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Historical Records

Watch webinars that focus on specific record categories including adoption, vital records, cemetery records, census records, city directories, immigration records, newspapers and more for locations around the world.

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Finding Uncle John’s Grist Mill, His Neighbors And That Cemetery Using Maps, Records & Stories
Topographic maps and soil maps should help us identify a community, including neighbors, ferries, mills, cemeteries, historic houses, and many other landmarks. By using a combination of resources, the picture of this community will be more visible and more clearly understood.
Topographic maps and soil maps should help us identify a community, including neighbors, ferries, mills, cemeteries, historic houses, and many other landmarks. By using a combination of resources, the picture of this community will be more visible and more clearly understood.
Wed, November 6 2024: 19:00 UTC
Urban Mapping Tools
This presentation will suggest strategies to correlate large amounts of information often developed in urban research, with a significant emphasis on the use of cartographic resources. Generally, researchers of urban settings have an abundance of sources to consider. Many times, the challenge is to connect and analyze multiple, even overwhelming, amounts of information. A variety of resources will be discussed, especially, cadastral maps (land ownership), Sanborn fire insurance maps and city directories.
This presentation will suggest strategies to correlate large amounts of information often developed in urban research, with a significant emphasis on the use of cartographic resources. Generally, researchers of urban settings have an abundance of sources to consider. Many times, the challenge is to connect and analyze multiple, even overwhelming, amounts of information. A variety of resources will be discussed, especially, cadastral maps (land ownership), Sanborn fire insurance maps and city directories.
Wed, April 19 2023: 0:00 UTC
A Deep Dive into the Map Collections of the Library of Congress
The library holds the world’s largest collection of maps—over 5.2 million maps according to their website. This webinar will describe the collections most valuable for genealogical research. We are going to explore the online resources and how they can help our research. Exploring the phenomenal learning resources is also on the agenda. We will also talk about finding aids, research guides, reproduction capabilities, and alternative ways to access the map collections. Lastly, we will discuss the resources that are only available onsite, such as the cartographic library, cartographic exhibits, and other unique holdings.
The library holds the world’s largest collection of maps—over 5.2 million maps according to their website. This webinar will describe the collections most valuable for genealogical research. We are going to explore the online resources and how they can help our research. Exploring the phenomenal learning resources is also on the agenda. We will also talk about finding aids, research guides, reproduction capabilities, and alternative ways to access the map collections. Lastly, we will discuss the resources that are only available onsite, such as the cartographic library, cartographic exhibits, and other unique holdings.
Fri, September 23 2022: 15:30 UTC
Mining Washington-area Map Repositories
A survey of both online and physical map repositories located in the Washington, DC, area is presented in this webinar.
A survey of both online and physical map repositories located in the Washington, DC, area is presented in this webinar.
Thu, May 16 2019: 0:00 UTC
50 Websites for Finding Maps
Learn more about where to find maps and the diversity of map websites found online with 50 suggestions you can start using today.
Learn more about where to find maps and the diversity of map websites found online with 50 suggestions you can start using today.
Fri, May 3 2019: 0:00 UTC
Genealogical Applications of Historical GIS
Learn to use these new tools to expand your research tools. GIS (geographic information system) is a database of geographic information. Google Earth is an example of a large and very sophisticated GIS application.
Learn to use these new tools to expand your research tools. GIS (geographic information system) is a database of geographic information. Google Earth is an example of a large and very sophisticated GIS application.
Fri, July 20 2018: 0:00 UTC
Using Maps in Genealogical Research
Every ancestor, at every moment, occupied a specific, physical location. Maps decode and amplify the significance of those locations by providing context and background information. This heavily illustrated lecture shows examples of the map types best-suited to genealogy, and the syllabus provides links to quality online sources for those maps….
Every ancestor, at every moment, occupied a specific, physical location. Maps decode and amplify the significance of those locations by providing context and background information. This heavily illustrated lecture shows examples of the map types best-suited to genealogy, and the syllabus provides links to quality online sources for those maps….
Tue, June 19 2018: 0:00 UTC
Using Military Maps in Genealogy
Military maps have some obvious value to the family researcher. If our person of interest was in a military unit or fought in a battle we might want to understand the battle or locate his unit, knowing he was there at that time and place.
Military maps have some obvious value to the family researcher. If our person of interest was in a military unit or fought in a battle we might want to understand the battle or locate his unit, knowing he was there at that time and place.
Fri, February 9 2018: 0:00 UTC
Southern States Migration Patterns
Why did people migrate from one location to another? What routes did they follow, and how can identifying migration trails help you find your ancestors? Learn from maps and historical details how to follow the trail of your ancestors into and out of the Southern states.
Why did people migrate from one location to another? What routes did they follow, and how can identifying migration trails help you find your ancestors? Learn from maps and historical details how to follow the trail of your ancestors into and out of the Southern states.
Wed, October 11 2017: 0:00 UTC
Where is That? Using Eastern European Atlases, Maps and Gazetteers
In this webinar, you will discover genealogy research methods for finding your ancestor's point of origin. Learn how to use tools such as maps, atlases, and gazetteers to research localities through place name changes and ever-shifting political and geographical boundaries.
In this webinar, you will discover genealogy research methods for finding your ancestor's point of origin. Learn how to use tools such as maps, atlases, and gazetteers to research localities through place name changes and ever-shifting political and geographical boundaries.
Fri, September 8 2017: 0:00 UTC
Finding and Using Land Ownership Maps
Land ownership maps in the US are generally focused on the county level. Produced largely in the nineteenth-century in single sheet or atlas format, they were sold by subscription and also developed to commemorate events such as the centennial of the American Revolution. Though advances in printing such as lithography…
Land ownership maps in the US are generally focused on the county level. Produced largely in the nineteenth-century in single sheet or atlas format, they were sold by subscription and also developed to commemorate events such as the centennial of the American Revolution. Though advances in printing such as lithography…
Wed, April 26 2017: 0:00 UTC
Neighborhood Reconstruction: Effective Use of Land Records
Use USGS topographic maps, tract maps, plat maps, surveys, deeds, census records, and tax lists to reconstruct the neighborhood where your ancestor lived. Plat your ancestor’s land records and discover what unexpected clues might be discovered in the process.
Use USGS topographic maps, tract maps, plat maps, surveys, deeds, census records, and tax lists to reconstruct the neighborhood where your ancestor lived. Plat your ancestor’s land records and discover what unexpected clues might be discovered in the process.
Wed, April 19 2017: 0:00 UTC

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Fri, April 4 2025: 1:00 UTC
Seven Sources for Seeking Scoundrels
Fri, April 4 2025: 1:00 UTC
Janice loves researching scoundrels and black sheep – they leave behind such wonderful records! This webinar looks at seven types of records family historians rarely use: police records, criminal court records, jail records, coroner’s records, church disciplinary records, divorce records and juvenile reformatory records.
Janice loves researching scoundrels and black sheep – they leave behind such wonderful records! This webinar looks at seven types of records family historians rarely use: police records, criminal court records, jail records, coroner’s records, church disciplinary records, divorce records and juvenile reformatory records.
Fri, April 4 2025: 1:00 UTC
Fri, April 11 2025: 18:00 UTC
Neglected Gold in Older Genealogical and Historical Periodicals
Fri, April 11 2025: 18:00 UTC
Digitized, shelved, and some in obscure places. Online indexes and searchable images. Genealogical and historical society periodicals remain as important tools. This session illustrates the kind of treasures in those periodicals that might not be found anywhere else. Decades upon decades of articles have covered culture, migration, ethnicity, military, churches, cemeteries, family connections, queries, and other aspects of town, city, county, and state ancestral research. Indexes and record explanations with hundreds of names that are not on major genealogy websites. The webinar demonstrates how those periodicals are useful and vital for research, how to access them, and special considerations for using them to benefit your research.
Digitized, shelved, and some in obscure places. Online indexes and searchable images. Genealogical and historical society periodicals remain as important tools. This session illustrates the kind of treasures in those periodicals that might not be found anywhere else. Decades upon decades of articles have covered culture, migration, ethnicity, military, churches, cemeteries, family connections, queries, and other aspects of town, city, county, and state ancestral research. Indexes and record explanations with hundreds of names that are not on major genealogy websites. The webinar demonstrates how those periodicals are useful and vital for research, how to access them, and special considerations for using them to benefit your research.
Fri, April 11 2025: 18:00 UTC
Wed, May 21 2025: 0:00 UTC
From Despair to Cargoes of Hope: WWII’s Displaced Persons
Wed, May 21 2025: 0:00 UTC
Many immigrants entered the US under the Displaced Persons Act. Based on specific criteria, eligible displaced persons (DPs) could be admitted to the US if they would not become a public charge and have safe and sanitary housing and employment without displacing some other person. The displaced person or refugee was the concern of the International Refugee Organization. The US created the Displaced Persons Commission to oversee the act’s enactment. Is your ancestor named in the record sets created? The presentation will discuss the History of the Act and the records created as a result of the Act.
Many immigrants entered the US under the Displaced Persons Act. Based on specific criteria, eligible displaced persons (DPs) could be admitted to the US if they would not become a public charge and have safe and sanitary housing and employment without displacing some other person. The displaced person or refugee was the concern of the International Refugee Organization. The US created the Displaced Persons Commission to oversee the act’s enactment. Is your ancestor named in the record sets created? The presentation will discuss the History of the Act and the records created as a result of the Act.
Wed, May 21 2025: 0:00 UTC
Wed, June 4 2025: 9:00 UTC
Hidden in the Newsprint: UK Edition
Wed, June 4 2025: 9:00 UTC
An insight into the wealth of information that is available within newspapers including the British Newspaper Archive and The Gazette as well as hints and tips for getting more out of searching and finding useful articles within the newspapers.
An insight into the wealth of information that is available within newspapers including the British Newspaper Archive and The Gazette as well as hints and tips for getting more out of searching and finding useful articles within the newspapers.
Wed, June 4 2025: 9:00 UTC
Wed, June 25 2025: 18:00 UTC
Southern Ancestors…Black and White…in the Freedmen’s Bureau
Wed, June 25 2025: 18:00 UTC
Explore the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands to discover details of the Reconstruction lives of black freedmen and free people of color as well as white farmers and wealthy planters.
Explore the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands to discover details of the Reconstruction lives of black freedmen and free people of color as well as white farmers and wealthy planters.
Wed, June 25 2025: 18:00 UTC
Thu, July 10 2025: 0:00 UTC
Forgotten Records: Pension Ledgers and the Payments they Represent
Thu, July 10 2025: 0:00 UTC
Few people take the time to look at the pension payment process and the records that are created. Records may contain information about movement, kin, and primary sources for dates of death.
Few people take the time to look at the pension payment process and the records that are created. Records may contain information about movement, kin, and primary sources for dates of death.
Thu, July 10 2025: 0:00 UTC
Wed, July 16 2025: 0:00 UTC
Civil War Records: What is a Reasonably Exhaustive Search?
Wed, July 16 2025: 0:00 UTC
To correlate evidence, you must have evidence to correlate. Typical researchers stop too soon in their evidence collection, believing they have found all there is to find about a soldier. There is more to military research than the compiled military service record or the pension application file. A reasonably exhaustive search is not limited to the two or three typical record sources.
To correlate evidence, you must have evidence to correlate. Typical researchers stop too soon in their evidence collection, believing they have found all there is to find about a soldier. There is more to military research than the compiled military service record or the pension application file. A reasonably exhaustive search is not limited to the two or three typical record sources.
Wed, July 16 2025: 0:00 UTC
Wed, July 23 2025: 18:00 UTC
Unlocking Notation Codes on Alien Passenger Lists
Wed, July 23 2025: 18:00 UTC
Entries in late 19th and early 20th century immigrant passenger manifests often include cryptic number and letter codes. Most genealogists simply look past them. Learn how to interpret these codes and what significant details they can reveal about your ancestor’s immigration and naturalization experience. Discover additional information about aliens who were detained or deported. This presentation is heavily illustrated with examples from New York and Philadelphia alien passenger lists and the handout includes a glossary of the terms, codes, and abbreviations found on these manifests.
Entries in late 19th and early 20th century immigrant passenger manifests often include cryptic number and letter codes. Most genealogists simply look past them. Learn how to interpret these codes and what significant details they can reveal about your ancestor’s immigration and naturalization experience. Discover additional information about aliens who were detained or deported. This presentation is heavily illustrated with examples from New York and Philadelphia alien passenger lists and the handout includes a glossary of the terms, codes, and abbreviations found on these manifests.
Wed, July 23 2025: 18:00 UTC
Wed, July 30 2025: 18:00 UTC
Top Newspaper Sites That You MUST RESEARCH!
Wed, July 30 2025: 18:00 UTC
This presentation will discuss all of the newspaper websites that you must include in your genealogy research! This lecture will discuss: • • Genealogybank/Newspaper Archive • Chronicling America • Proquest Historical Newspapers • State digitized newspaper projects • Hunting Forebears
This presentation will discuss all of the newspaper websites that you must include in your genealogy research! This lecture will discuss: • • Genealogybank/Newspaper Archive • Chronicling America • Proquest Historical Newspapers • State digitized newspaper projects • Hunting Forebears
Wed, July 30 2025: 18:00 UTC