Finding the Elusive Maiden Name

Ann G. Lawthers, Sc.D.
Nov 27, 2021
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Play. Playing.
1m 06s
Play. Playing.
Find the Marriage Record
8m 58s
Play. Playing.
Church Marriage Register
17m 19s
Play. Playing.
Finding Aids
6m 05s
Play. Playing.
Learn about the Husband
4m 09s
Play. Playing.
Local History
10m 15s

About this webinar

Searching for the maiden name of our ancestress can be frustrating. This webinar presents a hierarchy of search strategies for tracing the maiden name. Begin by trying to locate a marriage record, keeping in mind the record will vary by time period and geographic location. If a marriage record search proves fruitless, a second tier of sources is recommended including children’s death records, the women’s death record, census and other sources. Finally, the webinar presents strategies specific to the maiden name search such as following the husband and learning about history where the couple lived.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Ann G. Lawthers, Sc.D., a former staff Genealogist at American Ancestor’s Brue Family Learning Center for many years, teaches and lectures on a wide variety of genealogic topics. Her research interests include New England and the Mid-Atlanti
Learn more...

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  1. LV
    Lisa Van Gemert
    3 years ago

    Thank you so much for this! It was so helpful. I appreciate the detailed syllabus as well. Locating maiden names is so tricky, but so rewarding.

  2. SR
    Susan Rogers
    3 years ago

    Very good, clear presentation. Lots of good ideas. Speaker might like to know that the correct pronunciation of Amherst is “am-erst,” — there is no “h” sound. There used to be a sign coming into the town that said, “Welcome to Amherst. Only the “h” is silent.”

    1 Reply
    • JC
      James Crittenden
      3 years ago

      The ‘h’ is only silent if you speak with a (non-rhotic) Bostonian accent. Please see: . There is a city of Amherst in NYS (just outside of Buffalo) and the “h” sound is pronounced. Either way is correct depending on where you live.

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