Unlocking Stories of Our Female Ancestors through Effective Research Methodology

Denyce Porter Peyton
Apr 20, 2022
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Play. Playing.
3m 03s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 44s
Play. Playing.
10m 41s
Play. Playing.
Jane Brackin
16m 51s
Play. Playing.
Mariah Barnes
11m 32s
Play. Playing.
Phoebe Floyd
7m 22s
Play. Playing.
Rebecca Stites
6m 31s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
5m 38s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
11m 05s

About this webinar

We will explore how implementing standard research methodology may open up new avenues of discovery to unlock previously “hidden” evidence of female ancestors’ stories. Using reasonably exhaustive research, evidence correlation, analysis proof standard elements and cluster research methodology, we can uncover critical information to help us develop our female ancestors’ stories. Today’s discussion includes two case studies of females born in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. An exploration of sources, beyond census and marriage records, was required to enhance their life stories. One subject was born into an affluent family who settled in north central Tennessee, and the second was enslaved from birth until Emancipation in western Kentucky.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Denyce has been an avid genealogist for over 25 years, providing professional research since 2004. She is a member of the National Genealogical Society, Association for Professional Genealogists, Ohio Genealogical Society, Kentucky Historical Soci
Learn more...

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  1. CH
    Carol Heap
    3 years ago

    Great talk, I just became a webinar member. You offer so many wonderful webinars.

  2. KG
    Kathie Grover-Miller
    3 years ago

    Another thoughtful presentation. Thank you, Denyce! I really enjoy case studies and I’m very grateful for the tips you provided. I’m starting to focus on women in my research so this was right up my alley. (I always smile when I hear someone’s name from so many years ago. Learning of them in these sessions mean they are never forgotten.)

  3. AW
    Allison Willis
    3 years ago

    I enjoyed it and it was very informative

  4. FE
    Frances Ewing
    3 years ago

    Very professionally done. I wish I were that thorough!

  5. NT
    Norm Talbot
    3 years ago

    Good presentation and excellent use of case studies to illustrate the principles involved in female ancestor research where enslavement records was critical to this research.

  6. GL
    Graham Lowe
    3 years ago

    Denyce, thank you for your very interesting and informative presentation and syllabus. It has reminded me to remember that I can use the FAN Club “cluster” research strategy in situations where source documentation is scarce.

  7. DC
    Debbie Cravens
    3 years ago

    I love webinars where new techniques and sources are covered in actual case studies. Thanks for this one.

  8. DB
    Desiree Booker
    3 years ago

    Awesome presentation. Love the way she took us methodically through her research process. Learned a lot.


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