Wearables and Genealogy – Wacky and Wild or Worth the Wait

Thomas MacEntee
Oct 7, 2015
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Play. Playing.
3m 11s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 53s
Play. Playing.
7m 37s
Play. Playing.
Why Wearables
5m 49s
Play. Playing.
Wearables and Genealogy
3m 05s
Play. Playing.
Content Digitization
2m 14s
Play. Playing.
Cousin Connecting
2m 59s
Play. Playing.
13m 23s
Play. Playing.
Fitness Trackers
Play. Playing.
Personal Cameras
1m 21s
Play. Playing.
Smart Watches
Play. Playing.
Smart Glasses
1m 09s
Play. Playing.
Smart Ring
2m 03s
Play. Playing.
Virtual Reality
1m 53s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
3m 17s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
6m 17s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
27m 12s

About this webinar

What if you could wear a device that would tell you all about a person as you stood in front of their gravestone? What about a device that told you that a DNA match was attending the same genealogy conference? These ideas may seem too futuristic, but they are available now and waiting to be used by genealogists and family historians. As technology advances, the Internet is being made personal in the form of wearable devices. These devices can not only track how far you've walked, what you've eaten and more, they can also present information when you are in front of a gravestone or a historical site. Learn about Google Glass, Smart Watches and in-development devices that are slated to become the next new genealogy tools.

About the speaker

About the speaker

So, what if I told you that a Baby Boomer guy with a love of punk rock music but also Renaissance Art, somehow “fell” into the technology industry almost 40 years ago, and then left a lucrative career in information technology to pursue his love o
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