The Palatine Immigrants: Tracing and Locating 18th Century German Immigrants Online

Luana Darby, MLIS, AG
May 30, 2018
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Play. Playing.
2m 46s
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Speaker's Introduction
1m 15s
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1m 02s
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What is a Palatine?
5m 25s
Play. Playing.
17m 57s
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New York
5m 27s
Play. Playing.
Sources Outside the US
11m 12s
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Cluster Genealogy
6m 06s
Play. Playing.
Surname Mapping
5m 21s
Play. Playing.
Online Records
16m 27s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
8m 00s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
11m 34s

About this webinar

Discover how to track your Palatine ancestors who traveled from Germany to the colonies in the 1700s, using techniques that will assist you in determining their place of origin. Use migration patterns of their family and friends to help you in your research. Learn more about online sources of original records for this area that you can research from home.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Luana Darby, MLIS, AG, is a Salt Lake City based genealogist who specializes in the U.S. Midwest, Palatine German, LDS, and American patriot research. Her
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago

    Thank you very much for making your resources accessible to all of us.

    The smartest librarian on the web!

    There was a wealth of sources to further my research on my german families.

    This gave me some new ideas about where to look for the information I have not found.

    This was one of the best webinars I’ve attended. I have several 1709 Palatine ancestors and am searching for specific places where they lived in SW Germany. This webinar gave me new resources to explore.

    Until now I’ve just accepted info on my Palatine ancestors from a few published books, but now I’m encouraged to look for more details on them. And it’s put me into the right mood for a banquet tonight of the Kingston & District Branch
    of the United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada – because many of the Loyalists, including my Palatine ancestor David Dulmage, took the British side in the American Revolution and came to what would become Canada as UE Loyalists in

    Very clear and thorough

    Very clearly articulated and presented.

    Very good info, especially on the websites outside the U.S. I didn’t save the chatlog soon enough and am hoping I can still get back to it.

    Very Good presentation and presenter. Clear, concise and organized!

    Very helpful to have the notes by Marian in the chat log! Thanks.

    Very informative syllabus and an excellent presentation. Webinar to review again & again.

    Very informative webinar. Lots of information and well delivered. Thank you!

    Very informative. Fast-paced and interesting.

    Very interesting presentation — and very impressed by the range and depth of the materials cited.

    Very valuable resources. She covered most of my favorites and suggested some new ones to search. THANKS!!

    Very well presented and very informative. I was very happy that she provided lots of information on online sources.

    Very well versed on the subject and provided informative information.

    What a great resource for learning about Palatine ancestors….thank you for all of the suggestions and links shared. Wonderful!

    Wonderful information .. Thank you so much.

    Wonderful, knowledgeable presenter & a huge amount of useful information! I can’t wait to get started looking for my German ancestors again!

    Worth watching just for all the sources/books listed

    Wow! These just keep getting better and better! Awesome! I hope I can locate my German ancestors.

    Wow!!! So much information and so many sources to check out. Will be busy for a long time. Thank you, too, for terrific syllabus.

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago

    I really loved the maps, and the content is super helpful.

    I want to take a vacation at Luana’s house and use her library! I have learned so much that I want to dig in to the resources Luana shared right now. Luana provided a great syllabus and her presentation was awesome. Thank you, Luana, and
    Legacy, it was one of the best webinars.

    I was absolutely overwhelmed with the vast amount of information shared! Awesome!!!

    I wish it was longer, so much good information

    In addition to a thorough presentation, she also provide many resources (books and URLs) for further research. Some are even applicable for German ancestors outside the times and places of the so-called Palatines. Thanks!

    Learned a lot from this webinar. Will look up the Germans from Russia webinar to see what I can learn about those elusive ancestors of mine.

    Learned some new things to look at to update my mother-in-law’s published genealogy

    Loaded with info on books. Clear presentation, paced well, and valuable information.

    lots of good direction and ideas

    Luana is always excellent and stretches me to do more research!

    Luanna is so knowledgeable and this was so full of information that I will have to watch again to get it all — even with the syllabus.

    More than excellent

    My first webinar. I was surprised by the amount of information conveyed, and look forward watching/listening to others both past and future.

    My first. Very interesting. Thanks!

    My head is ready to explode from everything I’ve crammed into it today. THANKS!!!!

    One of your best

    Outstanding! Her webinars are always great!

    Over the Top with Information! Thanks!!

    Professionally delivered, great handouts (with more information than I could digest in one webinar–so grateful to be able to save the Chat Log and the hand out!), and very well done. I can work on only thin area forEVER with all of this
    to help me!

    Really great information! Thanks so much! 🙂

    SHE IS A 10!

    she was very knowledgeable & had a great syllabus

    So good to have the great syllabus with resources!!

    So much I will need to relisten several times!

    So much information about so many resources!! Very helpful!!

    So wonderful. gives mea new kickstart into my German folks.

    Superb and excellent! Thank you for helping me know where to start that area of my family research. Full of resources and actual areas on line as well as good book sources.

    Superb how-to, example pages, and references in syllabus

    Thank you for including the NY Palatines. Usually these webinars only reference the PA palatines. Would like to hear more about the NC palatines, I think I have a few of those in the mix.

  3. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago

    A lot of excellent resources. Well done.

    A lot of great information. Thank You!

    A lot of information to help be better research my husband’s Palatine genealogy. As always, a very good webinar; I have enjoyed and learned from everyone I have listened to. Thank you.

    A lot to take in and practice, but with a great payoff. Thanks.

    A wealth of information and the syllabus is wonderful.

    Although I do not have a Palatine (according to the description), I have mostly German immigrant ancestors and most of the techniques discussed by Luana, will work wonderfully with my German ancestors as well.

    Awesome webinar! So much information … so many resources! I can definitely use this information. Thank you!

    Awesome webinar!! Great information. Thank you.

    Best yet!!! Excellent presentation.

    Brilliant webinar with a wonderful list of sources to use for the family history research.

    Can I up my rating to a 10? Luana’s presentation as one of the best yet!

    Excellent – very knowledgeable & a very good speaker. The syllabus is wonderful!

    Excellent as usual

    Excellent information from a great speaker. Perhaps I may be able to smash my two German ancestor’s brick walls! Thank you.

    Excellent material

    Excellent presentation & details. Terrific syllabus with many sources & overview of subject. Top notch!

    Excellent presentation and the syllabus contains a wealth of information.

    Excellent presenter!

    Excellent resources and ideas

    Excellent webinar and syllabus! Very thorough! Thank you very much.

    Excellent webinar with so many sources of information to research!

    Excellent Webinar. Presenter gave quality information and was so pleasant to listen to for the entire presentation. Thank you for providing this opportunity.

    Excellent! So many great resources! Thanks!

    Excellent, very informative.

    Exceptional presentation, one of the best I’ve attended! thank you

    Fantastic! so many sources to check, so little time!!

    Great information. This will help definitely help me in my search for my german ancestors

    Great list of resources in the syllabus and additional information in the Chat Log (a tool I wasn’t previously aware of).

    Great organization & resources

    Great presenter and sources! Thanks.

    I especially liked the concept of creating my own Palatine or German source checklist to use. Thanks for all the resources!

    I have Swiss to Palatine Mennonites ancestors, so this was very applicable for me! I have looked at the Albert Gerbach book at FHLs in the past, so was absolutely delighted to hear it can now be accessed online. Luana is a very smart
    lady. Thanks for bringing this knowledge to us.

    I joined the webinar at the last minute in response to an email notification never expecting to see my Chester to Juniata Counties in PA ancestor, Zachariah Rice/Reis, used as an example.


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