7 Habits of Highly Frugal Genealogists

Thomas MacEntee
Apr 2, 2014
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Speaker's Introduction
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Why Genealogy Isn't Free
3m 03s
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Cycle On and Cycle Off
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Ask for a Discount
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Coupon Websites
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Virtual Credit Card Numbers
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Local Library
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Impulse Decisions
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Conference Discount
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Senior Discount
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Non-Certified Vital Records
1m 19s
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Society Discounts
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Frugal Not Foolish
1m 41s
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Terms of Service
2m 36s
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Special Deals
5m 41s
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Announcements / prizes
6m 16s
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Questions / answers
23m 39s

About this webinar

Learn how savvy genealogists are finding success with 7 basic habits of frugality. You'll not only find a list of key resources but more importantly you'll learn how to embrace the "mind set" of finding the best ways to save money while researching your ancestors.


As a special thank you for attending the live webinar, Thomas MacEntee is able to provide you with access to savings he negotiated with a couple of genealogy vendors. Click here to access the links.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Thomas MacEntee is a guy with a love of punk rock music but also art history who somehow “fell” into the technology industry years ago. He left a lucrative tech career to pursue his love of family history and genealogy. Technology and historical r
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