Six Free Websites Every Ontario Genealogist Needs

Janice Nickerson
Aug 18, 2023
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Play. Playing.
1m 45s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 27s
Play. Playing.
Play. Playing.
13m 02s
Play. Playing.
Automated Genealogy
11m 18s
Play. Playing.
County Atlas Digital Project
8m 12s
Play. Playing.
8m 06s
Play. Playing.
Internet Archive
7m 34s
Play. Playing.
5m 58s
Play. Playing.
11m 20s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
3m 31s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
9m 58s

About this webinar

If you watch TV, you might be forgiven for thinking that you need to pay hefty subscription fees to big genealogy companies to research your ancestors. But some of my most exciting finds were found on six free websites. In this webinar I will introduce you to my favourite online sources for Ontario family history.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Professional genealogist Janice Nickerson loves a good challenge whether it’s identifying elusive ancestors, tracking disappearing descendants or telling richer family stories. In addition to helping her private clients discover the richness of th
Learn more...

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  1. SC
    Suzanne Chalifoux
    9 months ago

    Thank you so much! That was so great to listen! I have learned a lot so can’t wait to go searching at these new websites!

  2. CE
    Cheryl Elder
    2 years ago

    Does the U.S. have something like the Canadian County Digital Atlas?

    1 Reply
    • MR
      Miriam Robbins
      2 years ago

      I would do a search online for plat maps and/or gazetteers for the county of interest. Many are available on the Internet Archive, but some show up in other digitized books sites, like Google Books, Hathi Trust, etc. They may also be available on David Rumsey’s terrific historical map website.

  3. SS
    Sally Smith
    2 years ago

    With Ontario (and Quebec) ancestors, I know I’ll be watching this webinar again and again as I continue to research my Loyalist ancestors. Janice Nickerson is on my “Must Watch” list. Thank you!! P.S. I just found my 3x great-grandmother’s order granting U.E. land. Now my problem is locating her 200 acres. I know she received them because they were listed in the inventory attached to the “Articles of Mariage” when she married her husband who lived just across the St. Lawrence river in Quebec.

  4. GL
    Graham Lowe
    2 years ago

    Janice Nickerson, thank you for another very informative and instructive webinar. Many, if not all, of the resources included your presentation today may very well help in researching my numerous Ontario Ancestors. Thanks again!

  5. JH
    Jane Harmon
    2 years ago

    I’ve learned a few things from this webinar, beginning with NEVER bypass a webinar because you think you probably won’t learn anything new, because you’ll learn something new, probably many things. Here, Janice Nickerson introduced me to two websites I’d never seen and walked me though 7 total, step by step, teaching at each step, then adding valuable new tips to aid my Ontario research tremendously.

  6. NI
    Nick Ingham
    2 years ago

    Terrific insight and valuable guidance into several niche websites that I wouldn’t otherwise have known of. Thanks!

  7. BB
    Brian Boneham
    2 years ago

    Brilliant, must watch again webinar looking at Ontario online genealogical records. Easy to watch and understand the complexities of the myriad of record types and quantities available.

  8. SS
    Susan Steveson
    2 years ago

    My maternal side is from Ontario and was so excited to learn of places to research.


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