Quickly Organize Your DNA Matches with the Leeds Method

Dana Leeds
May 4, 2022
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Play. Playing.
2m 14s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 13s
Play. Playing.
10m 13s
Play. Playing.
Creating a chart
5m 11s
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Analyzing charts
4m 03s
Play. Playing.
6m 39s
Play. Playing.
Check your work
3m 16s
Play. Playing.
Sorting your spreadsheet
3m 11s
Play. Playing.
Adding higher matches
6m 11s
Play. Playing.
Identifying surnames
3m 24s
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Case studies
18m 43s
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Announcements / prizes
4m 29s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
12m 44s

About this webinar

When you take an autosomal DNA test, you get a list of people who share DNA with you because you share common ancestors. The Leeds Method uses Shared Matching to create colorful groups of these matches. Each group is likely related to you through one part of your family, and many people get four groups based on their four grandparent lines. This method is based on DNA, not trees, so it is also often effective in cases of unknown parentage. This presentation will help you create a Leeds Method chart, understand your results, and use that chart to learn more about your family tree.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Dana Leeds started researching her family tree in 1998. She bought her first DNA kit in 2016 and solved her first unknown parentage case in early 2018. While working on another case that year, she created the innovative genetic genealogy tool know
Learn more...

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  1. MG
    Monica Guzmn
    3 years ago

    Thankful I saw this video! Heard about LEEDS Method and hopeful to learn more to better understand and sort my 10s of 1000s of matches! Also hoping it will help break thru a few brick walls.

    2 yrs ago I watched a video about the LEEDS Method, but quickly became lost + hit a stopping point. Seeing/hearing from Dana Leeds herself has taken me further.

    I used Ancestry matches (166 DNA matches in 90-400 cM range). Set up a spreadsheet while watching + taking notes. I’ve watched some parts repeatedly as I built my spreadsheet. I was amazed and shocked to see the 11 clusters in the video – until I saw 13 in my work!

    With 13 clusters I’m trying to better understand about consolidating clusters, so I will be rewatching the video. I’m wondering about other resources (videos, websites, etc) to understand how or whether to consolidate clusters.

    I need to do this with matches on the other genealogy sites but don’t want to start until I am further along with this one + have better under

  2. DF
    David Fairbairn
    3 years ago

    Great talk and easy to follow, thank you

  3. MP
    Monica Palmer
    3 years ago

    This was amazing! One of the most helpful webinars I’ve seen. It has helped me get started on finding some missing father information and organize the thousands of DNA matches! Thank you!

  4. RM
    Rochelle Males
    3 years ago

    Wonderful. I actually think I understand what I was doing incorrectly while adding in the higher and lower matches! I can’t wait to do another pass on my mom’s match list to see if I can clean some things up a little better now that I think I have a better understanding of how to do this. Thank you so much.

  5. GL
    Graham Lowe
    3 years ago

    Dana – thank you for your very educational presentation and syllabus. Your DNA shared matching method will be an invaluable addition to my research toolbox.

  6. JH
    Jamesetta Hammons
    3 years ago

    Very clear and understandable presentation! Appreciate entering * to note first person, and also including a column for cM. Thank you again for this excellent webinar.

  7. BG
    Barbara Giezentaner
    3 years ago

    Excellent presentation. I will be watching it again. Because I’ve been making Leeds charts ever since I first heard of the method 4 (?) years ago, the most informative part for me was what Dana does after the chart has been completed. This will be extremely helpful in my search for my grandmother’s birth parents.

  8. JC
    Joanne Cherry
    3 years ago

    Very informative and easy to understand.


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