Further Your Research and Unify Your Family Reunion with Beautiful Genealogy Charts

Janet Hovorka
May 11, 2011
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Play. Playing.
2m 53s
Play. Playing.
2m 12s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
2m 18s
Play. Playing.
5m 06s
Play. Playing.
3m 31s
Play. Playing.
5m 37s
Play. Playing.
Hanging Large Charts
2m 28s
Play. Playing.
Circular and Fans
2m 40s
Play. Playing.
Filing System
Play. Playing.
1m 12s
Play. Playing.
Color Coding
1m 16s
Play. Playing.
Picture Charts
2m 32s
Play. Playing.
3m 58s
Play. Playing.
Additional Information
7m 23s
Play. Playing.
Send Your File
1m 00s
Play. Playing.
Family Chartist
2m 33s
Play. Playing.
Blank Charts
Play. Playing.
5m 58s
Play. Playing.
1m 23s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
1m 36s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
6m 13s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
22m 13s

About this webinar

Sometimes getting things off the computer and out where you can see them can help you think of other research ideas.  And there is no better way to collect family information than to hang a chart at a family reunion.  This class will talk about various kinds of charts, large and small and what each type of chart can teach you.  We'll also show you Family ChArtist, a simple-to-use web application that makes creating and designing beautiful genealogy charts easy with beautiful graphics including countries, flags, nature and other artwork. Printing any kind of genealogy chart is easy with your Legacy Family Tree file and Generation Maps genealogy chart printing service.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Janet Hovorka and her husband own Family ChartMasters, a genealogy chart printing service and official printing service for Legacy Charting. She is the author of the Zap the Grandma Gap book and workbooks about engaging youth with family
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