Connecting Generations through Probate and Property

Teri E. Flack
Sep 1, 2023
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Play. Playing.
1m 17s
Play. Playing.
8m 38s
Play. Playing.
4m 10s
Play. Playing.
2m 56s
Play. Playing.
Case Study
32m 47s
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Announcements / prizes
1m 51s
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Questions / answers
8m 37s

About this webinar

Genealogical research involves identifying ancestors, linking them to family members, and then connecting them to the previous generation: sons and daughters to fathers and mothers. As our research moves back in time, particularly once we’ve gotten to the 19th century, connecting one generation to the previous generation becomes more difficult. Vital records expressly stating a parent-child relationship are rare. Consequently, to establish kinship we must broaden our research approach. Using case studies, Teri will demonstrate how to use probate and property records to identify family members and connect them to their ancestors.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Teri E. Flack, M.A. (Public History), M.B.A., began her family history quest over 50 years ago when she asked her paternal grandmother to tell her everything she knew about the Flacks and Fenleys. Although she had to be content with researching in
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  1. LH
    Laura Halls
    2 years ago

    Very easy-to-understand & useful seminar. It’s a great reminder of all the unique information you can find in probate & land records!

  2. AD
    Arlene Dukanauskas
    2 years ago

    Fantastic webinar! I’ve watched many probate webinars, but this one is the most comprehensive that I’ve ever seen. The case study provided an excellent illustration of how to use the techniques you described in the first part of the webinar.

  3. MD
    Michaelene Duncan
    2 years ago

    This helped me understand how important it is to look at the deeds. I have been ignoring this source but feel more comfortable to look at this source.

  4. JO
    Jane O'Laughlin
    2 years ago

    Family searching with Probate is a very interesting topic and it was a great presentation. Thanks

    1 Reply
    • JS
      Janet Shahmiri
      2 years ago

      I have read in Louisiana record places that you must be from Louisiana to get access. I am lucky my 1st cousin lives there. I track them down and she gets them.

  5. LP
    Linda Pardee
    2 years ago

    Very Informative!

  6. CM
    Carla Moore
    2 years ago

    I liked that she showed the need to check closer to all the people named in the document, She kept things easy to understand.

  7. RN
    Russell Nelson
    2 years ago

    Places and surnames were closely aligned to my own research, so I perked up almost instantly, and will have to rewatch this event to make better note of all the details.

  8. WB
    Wanda Bower
    2 years ago

    Very informative.


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