On the Record Trail of My LDS Immigrant Ancestor

Sunny Morton
Jul 15, 2020
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Play. Playing.
2m 18s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 18s
Play. Playing.
3m 31s
Play. Playing.
8m 14s
Play. Playing.
Membership Records
11m 55s
Play. Playing.
Immigration and Emigration
6m 25s
Play. Playing.
Missionary Records
5m 38s
Play. Playing.
Other records
8m 29s
Play. Playing.
Local Histories
13m 16s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
7m 37s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
10m 07s
Play. Playing.
After Party
5m 18s

About this webinar

Explore unique and fascinating historical records about members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons or LDS) in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Using research on her own ancestor, Sunny Morton will share examples of–and tips for finding–congregational membership records; group immigration resources; missionary diaries; ward minutes, and local histories of areas settled by LDS pioneers.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Sunny Morton is a popular lecturer for the global genealogy community. She’s a Contributing Editor at Family Tree Magazine and the author of hundreds of articles and blog posts, as well as the brand new book
Learn more...

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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    A beautiful webinar. I regret that Poland does not have such rich collections and archives – the result of historical invasions from all parts of Europe and Asia

    Always great, excellent presenter.

    Always happy when I learn something new/ Thanks

    Awesome webinar! Sunny does a wonderful job. I’ve done a lot of LDS ancestor research, but learned lots more from this. Thanks!

    Awesome…so much information!!

    Brilliant webinar which will help me to find out much more information about my wife’s relatives who were early foundling members of the LDS Church.

    Clarified some of my dilemmas working with records.

    Easily understood Disappointing to not be able to get syllabus without being a member but grateful to have learned some.


    Even if not LDS good church record and search ideas. Also like the hashtag hint from Geoff.


    Excellent information! Will be using these hints for my ancestors.

    Excellent information.

    Excellent presentation. THANK YOU!

    Excellent webinar & handout

    Excellent Webinar. I’m LDS too.

    Excellent! Thanks!

    Fantastic!! Thank you

    Fascinating. I have an ancestor who was an Elder, so I will have to see what I can dig up on him!

    good tips on resources

    Great information for members of the church

    Great program – I’m not part of the church, but still picked up some pointers. Much appreciated.


    Helpful introduction to the LDS ancestor search

    I am not a member but I have many ancestors who were and come to Utah via the Overland Trail. Looking forward to looking at the missionary info and the info for those of Welsh decent. Thanks, Sunny.

    I am not a member of the LDS church but I had ancestors who were and I lived directly on the Mormon Trail. Fascinating presentation. Thank you so much!

    I had to join late due to bad storms here. The part i heard/saw was excellent. I look forward to watching the whole thing soon. Many thanks.

    I have loads of Mennonite family members and I learned about a couple ways to search for their records. Mennonite library is just coming on the internet. Thank goodness, no more phone calls

    I have used the LDS website quite a few times over the last few years. but after tonight I will be able to use it more extensively because of the good information that was given this evening,


    It was interesting and lots of websites that I can research. I wish they addressed the Reorganized Church of LDS relationships but I know that may have been off topic and they didn’t want to address those records.

    Life long member-many pioneer ancestors. I was aware of and have researched some of these records, but learned a lot today. Wonderfully presented, Sunny.

    Sunny – thanks for your fantastic informative presentation!

    Sunny always does a great job!

    Sunny Morton is always a pleasure to watch her webinars!

    Sunnys’ speaker is sounding quite tinny.

    Thank you very much!

    Thanks!! Made me go back to Relative Finder to find my connections to famous pioneers and LDS members.

    This was a fantastic webinar. I’ve been wanting her book! Thanks Sunny!

    Very enthusiastic speaker so fun to listen to.

    Very Good

    very good

    Very helpful and useful info.

    Very informative and gave me lots of new ideas for research.

    Very informative and interesting. Thank you! : )

    Very informative!

    Very interesting

    very useful, although focused in on one ancestor

    Well presented…ideas on other places to look, even though I do not have direct line LDS ancestors … the info from the “after party” was great…just a little hint with a lot of promise..thank you

    Wonderful webinar on what records can be used to follow your LDS immigrant ancestors.


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