– 10 Links You Have to Try

Devin Ashby
Mar 17, 2021
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Play. Playing.
1m 44s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
Play. Playing.
3m 32s
Play. Playing.
6m 07s
Play. Playing.
3m 45s
Play. Playing.
Getting Started
1m 41s
Play. Playing.
6m 11s
Play. Playing.
8m 42s
Play. Playing.
5m 50s
Play. Playing.
5m 06s
Play. Playing.
3m 50s
Play. Playing.
8m 22s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
6m 49s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
26m 52s

About this webinar is a big website with many different places to go. Have you ever wondered if you could browse recently captured images by locality? What about the best place to go to find hints to add people to the tree? What if you want to share an experience with a friend who doesn’t have an account? Come learn about 10 links you may not know about that you have to try!

About the speaker

About the speaker

Devin Ashby is a Global Outreach Manager for FamilySearch, the largest genealogical organization in the world. Devin has taught family history for years and has over 300,000 online views. In 2004 he received bachelor’s degrees in History and
Learn more...

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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    Very helpful. Still learning all about Family Search

    5 is not enough that presentation was a 10 for sure!

    5 Plus, more Devin. Wow I am excited. Great

    A bit fast, but well covered and good provision of key words and connections.

    A handout with the links would have been nice. The features of the website are great.

    A little fast, but great information

    A lot of goooooooooooooood stuff, grateful for the screenshot icon for future use. I do not know how to replay a recorded session. Thank you Devin.

    A lot of information to try out! Thanks

    A lot of new information for me. Excellent presenter.

    a wealth of new items for me

    Absolutely OUTSTANDING !!! Nothing else to say !!!

    Again, learning more on how to use !! Now to find the time to sit and do it! 😉 Thank you so much for all these webinars!! Free I can afford!!!

    Almost everything he covered was news to me, so I appreciate the seminar. He did go a little fast, but I’ll just watch it again.

    Always room for improvement

    amazing information!!


    Can’t wait to get started.

    Devan was fantastic. I learned things I never knew. Loved it.

    Devin has great stuff to share with us… but a little fast on the delivery! 🙂

    Devin is very polished and knowledgeable. Enjoyed learning something (well, a lot) new! Thank you

    Devin pointed out several areas on FamilySearch that I was not aware of. I especially was interested in the map portion of the Unindexed Images that showed where documents were currently being filmed. Much to look forward to!

    Devin speaks very fast otherwise it was great!

    Devin went a little fast – I like to take notes as the speaker talks

    Devon did very well. Thank you.

    Discovered I need to use this site way more than I have. Good overview of what you can find there.



    Excellent information and it will help me with my family research in ways I didn’t know were possible, thank you so much.

    Excellent knowledge of his subject. He went a bit fast for many attendees.

    excellent presentation

    Excellent presentation.

    Excellent presenter.

    Excellent updates at Family Search! He did an excellent job with in-depth knowledge because he’s involved in the design & implementation. Good questions answered!

    Excellent webinar.

    EXCELLENT! Learned so much. Had stumbled on the images site but then couldn’t find my way back. Now I can!!

    Excellent, easy to follow!

    Excellent. I’m a regular user of Family Search and I learned some new things.

    Excellent. Nice introduction to some great tools. Thanks!

    Extremely useful, practical, concrete, specific information and guidance.

    Fabulous, it was my first experience.

    fairly familiar w/FS but learned a lot

    FamilySearch has so much to offer. Loved this webinar! Thanks.

    Fantastic information—already exploring!

    Fast, but so informative! I will watch again.

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    Glad it is available to revisit. Lots of material presented.

    Going to site to sign up for blog and look at other things discussed.

    Good info.

    good info. I have used 7 of 10!

    Good information –

    Good information!

    Good input. FamilySearch has so much to offer! We are blessed by its continued enhancements.

    Good places to start discovering more!

    Great ! Learned a lot

    Great info! Can’t wait to try!

    Great information

    Great information – I learned a lot but I’ll for sure have to go back and watch again.

    Great information – mostly new to me

    Great information! Learned about some new search tools. Thank you!

    Great information! Thanks!

    Great information, but a handout w/the links would’ve been nice.

    Great information, I learned so much. Thank you.

    Great information. I am not very good using Family Search, but I keep working with it!

    Great information. I learned a lot.

    Great information. Really helped to see him access the site, not just talk about it.

    Great intro to new features.

    Great job by both the presenter, Devin, and the moderator, Marian!

    great job.

    great just goes over it to fast.

    Great new additions for us newbies to add to our toolbox

    great new searches to try in Family Search!

    Great overview of some of the features of FamilySearch. A very interesting approach to research that is not provided by any commercial site.

    Great presentation, I learned SO much! I prefer longer webinars with lots of info IF I can have the opportunity to re-watch the webinar later on and pause it to take notes and screenshots. I actually retain info better this way while re-watching the webniar. You guys are fantastic!

    Great presentation, so much information! As a beginner I appreciate the time the presenter took to put together this presentation. I especially like the information on RootTech. I did not get to participate so having access to the contents for the rest of this year is wonderful!

    great resources–thanks

    Great speaker, thanks so much! I definitely learned several new things.

    Great to have the overview. There are a lot of other ways to use your site than my usual approach. I am going to try the options options on the search tab that I never opened! Many thanks

    Great Webinar !

    Great webinar! Thanks Family Search!

    greatttttttttttttttttt info ………………..

    handout would have been most helpful since he had soo much info and talked so fast.

    Have already started looking at them.

  3. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    He covered a lot of helpful info so I can use these various resources in my research.

    He makes it look so easy!

    He presented a very good webinar and I have been doing genealogy for about twenty years and still learned a couple new things. I have not used Family Search as much as I should have. I will correct that in the future,. Thanks for all the great Webinars.

    He talked a bit too fast. I had a hard time picking up some of the details.

    he was very fast in explaining and clicking on things. I am newer into this and had a very hard time following. I guess I am n a learning curve. : )

    he went to fast, but was good

    Helpful information that introduced me to research helps I’d not previously been aware of. THANK YOU!

    Helpful! I learned new things today. Thanks you!

    I always learn something new. And if I already knew something, the webinars reminds me to use the tools.

    I am always amazed at how much I don’t know. This webinar was terrific! The more I learn about FamilySearch the better it gets. Thanks.

    I could not believe that there was so much available. Been on FS for several years!!!!

    I have tried to use FamilySearch over the years and been discouraged by difficulties in navigating it. Thank you Devin for explaining what now seems so simple to me! I’ve often wished for a FamilySearch for Dummies books!

    I learned a few new ways to search documented inormation

    I learned a lot about Family Search site.

    I learned a lot about FamilySearch that I didn’t know!

    I learned a lot because there are a lot of new features on FamilySearch. Thank you so much for the presentation

    I learned a lot from Devin Ashby. He did an excellent job explaining the links he used in FamilySearch. I will be searching Family Search more often. Thank you.

    I learned a lot of new things to check out on the site.

    I learned a lot! Thank you

    I learned about 3 new areas and can’t wait to try them. Also a good review for areas I new about but have not explored for a while.

    I learned about several new things about Family Search. I am going to subscribe to the blog right now!

    i learned quite a few things…..thanks!

    I learned so much today! Loved it!

    I learned so much!

    I learned so much. Many of the areas discussed today I was only using partially. Several areas such as ancestors and images were totally new. Thank you

    I need to watch it at least 2 more times

    I never knew all this information and sites existed. Great webinar.

    I plan to use Family Search more

    I think it is a webinar that should be touched on once per year to show the updates to Very good and informative.

    I thought it was very good, and it gave me more ideas on how to search. I learned several new search and tips.

    I use Family Search a lot, but I have never used most of these shown. I will now. Thank you.

    I use Family Search every week, and I was just BLOWN AWAY by what Devon shared. I didn’t know about many of his links. I can’t wait to go try these.

    I use FamilySearch a lot and learned new things today! Am excited to try the Images as I was not aware it was there. Makes me realized I need to check the options! Thanks for a very informative webinar.

    I use the Family Search site pretty frequently but I learned today that there is a lot more to see. So thank you!

    I was late getting on but Devin was very knowledgeable. I need to catch it from the beginning.

    I wasn’t familiar with the depth of some feature and look forward to doing more research using them. I’m particularly interested in Images and Wiki. Thank you for the great information.

    I would have liked to have those links a head of time.

    I’m amazed at how much information is available.

    Info presented great but almost too fast to catch!

    Informative, but he talks really fast and jumps sometimes too quickly. Be slow down.

    Interesting webinar but too quick for me.

    It was great

    It was great but I need a handout please

    But the range and variety of types of data that can be searched for using this application is awesome.

    It was the best one I’ve seen, so much information. So glad I can watch it again. Thank you so much.

    It was very quick and lots of information. I knew about 8 of the links shown. I didn’t know about Ancestors and how extensive the Images were. Thank you!

    It’s wonderful to be updated with FamilySearch’s latest tools! These various websites will help me with my ongoing research.

    Just a little too fast but very informative!

  4. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    Knew some of it, but did learn about some new links today.

    learn a lot of new things

    Learn a lot today, thank you

    learned a lot

    Learned a lot BIG TIME! See ya Friday.

    learned about what info is in these tabs on thank you

    learned alot

    Learned alot.

    Learned lots of new places to investigate at FamilySearch

    Learned many tricks and tips…. Noted: Never ever give up!

    Learned more about Family Scearch

    learned new info and want to get in there and try all the new suggestions

    Learned so much new items about Family Search updates. Thanks for this.

    learned some new pages to check out–thanks

    Learned some things I did not know.

    Learned some things that can be easily implemented and hopefully will yield some new results

    Learned there are a lot more things at FS that I need to check! Great info!

    Learned to use Family Search more when researching.

    Learnt a lot

    length of webinar should be longer. Seemed a little fast paced to take all the information in.

    lot of features I didn’t know existed

    Lots more to explore on Family Search!

    Lots of easy new places to search – Devin has perfect speaking voice for these webinars! (all do not!) Thanks very much.

    Lots of great information and things to try.

    Lots of great information!!

    Lots of helpful information that I was not aware of.

    Lots of new areas to explore.

    lots of new things to check out!

    Lots of valuable info. He went fast so I may need to listen again, but I loved it!

    Love learning new strategies

    loved it

    Loved it…learned so much

    Many of the 10 things I have never tried. Looking forward to doing so!

    Most of the urls were new to me. Thank you.

    Never knew these links existed. Very helpful.

    New format took some time to figure out. eg. activating the audio. Thank you.

    New places to play!

    One of the most informative and well presented! Thank you!

    One of your best webinars!

    Opened my eyes to so many places on familysearch that I never was aware existed. Thank you so much!

    so much good information

    so much info!. Glad I can go back to review it. Learned a few new things from Family Search

    Superb as usual

  5. Legacy Family Tree
    4 years ago

    thank you

    Thank you – good info about Family Search’s capabilities and uses!

    Thank you for pointing out useful links that are not obvious to people using the site. I will be using some of these in the near future.

    Thank you for the useful tips, I’m learning a lot more about family search. Very informative.

    Thank you for this great webinar. I learned a lot about how to use the Family Search website.

    Thank you! This was wonderful. I have to re-watch it.

    Thank you. The information was very clear and I am especially excited that all of the websites were clearly given AND shown how to access.

    Thank you. Very informative. I was a 5 out of 10. 🙂

    Thank you; I learned a lot more to explore!

    Thanks for all of the great suggestions of places to visit on family search! Good job, I like fast! 😉

    Thanks for all your effort

    Thanks for useful information

    That was great! I thought I was pretty familiar with everything has to offer. I was wrong. I learned a lot! Now, to play! Thanks very much.

    The content was excellent.

    The content was great. The webinar went too fast, but the presenter had a lot to cover, so that’s ok.

    The material covered was excellent and great informational tools.

    This provided a few links that were new to me, but also a review always remotivates. Thank you! 🙂

    This webinar opened my eyes to many sources I had not previously known about. I am going to listen a second time.

    This webinar was a great motivator with all the things available to try. I’m looking forward to delving into all 10 things. Thank you Devin.

    Understanding Family Search a little bit more, was great. Thankyou!

    Very engaging speaker with good info

    very good

    Very good information. I learned a lot for teaching others.

    Very good overview of how and why to access various menu options at Family Search. Thank you!

    Very good webinar but he went too fast. I’ll have to watch it again. Thanks for making it possible to do that.

    Very good webinar! Thank you

    very good webinar.

    Very helpful

    Very helpful. Thank you.

    Very informational presentation

    very informational. I learned a lot.

    Very informative

    Very informative and great presentation! Marian also did a great job with the questions. 🙂

    Very Informative and Presentation was welcoming. 🙂

    Very informative! Followed along with my sign on viewing on my second monitor.

    Very informative!

    very informative.

    Very informative. I didn’t realize Family Search offered so much. I was only using 1/4 of information offered.

    Very informative. Thankfully, presented in an upbeat way, with the presenter engaged!

    very informative. Learning tools I was not aware of

    Very informative.

    Very interesting and helpful.

    Very useful indeed

    very useful info to try out

    Very useful.

    Very wall presented = I learned a lot! I’ll be spending more time on these links!

    was very interesting, learnt some new things, Thanks.

    What I viewed was great.

    Wish there were more time on several categories.

    Wonderful and very informative

    Wonderful information, thank you so much! Cannot wait to investigate.

    Wonderful webinar on some FamilySearch links.

    Wonderful!!!!!!!! I’m LDS.

    Wonderful, wonderful! First class presentation by one of the best, Devin Ashby, on the most useful source for genealogists who want to do it right!

    Wonderful. Very informative. Lots of new places to search

    Would be good to have a handout of the links available. Also, less US centered would be nice.

    Would have been easier to watch if he had closed other screens on his screen—too much visual distraction. He did a great job explaining.

    Would still have liked a syllabus with the links with a note or two to jog my memory. I’d rather listen to a webinar for content, than take notes. FamilyTreeWebinars is the best! Thank you!

    Wow! Loved the live examples. Didn’t know that my tablet vs computer made a difference to what I was seeing. Also Devin’s final quote meant a lot to me as a 76 yr old LDS member who has researched for over 50 years. DON’T BE DISCOURAGED.



    Wow. What a whirlwind tour. Certainly, need a second, third, and maybe forth look. Excellent.

    Wow. I’m impressed at Devin’s ability to field so many questions. I’m looking forward to checking out the books & compare a face too. Thx


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