Dissecting a Civil War Pension Packet–Union and Confederate

Jill Morelli, CG, CGL
Aug 12, 2020
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Play. Playing.
1m 39s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 02s
Play. Playing.
19m 54s
Play. Playing.
Federal Pension Law
8m 12s
Play. Playing.
Union Pension File
8m 59s
Play. Playing.
Confederate Application
1m 32s
Play. Playing.
Analyzing the Records
8m 33s
Play. Playing.
Other Union Records
9m 57s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
7m 15s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
24m 17s

About this webinar

Have you identified a Union or Confederate Civil War soldier in your ancestry? Lucky you. These records are the most accessible of all military records. We will discuss the history of these records, who was included and excluded, and the changes in the law. Civil War Pension records contain a wealth of information. We will compare two pension packets, Confederate and Union–and how to acquire, use them and the stories they tell.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Jill Morelli, CG, CGL is a “Roots” genealogist, becoming interested in family history in the 1970’s with the Alex Haley show. At that time, she just collected “stuff.” After a hiatus during which she had a family and volunteered in her community,
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    Clear. Concise. I picked up several new tips. Thank you to all the people behind presenting this webinar.

    Completely wonderful – I was very pleased with this webinar. Jill is a fantastic speaker and she definitely knew her topic well. Thank you for providing this webinar.

    Enjoyed it very much! Jill is very organized and logical.

    Enjoyed it





    Excellent information!

    Excellent Information. Many thanks.

    Excellent presentation

    Excellent presentation and information. Thank you!

    Excellent presentation full of good information and tips. Definitely going on my list to watch again. Thanks so much, really enjoyed it!

    Excellent presentation!

    Excellent presentation!

    Excellent presentation!

    Excellent presentation. Very, very thorough! Thanks to all!

    Excellent presentation. Gave me some new places to search.

    Excellent speaker, very acknowledgeable. Peaked my interest & makes me want to dig right in.

    Excellent speaker. Doubt I have any family members who were in the wars. Just enjoy hearing all the webinars.

    Excellent webinar!

    Excellent webinar!

    Excellent webinar! Lots of good info! Thanks!


    Excellent! One of the best webinars I’ve attended.

    Excellent…loads of great info as to where to look for both union and confederate soldiers.

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    gave me new ideas for researching ancestors

    Good info on Civil War pension records. Pension record was a huge help for one of my husband’s direct line relatives.

    Good information

    Good pace, excellent information, thorough!

    Good, clearly represented information.

    Great information! Thank you.

    Great presentation. Wish I had typed my question sooner.

    great range of knowledge and Jill was able to share it effectively

    Great speaker

    great subject

    Great webinar!

    Great webinar. The examples were very helpful and seeing the pension office photo was interesting. Thanks for all these great webinars!

    I am simply amazed at the Civil War knowledge that Jill Morelli demonstrated in the webinar. She must do extensive historical reading on each veteran, which she has researched. Great webinar and thanks for demonstrating what records are available.

    I have been searching Civil War pension records at NARA for about a year. I learned so much from this webinar. Her presentation style was excellent.

    I have gotten record on my soldiers, however this lecture added so many items that I never thought of. More research to do!

    I learned a great deal.

    I learned a lot about resources available that I was unaware of. GREAT JOB!

    I learned a lot about the pension files. I have Civil War ancestors, however, have not ordered the files because I did not want to be disappointed if the information was only relating to their service. So, I have learned that there is much more information relating to the person and family than I expected. I will definitely be ordering my soldiers pension files. Do you think you would have enough information to make this an ongoing series? Perhaps more tips, research, or file informatoin? Thanks

    I really enjoyed the webinar, learned a lot to give me new ways to supplement the research I have already done. Jill is a wonderful speaker!

    I’m glad to know how to read pension records. Great information!

    Interesting content.

    Interesting presentation – I appreciate the handout!

    Jill gave a very good and informative presentation with interesting examples.

    Jill is a terrific presenter and the material was very pertinent.

    Jill is always great with the details! Great information, as always!

    Jill is always so well prepared and a great teacher! Loved the webinar!

    Jill Morelli continues to do a great job of educating us. Even though I have purchased CW pension files and know quite a bit about it, I still learned some new tips and tricks. When it comes to genealogy, you can never know enough.

    Jill’s best webinar to date! She rocked the house!

    Jill’s knowledge and advise was awesome. I learned a lot from this webinar. Thank you!!!

  3. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    learned a few interesting things about Union and Confederate soldiers!

    Learned a LOT.

    Lots of good information and background information as well. I like your presentation style–direct and clear.

    Loved it. As a Canadian researching ancestors that fought in this war, it provided very valuable information regarding what to look for & where. Thanks!

    Now to get the resources to begin to search for family soldier members.

    OUTSTANDING in everyway !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Presented several sites to search that will hopefully help find CW record of my GGF. Just recently learned of his service, on his tombstone served under Gen. Jackson.

    Probably the best webinar I’ve ever listened to. I’m already planning to listen to it again. Thank you!

    She demystified this process. Thanks!

    So much information. Knowledges presenter

    Still looking for the elusive Union guy who supposedly served in the Medical corps.

    Such a wealth of information that was clearly and concisely presented!

    Super excellent webinar.


    Thank you so much for the wonderful webinar. I have copies of my ancestors’ pension files and I got some great information from the webinar today. Jill provided details that I didn’t know about these documents.

    There was really terrific information and sources in the webinar. The two case studies were extremely interesting.

    This was a FANTASTIC webinar!!!!! I learned so much. I had no idea about some of these laws and how they affected things. So great! Thank you!

    This was really fascinating stuff. Jill is always great but this was just fabulous. More like this, please!

    Top notch presentation! Jill is so entertaining and knowledgeable. I learned a lot and I am excited about using this information to research my two great great grandfathers who served with Union Army Reg. I enjoyed it very much. THANK YOU!!!

    Very clear and informative presentation

    very clear and interesting. kept my attention. I couldn’t believe how quickly the time went by. thanks

    Very good. Fast paced.

    Very helpful and informative.

    Very informative

    Very informative

    Very informative – makes me want to go back and look at the files that I already have and maybe order some more! Thanks!

    Very informative, wish literature search sources were in the handout

    Very informative. Effectively presented the information.

    Very interesting!

    Very interesting!

    Very interesting.

    Very knowledgeable speaker. And she used language that was easy to understand

    Very nicely done. Jill is a superb genealogist and it shows

    Well done. I have identified 6 ancestors in the Civil War. I will use this to find more information about them.

    Well organized, great pace. Good examples. Will check out all resources, but not sure I’ll get past where I’m stuck.

    Well presented. Informative. Interesting. THANK YOU!

    Wonderful webinar on Civil War Pension Records.

    Wonderful, very interesting.

    Wonderfully full of excellent usable information. Great presentation.


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