Daughters of the King to Mothers of a Nation

Lianne Kruger
Apr 21, 2023
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Play. Playing.
1m 50s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 04s
Play. Playing.
8m 13s
Play. Playing.
Filles a Marier
12m 37s
Play. Playing.
Filles du roi
21m 16s
Play. Playing.
Seigneurial System
18m 07s
Play. Playing.
Next Generation
6m 50s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
5m 45s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
7m 41s

About this webinar

The Filles du roi (King’s daughters) were around 800 young ladies who were brought to New France by the king to help with the population. They succeeded as the population of New France doubled in a decade. Two-thirds of French Canadians are related to one of these daughters as well many Americans including Hillary Clinton, Madonna and Angelina Jolie. This session will be share their history along with other smaller groups that the French Sun King, Louis XIV and Jean Talon brought to New France. Along with their history and their children’s history, we will share why are they so special and what they all did to survive, and the problems and hardships they endured. Also, how this endogenous DNA affects your results. The session will touch on the DNA results based on this endogenous beginning that affects your DNA, share where the records are available, and projects that are available online to help you find out if you are a descendant of these wonderful daughters of the king.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Lianne Kruger is a professional genealogist and speaker specializing in Canada, homesteading for U.S. and Canada, video recording family history, and using technology in all aspects of genealogy such as Google Maps, Google Drive and Evernote. She
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  1. SR
    Sarah Reeds
    2 years ago

    Catherine Allaire Fievre my 5th great aunt married Simon Chamberlain, Jeanne Cailli also gaunt and sever more lon family tree


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