealogy part III: Succession tables, Electoral lists, Notarial Records, Newspapers
In the third part of this three-part series, explore notarial records, repertoires, records of the contrôle des actes, succession tables and records of the bureau of mortgages to obtain additional details and information on your ancestor’s life.
In the third part of this three-part series, explore notarial records, repertoires, records of the contrôle des actes, succession tables and records of the bureau of mortgages to obtain additional details and information on your ancestor’s life.
Fri, March 1 2019: 0:00 UTC
Online Resources for French Genealogy Part II: Military conscription, Census, Maps, Photographs
In the second part of this three-part series, explore French census records, military conscription records, maps, photographic collections and newspapers.
In the second part of this three-part series, explore French census records, military conscription records, maps, photographic collections and newspapers.
Fri, February 22 2019: 0:00 UTC

Upcoming Live Webinars

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Fri, January 17 2025: 19:00 UTC
Las Californias: Alta, Baja, and Beyond
Fri, January 17 2025: 19:00 UTC
Learn about key records and repositories to support your research of eighteenth and nineteenth century ancestors from present-day California and nearby regions. We will also cover important historical events and context to help identify additional resources for your research.
Learn about key records and repositories to support your research of eighteenth and nineteenth century ancestors from present-day California and nearby regions. We will also cover important historical events and context to help identify additional resources for your research.
Fri, January 17 2025: 19:00 UTC
Wed, February 5 2025: 1:00 UTC
Oops! Married twice (at the same time) Case Studies in Bigamy!
Wed, February 5 2025: 1:00 UTC
Divorce in Queensland Australia was very difficult to obtain. Some couples then just lived together and some underwent a bigamous marriage. What were the penalties? The records? Follow these ten bigamy case studies.
Divorce in Queensland Australia was very difficult to obtain. Some couples then just lived together and some underwent a bigamous marriage. What were the penalties? The records? Follow these ten bigamy case studies.
Wed, February 5 2025: 1:00 UTC
Fri, February 7 2025: 17:00 UTC
50 State-Level Digitized Memory Platforms You Don’t Want to Miss!
Fri, February 7 2025: 17:00 UTC
Many states now have so-called Memory or Digital Archives platforms, which contain a ton of material relevant to genealogists, whether original documents, historical context, images, and more often covering from the state’s founding to now. Examples include Indiana Memory, Portal to Texas History, North Carolina Digital Collections, Virginia Memory, etc.
Many states now have so-called Memory or Digital Archives platforms, which contain a ton of material relevant to genealogists, whether original documents, historical context, images, and more often covering from the state’s founding to now. Examples include Indiana Memory, Portal to Texas History, North Carolina Digital Collections, Virginia Memory, etc.
Fri, February 7 2025: 17:00 UTC
Tue, February 11 2025: 19:00 UTC
Norwegians in the New World: Tracing Norwegian Immigrants in the American Midwest
Tue, February 11 2025: 19:00 UTC
This presentation delves into the lives of Norwegian immigrants in the United States during the 1800s, exploring their contributions to American society and the challenges they faced along the way. As waves of Norwegians sought better opportunities, many settled in the Midwest, particularly in states like Minnesota and Iowa, where they played a pivotal role in shaping local communities. By examining historical newspapers within the OldNews archive, we can uncover valuable insights into their everyday experiences through personal stories, community events, further bringing the process of cultural integration to life. Ultimately, not only highlighting the resilience and determination of Norwegian immigrants but also providing a broader context for understanding early Norwegian-American experiences, whilst also discovering the personal narratives that have shaped their enduring legacy.
This presentation delves into the lives of Norwegian immigrants in the United States during the 1800s, exploring their contributions to American society and the challenges they faced along the way. As waves of Norwegians sought better opportunities, many settled in the Midwest, particularly in states like Minnesota and Iowa, where they played a pivotal role in shaping local communities. By examining historical newspapers within the OldNews archive, we can uncover valuable insights into their everyday experiences through personal stories, community events, further bringing the process of cultural integration to life. Ultimately, not only highlighting the resilience and determination of Norwegian immigrants but also providing a broader context for understanding early Norwegian-American experiences, whilst also discovering the personal narratives that have shaped their enduring legacy.
Tue, February 11 2025: 19:00 UTC
Fri, February 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
Introducing 10 Million Names
Fri, February 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
There are at least 44 million descendants of enslaved individuals alive today, but slavery separated families, erased names, and obscured facts. The 10 Million Names Project, recently launched by American Ancestors and its partners, aims to connect the family stories of these descendants to the 10 million men, women, and children of African descent who were enslaved in the U.S. prior to emancipation and to restore their names to history. Join Cynthia Evans and learn about the scope of this project, the objectives, and our methodology.
There are at least 44 million descendants of enslaved individuals alive today, but slavery separated families, erased names, and obscured facts. The 10 Million Names Project, recently launched by American Ancestors and its partners, aims to connect the family stories of these descendants to the 10 million men, women, and children of African descent who were enslaved in the U.S. prior to emancipation and to restore their names to history. Join Cynthia Evans and learn about the scope of this project, the objectives, and our methodology.
Fri, February 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
Fri, February 21 2025: 17:00 UTC
Research Your Roots in Alsace Lorraine
Fri, February 21 2025: 17:00 UTC
German-French or French-German? Genealogy in Alsace-Lorraine. Do you have ancestors listed in the U. S. census as German in one and French in another? They are likely from Alsace-Lorraine, with a complicated history that presents family researchers with opportunities and challenges. Learn about sources and methods that will help you to progress in your research.
German-French or French-German? Genealogy in Alsace-Lorraine. Do you have ancestors listed in the U. S. census as German in one and French in another? They are likely from Alsace-Lorraine, with a complicated history that presents family researchers with opportunities and challenges. Learn about sources and methods that will help you to progress in your research.
Fri, February 21 2025: 17:00 UTC
Fri, February 21 2025: 19:00 UTC
Soldiers, Squatters and Settlers
Fri, February 21 2025: 19:00 UTC
Following the Revolutionary War, many British subjects were eager to get onto British soil and Canada was the nearest colony. Land was granted to soldiers who had remained loyal to the Crown and with the success of settlements such as Glengarry, colonizers soon realized that there was success to be had in getting immigrants to settle in the huge swath of untapped land in Upper Canada. In this presentation we will discuss: Military Settlements, Crown & Clergy Reserves, Queen’s Bush Settlement & Wilberforce Colony, Quaker Settlements, Mennonite Settlements, Talbot Settlement, Peter Robinson Settlement, Huron Tract. We will also look at sale of treaty lands, and emigration societies in Scotland.
Following the Revolutionary War, many British subjects were eager to get onto British soil and Canada was the nearest colony. Land was granted to soldiers who had remained loyal to the Crown and with the success of settlements such as Glengarry, colonizers soon realized that there was success to be had in getting immigrants to settle in the huge swath of untapped land in Upper Canada. In this presentation we will discuss: Military Settlements, Crown & Clergy Reserves, Queen’s Bush Settlement & Wilberforce Colony, Quaker Settlements, Mennonite Settlements, Talbot Settlement, Peter Robinson Settlement, Huron Tract. We will also look at sale of treaty lands, and emigration societies in Scotland.
Fri, February 21 2025: 19:00 UTC
Thu, February 27 2025: 14:00 UTC
Trouvez vos ancêtres dans les recensements canadiens sur MyHeritage
Thu, February 27 2025: 14:00 UTC
Dans ce webinaire, la généalogiste québécoise Kathleen Juneau Roy, vous présentera l’organisation des recensements canadiens et l’éventail de la collection détenue par MyHeritage. Nous verrons les particularités de chacun des recensements de 1851 à 1931, des défis qu’ils représentent, de leurs avantages et de leurs limites. Nous verrons qu’un recensement c’est plus qu’un document, c’est presque une « photo » de nos familles à une date et dans un lieu précis.
Dans ce webinaire, la généalogiste québécoise Kathleen Juneau Roy, vous présentera l’organisation des recensements canadiens et l’éventail de la collection détenue par MyHeritage. Nous verrons les particularités de chacun des recensements de 1851 à 1931, des défis qu’ils représentent, de leurs avantages et de leurs limites. Nous verrons qu’un recensement c’est plus qu’un document, c’est presque une « photo » de nos familles à une date et dans un lieu précis.
Thu, February 27 2025: 14:00 UTC
Thu, March 13 2025: 0:00 UTC
Danish Probate Records
Thu, March 13 2025: 0:00 UTC
Probate records are a gem for those researching ancestors in Denmark. However, understanding the jurisdictions for these records is very complicated. This webinar will discuss the basics of the Danish Estate system the influence it had on our ancestors’ lives. We will also learn about the county records, finding aids and online resources for successfully navigating Danish probate records.
Probate records are a gem for those researching ancestors in Denmark. However, understanding the jurisdictions for these records is very complicated. This webinar will discuss the basics of the Danish Estate system the influence it had on our ancestors’ lives. We will also learn about the county records, finding aids and online resources for successfully navigating Danish probate records.
Thu, March 13 2025: 0:00 UTC