Tracing migrating ancestors: Who, what, where, when, why and how

Myko Clelland
Sep 2, 2022
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Play. Playing.
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 13s
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2m 22s
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Migration Theory
6m 14s
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Migration Currents
1m 47s
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Migration Laws
8m 59s
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Push and Pull Factors
5m 53s
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Migrant Community
4m 24s
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Case Studies
19m 11s
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Announcements / prizes
2m 45s
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Questions / answers
6m 06s

About this webinar

We’re all descended from migrants – it’s a fact of history. But who left Europe when? Where did our earliest known ancestors come from? How can we use what we know about family to understand where to look for records? What if we have almost nothing at all? Join MyHeritage’s Director of Content in Europe, Myko Clelland, as we delve into centuries of travel from the old world to the new, getting to grips with the historical rules and patterns that give us the context to better tell our ancestors stories and lead us to new discoveries.

About the speakers

About the speakers

Myko Clelland is Director of Content in Europe for MyHeritage, one of the world’s leading genealogy websites, regularly discussing family history on television, radio, online & in print. He holds a Masters degree in genealogy (distinctio
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MyHeritage is the leading global destination for discovering, preserving and sharing family history. Our platform and DNA kits make it easy for anyone, anywhere to embark on a meaningful journey into their past and treasure their family stories fo
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  1. JM
    Julia Miller
    2 years ago

    Excellent! Great presenter.

  2. Sharron Fry
    3 years ago

    Awesome webinar. Very informative.

  3. JS
    Julie Smart
    3 years ago

    Great presentation Myko providing plenty of food for thought – whilst not rocket science it is still easy to forget some of the simple rules of migration. Good case studies that demonstrate how to apply these rules. My ancestors were mostly affected by the rural to urban migration activity so much of this rang a bell.

  4. KD
    Karen De Bruyne
    3 years ago

    loved this Myko, just about told the story of our family, except no miners!

  5. DR
    diana riley`
    3 years ago

    Amazing presentation. My grandparents both maternal and paternal are in this 2nd wave, from Italy and from the Basque area on the French side. Thank you!!!!

  6. JR
    Joan Romanchek
    3 years ago

    EXCELLENT presentation!

  7. CW
    Cindy Womeldorf
    3 years ago

    This was an amazing presentation and supported my own theory of family migrations even within the United States alone!

  8. SM
    susan mccoy
    3 years ago

    Presentation was engaging in synthesizing factors and trends of migration patterns. He stimulated appreciation for the benefit of blending of ethnicity growth that bring cultural enrichment and enhancemen of skill development to community growth.


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