Ole Master Record All Us In The Good Book – Using the Slave Owner’s Bible Records

Char McCargo Bah
Jul 1, 2022
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Play. Playing.
1m 38s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 12s
Play. Playing.
7m 18s
Play. Playing.
Coleman Kirby
3m 44s
Play. Playing.
Anderson Kirby
7m 51s
Play. Playing.
Martin Miller
7m 15s
Play. Playing.
Prayer Book
23m 11s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
6m 07s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
13m 15s

About this webinar

Locating and using former slave owners’ bible records can reveal slave families as well as their birth, ages and deaths. These records are valuable and can predate statewide vital statistic records. In addition, these records can show enslaved persons were listed with their enslaved families.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Char McCargo Bah is the CEO/Owner of FindingThingsforU, LLC. She has undergrad degrees in Urban Studies and African-American Studies. She holds professional certificates in genealogy, publishing, investigation, research and paralegal. She has been
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  1. AD
    Annie Delyth Stratton
    3 years ago

    I had to miss seeing this- all set up and something got in the way. So I just left that tab be and carried it day to day until I could watch the video on the last day of July! I wanted to make sure I remembered. I learned so much. I never thought I’d find my VA people, and it floored me when I was able to narrow it down to one extended family (both owners and enslaved), but having a hard time sorting from there. I had no idea that slaveholders sometimes entered the people they held in their family bibles! With this family that might be a possibility. I also do multigenerational research and look at any possible collatoral connections which is how I figured out which family. Will do as much as I can online, but hoping to get to VA to do some poking in places that aren’t usually online. Thanks so much for this, Char. Opening new avenues of research!

  2. AC
    Anna Christian
    3 years ago

    Very informative, interesting and detailed. The speaker did extensive research which I appreciate as my family is from Virginia.

  3. JH
    Jamesetta Hammons
    3 years ago

    Very interesting research strategy. Thanks Char for a wonderful presentation. Thanks also to Legacy for the African Diaspora Webinars!

  4. KM
    Karen Mcatlin
    3 years ago

    Excellent presentation! Such fantastic resources for locating hard to find records! Thank you!

  5. TK
    Tim Kilby
    3 years ago

    Char Bah is the ultimate genealogical detective.

  6. SA
    Sharon Amos
    3 years ago

    Many documents and support for findings.

  7. GH
    Gloria Hill
    3 years ago

    Very informative

  8. CH
    Carol Harper
    3 years ago

    Excellent, clear presentation. Char Bah is amazing and determined! Her presentation and information were immensely helpful to me in finding my black relatives. I am white and know one of them, but need a lot of help in determining our relationship! Thank you so much! Carol


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