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Historical Records

Watch webinars that focus on specific record categories including adoption, vital records, cemetery records, census records, city directories, immigration records, newspapers and more for locations around the world.

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Scottish Emigration to North America: Before, During and After the Rebellions
We will examine the migration patterns from Scotland to the US and Canada, looking at the push and pull factors, relevant to individual migration time periods. References and guidance will be provided for multiple waves from 17th Century to the present.
We will examine the migration patterns from Scotland to the US and Canada, looking at the push and pull factors, relevant to individual migration time periods. References and guidance will be provided for multiple waves from 17th Century to the present.
Thu, November 9 2023: 1:00 UTC
Liverpool: The Central Hub for Northern Europe’s 19th and 20th Century Emigration
Regular sailing schedules between Liverpool and North America began in 1818, and during the 19th century Liverpool became the primary port for emigrants from the British Isles, northern Europe and Russia to North America, Australia, and the rest of the British Empire. Learn how and why this came about, understand what the experience was like going to, in, and leaving from Liverpool. Learn how to identify, access, and use the records of the port and shipping that are available.
Regular sailing schedules between Liverpool and North America began in 1818, and during the 19th century Liverpool became the primary port for emigrants from the British Isles, northern Europe and Russia to North America, Australia, and the rest of the British Empire. Learn how and why this came about, understand what the experience was like going to, in, and leaving from Liverpool. Learn how to identify, access, and use the records of the port and shipping that are available.
Thu, April 13 2023: 23:00 UTC
The Migration of European Ancestors: Their Experiences and the Records, 1820-1920
Many factors pushed or pulled our European immigrant ancestors to come to the New World. Follow in the footsteps of those who arrived between 1820 and 1920. What did our ancestors experience when they decided to leave their homes and communities to sail to America? What was the voyage like? How did they settle into their new homes? Then discover essential and unusual resources for migration research for all US and Canadian ports in this presentation.
Many factors pushed or pulled our European immigrant ancestors to come to the New World. Follow in the footsteps of those who arrived between 1820 and 1920. What did our ancestors experience when they decided to leave their homes and communities to sail to America? What was the voyage like? How did they settle into their new homes? Then discover essential and unusual resources for migration research for all US and Canadian ports in this presentation.
Thu, November 10 2022: 1:00 UTC
Essential Immigration Records for Researching Your Mexican Ancestors
Did your Mexican ancestors immigrate to the United States in the 20th century? This period of history witnessed significant waves of Mexican immigration to the U.S., both permanent and temporary. The types of immigration records introduced or refined during this era, provide a wealth of information.
Did your Mexican ancestors immigrate to the United States in the 20th century? This period of history witnessed significant waves of Mexican immigration to the U.S., both permanent and temporary. The types of immigration records introduced or refined during this era, provide a wealth of information.
Fri, September 16 2022: 18:00 UTC
Seven Immigration Methodologies, with Case Studies Across the Centuries (a 2021 Reisinger Lecture)
Family historians face significant challenges tracing immigrant ancestors. Changes in language, culture, family composition, given name, surname, country of residence, and occupation tend to obscure the origins of many immigrants. This presentation introduces seven methodologies to effectively trace immigrant origins, illustrated with examples from the early 1600s to the early…
Family historians face significant challenges tracing immigrant ancestors. Changes in language, culture, family composition, given name, surname, country of residence, and occupation tend to obscure the origins of many immigrants. This presentation introduces seven methodologies to effectively trace immigrant origins, illustrated with examples from the early 1600s to the early…
Fri, October 8 2021: 16:15 UTC
Angel Island’s Immigrants from 80 Countries: Stories from the West Coast Counterpart to Ellis Island
While people who have heard about Angel Island might know about the Chinese poetry carved on its walls, what is less known is that over half a million immigrants from eighty countries were processed by officials on the island, and genealogical resources are still available to researchers. There were generally…
While people who have heard about Angel Island might know about the Chinese poetry carved on its walls, what is less known is that over half a million immigrants from eighty countries were processed by officials on the island, and genealogical resources are still available to researchers. There were generally…
Wed, June 23 2021: 18:00 UTC
20th Century Immigrants to the West Coast
20th-century immigrants to the west arrived by ship through Washington, Oregon, California, and Hawaii, and overland through Canada and Mexico. Vast numbers of these immigrants were Asian. This lecture will examine the ports of entry, the records generated, and the laws which impacted those immigrants.
20th-century immigrants to the west arrived by ship through Washington, Oregon, California, and Hawaii, and overland through Canada and Mexico. Vast numbers of these immigrants were Asian. This lecture will examine the ports of entry, the records generated, and the laws which impacted those immigrants.
Wed, March 24 2021: 18:00 UTC
Finding Answers in Naturalization Records
This lecture will cover two case studies using naturalization records and passenger lists in the 1930s and in the 1830s. Jump aboard as we discover your immigrant roots!
This lecture will cover two case studies using naturalization records and passenger lists in the 1930s and in the 1830s. Jump aboard as we discover your immigrant roots!
Fri, January 29 2021: 18:00 UTC
Ten Best Sources for Determining Your Immigrant Ancestor's Town of Origin
Determining your immigrant ancestor's exact town of origin is the key to successful research across the pond. In this webinar, learn about the best US sources that might name your ancestor’s town or village, and how to prioritize your search and set expectations for tracking down key records in foreign…
Determining your immigrant ancestor's exact town of origin is the key to successful research across the pond. In this webinar, learn about the best US sources that might name your ancestor’s town or village, and how to prioritize your search and set expectations for tracking down key records in foreign…
Wed, December 16 2020: 0:00 UTC
Emigration via Hamburg
From historic documents you can learn first-hand the statistics behind a big business, the human tragedies as well tips on how to research your emigrant ancestors from German and other European States.
From historic documents you can learn first-hand the statistics behind a big business, the human tragedies as well tips on how to research your emigrant ancestors from German and other European States.
Fri, March 13 2020: 0:00 UTC
Discovering Immigration Stories from Both Sides of the Pond
There were number of common push pull factors that prompted mass migration from Europe during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Learn about immigration and emigration patterns and how personal circumstances, socio-economic status, and political unrest impacted and influenced your ancestor’s decision to stay or leave.
There were number of common push pull factors that prompted mass migration from Europe during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Learn about immigration and emigration patterns and how personal circumstances, socio-economic status, and political unrest impacted and influenced your ancestor’s decision to stay or leave.
Fri, December 13 2019: 0:00 UTC
Discovering Immigration Stories with MyHeritage
Every immigrant has a story. Learn how to leverage the immigration records collection at MyHeritage to uncover key clues and make amazing discoveries about your immigrant ancestors from both sides of the pond.
Every immigrant has a story. Learn how to leverage the immigration records collection at MyHeritage to uncover key clues and make amazing discoveries about your immigrant ancestors from both sides of the pond.
Sat, September 7 2019: 0:00 UTC

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Tue, August 13 2024: 18:00 UTC
Using MyHeritage DNA to Determine Immigrant Origins
Tue, August 13 2024: 18:00 UTC
This class will briefly explain the different types of DNA (autosomal, Y-DNA and mtDNA) and provide helpful tips for analyzing your DNA matches to identify your strongest matches to help you go back to your immigrant ancestor. A few examples of using this approach will be shown through mini case studies.
This class will briefly explain the different types of DNA (autosomal, Y-DNA and mtDNA) and provide helpful tips for analyzing your DNA matches to identify your strongest matches to help you go back to your immigrant ancestor. A few examples of using this approach will be shown through mini case studies.
Tue, August 13 2024: 18:00 UTC
Wed, August 21 2024: 18:00 UTC
Who Hid the Body? Finding Your Ancestor’s Place of Burial
Wed, August 21 2024: 18:00 UTC
It’s not over ’til the fat lady sings? Nope. It’s not over until you find where the big girl was buried. This presentation offers examples of records that can lead genealogists to an ancestor’s elusive final resting place.
It’s not over ’til the fat lady sings? Nope. It’s not over until you find where the big girl was buried. This presentation offers examples of records that can lead genealogists to an ancestor’s elusive final resting place.
Wed, August 21 2024: 18:00 UTC
Analyzing Deeds & Wills: I See What It Says—but What Does It Mean?!
Fri, August 23 2024: 18:00 UTC
Legalese. Boilerplate. Obsolete laws. Ancestral idiosyncrasies. The documents our ancestors created are full of such traps. This session uses two typical documents from different regions to illustrate, line by line, how to sort chaff from wheat, interpret deceptive language, and develop clues.
Legalese. Boilerplate. Obsolete laws. Ancestral idiosyncrasies. The documents our ancestors created are full of such traps. This session uses two typical documents from different regions to illustrate, line by line, how to sort chaff from wheat, interpret deceptive language, and develop clues.
Fri, August 23 2024: 18:00 UTC
Fri, September 6 2024: 16:45 UTC
10 Things You Don’t Know About Cemeteries
Fri, September 6 2024: 16:45 UTC
Genealogists LOVE cemeteries but we don’t always know the history behind them. When we know the history, types, and traditions of cemeteries we can do better research that helps us understand our ancestor’s final resting place. In this presentation we will take a look at the history of US cemeteries, what you would expect to find depending on time and place, and where you can find records beyond the usual places.
Genealogists LOVE cemeteries but we don’t always know the history behind them. When we know the history, types, and traditions of cemeteries we can do better research that helps us understand our ancestor’s final resting place. In this presentation we will take a look at the history of US cemeteries, what you would expect to find depending on time and place, and where you can find records beyond the usual places.
Fri, September 6 2024: 16:45 UTC
Wed, September 25 2024: 18:00 UTC
Buried in the Federal Records Center: Uncovering XC Pension Files
Wed, September 25 2024: 18:00 UTC
This talk will discuss how to obtain deceased 20th century veterans’ claims files, of which 1.1 million boxes are languishing in warehouses around the US.
This talk will discuss how to obtain deceased 20th century veterans’ claims files, of which 1.1 million boxes are languishing in warehouses around the US.
Wed, September 25 2024: 18:00 UTC
Fri, September 27 2024: 14:15 UTC
Church Records in Archives
Fri, September 27 2024: 14:15 UTC
Church record research is a must for any genealogist. Many of our archives have church records available to researchers. There are also independent church archives for specific religions or denominations that can help you discover your ancestor. Learn from a seasoned genealogist and archivist how to find church records in archives.
Church record research is a must for any genealogist. Many of our archives have church records available to researchers. There are also independent church archives for specific religions or denominations that can help you discover your ancestor. Learn from a seasoned genealogist and archivist how to find church records in archives.
Fri, September 27 2024: 14:15 UTC
Wed, October 2 2024: 2:00 UTC
Oops! Married twice (at the same time) Case Studies in Bigamy!
Wed, October 2 2024: 2:00 UTC
Divorce in Queensland Australia was very difficult to obtain. Some couples then just lived together and some underwent a bigamous marriage. What were the penalties? The records? Follow these ten bigamy case studies.
Divorce in Queensland Australia was very difficult to obtain. Some couples then just lived together and some underwent a bigamous marriage. What were the penalties? The records? Follow these ten bigamy case studies.
Wed, October 2 2024: 2:00 UTC
Wed, December 18 2024: 19:00 UTC
Finding Uncle John’s Grist Mill, His Neighbors And That Cemetery Using Maps, Records & Stories
Wed, December 18 2024: 19:00 UTC
Topographic maps and soil maps should help us identify a community, including neighbors, ferries, mills, cemeteries, historic houses, and many other landmarks. By using a combination of resources, the picture of this community will be more visible and more clearly understood.
Topographic maps and soil maps should help us identify a community, including neighbors, ferries, mills, cemeteries, historic houses, and many other landmarks. By using a combination of resources, the picture of this community will be more visible and more clearly understood.
Wed, December 18 2024: 19:00 UTC
Tue, July 30 2024: 11:00 UTC
Les outils photo de pointe de MyHeritage
Tue, July 30 2024: 11:00 UTC
Découvrez les outils photo indispensables de MyHeritage ! Depuis 2020, MyHeritage est le leader mondial pour les technologies des photos. Lors de cette session, Elisabeth Zetland, membre de l’équipe de Recherche chez MyHeritage, vous expliquera tout sur les outils photo les plus récents et comment ils peuvent enrichir vos recherches généalogiques grâce aux photos de famille.
Découvrez les outils photo indispensables de MyHeritage ! Depuis 2020, MyHeritage est le leader mondial pour les technologies des photos. Lors de cette session, Elisabeth Zetland, membre de l’équipe de Recherche chez MyHeritage, vous expliquera tout sur les outils photo les plus récents et comment ils peuvent enrichir vos recherches généalogiques grâce aux photos de famille.
Tue, July 30 2024: 11:00 UTC