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Historical Records

Watch webinars that focus on specific record categories including adoption, vital records, cemetery records, census records, city directories, immigration records, newspapers and more for locations around the world.

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Church Records in Archives
Church record research is a must for any genealogist. Many of our archives have church records available to researchers. There are also independent church archives for specific religions or denominations that can help you discover your ancestor. Learn from a seasoned genealogist and archivist how to find church records in archives.
Church record research is a must for any genealogist. Many of our archives have church records available to researchers. There are also independent church archives for specific religions or denominations that can help you discover your ancestor. Learn from a seasoned genealogist and archivist how to find church records in archives.
Fri, September 27 2024: 14:15 UTC
Using U.S. Church Records as a Brick Wall Strategy: Case Studies
Finding an overseas ancestral hometown. Tracking a family from one place to another. Researching in a place with record loss. Identifying all the children of an ancestral couple. Finding (or verifying) a birth, marriage or death. Researching extended families. Searching for ancestors who were poor, non-English speaking, ethnic minorities or enslaved. Got any of these brick-wall situations? Learn how church records may be your saving grace.
Finding an overseas ancestral hometown. Tracking a family from one place to another. Researching in a place with record loss. Identifying all the children of an ancestral couple. Finding (or verifying) a birth, marriage or death. Researching extended families. Searching for ancestors who were poor, non-English speaking, ethnic minorities or enslaved. Got any of these brick-wall situations? Learn how church records may be your saving grace.
Fri, April 12 2024: 19:00 UTC
Where Did Your U.S. Ancestors Go to Church? 5 Ways to Find Out
Finding a U.S. ancestor’s church affiliation is the first key step to discovering their stories in related records, but it isn’t usually easy. Learn 5 essential strategies, illustrated by inspiring examples. Viewers will come away with sensible, actionable steps they can apply to their own research.
Finding a U.S. ancestor’s church affiliation is the first key step to discovering their stories in related records, but it isn’t usually easy. Learn 5 essential strategies, illustrated by inspiring examples. Viewers will come away with sensible, actionable steps they can apply to their own research.
Thu, December 14 2023: 1:00 UTC
Swedish-American Church Books – Great Genealogical Source!
Many Swedes who immigrated to North America (United States and Canada) joined a Swedish American Church. While most of these congregations were Lutheran, there were also Swedish Covenant, Swedish Methodist, Swedish Baptist, Swedish Mission and other free churches. Many of these churches kept detailed records as they did in Sweden. These records are a wonderful source to discover where in Sweden the person came from and in some cases tracing internal migration within North America. This presentation will highlight the history of Swedish American churches, the various denominations and what types of records were kept and where you can find these records both online and offline. We will review a few records to show the immense detail that was kept by some of these churches.
Many Swedes who immigrated to North America (United States and Canada) joined a Swedish American Church. While most of these congregations were Lutheran, there were also Swedish Covenant, Swedish Methodist, Swedish Baptist, Swedish Mission and other free churches. Many of these churches kept detailed records as they did in Sweden. These records are a wonderful source to discover where in Sweden the person came from and in some cases tracing internal migration within North America. This presentation will highlight the history of Swedish American churches, the various denominations and what types of records were kept and where you can find these records both online and offline. We will review a few records to show the immense detail that was kept by some of these churches.
Fri, September 23 2022: 10:00 UTC
Understanding and Using Scottish Kirk Session Records
Scottish Kirk Session records have recently come online at ScotlandsPeople. Learn what they represent within the Scottish court process, how they operated and what you will find in the records. Understand how to identify the records needed, how to search and where to go next.
Scottish Kirk Session records have recently come online at ScotlandsPeople. Learn what they represent within the Scottish court process, how they operated and what you will find in the records. Understand how to identify the records needed, how to search and where to go next.
Fri, September 9 2022: 18:00 UTC
Ancestor’s Religions in the U.S.
Religious records are essential in genealogy research. Do you know all ancestor’s religions? Review the Protestant Reformation and religions in the U.S. Find your ancestor.
Religious records are essential in genealogy research. Do you know all ancestor’s religions? Review the Protestant Reformation and religions in the U.S. Find your ancestor.
Wed, July 20 2022: 0:00 UTC
Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians–Oh, My!
These 3 faiths dominated the 1800s religious scene in the United States. Learn a little of their intertwined history; explore a variety of sample records; and learn strategies for finding church records for Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians.
These 3 faiths dominated the 1800s religious scene in the United States. Learn a little of their intertwined history; explore a variety of sample records; and learn strategies for finding church records for Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians.
Fri, April 8 2022: 20:00 UTC
Moravian Trails and Records
The Moravians in the 1700s not only settled Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, but their mission work took them to other areas to work with Native Americans. Moravian records include Community Diaries which were required to be kept by each settlement. They were a way for them to record not only ecclesiastical events but other events that affected their settlement such as their interactions with native populations and slaves as they went about doing their missionary work. The German heritage of the Moravians shows in the details of naming visitors (along with any aliases) and relationships among the individuals mentioned. The Moravian records are truly a treasure-trove for anyone whose ancestors were in the same vicinity or time.
The Moravians in the 1700s not only settled Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, but their mission work took them to other areas to work with Native Americans. Moravian records include Community Diaries which were required to be kept by each settlement. They were a way for them to record not only ecclesiastical events but other events that affected their settlement such as their interactions with native populations and slaves as they went about doing their missionary work. The German heritage of the Moravians shows in the details of naming visitors (along with any aliases) and relationships among the individuals mentioned. The Moravian records are truly a treasure-trove for anyone whose ancestors were in the same vicinity or time.
Fri, September 24 2021: 0:00 UTC
Finding Your Roots in Catholic Records
Catholic genealogical research has a depth unequaled by any other record group. The documents of the Catholic Church chronicle important events in the lives of members and can provide the key to uncovering otherwise impenetrable family mysteries. Author of the Catholic Genealogy Legacy QuickGuide™ and contributor to The Catholic Gene…
Catholic genealogical research has a depth unequaled by any other record group. The documents of the Catholic Church chronicle important events in the lives of members and can provide the key to uncovering otherwise impenetrable family mysteries. Author of the Catholic Genealogy Legacy QuickGuide™ and contributor to The Catholic Gene…
Wed, December 6 2017: 0:00 UTC
Foundations of Irish Genealogy 4: The Major Records III, Church Records
Before civil records started in 1864, Irish church records are often the only direct records of family events, and thus crucial to Irish genealogical research. This talk describes the locations and nature of the records, along with online and offline research strategies for the three major denominations, Roman Catholic, Church…
Before civil records started in 1864, Irish church records are often the only direct records of family events, and thus crucial to Irish genealogical research. This talk describes the locations and nature of the records, along with online and offline research strategies for the three major denominations, Roman Catholic, Church…
Fri, July 15 2016: 0:00 UTC
England and Wales – Rummaging in the Parish Chests
The parish registers of baptisms, marriages and burials in England and Wales give many genealogical clues to help build a family tree. Kirsty Gray also highlights other documents kept by the parish, the diocese and the archdeaconry and the invaluable information which can be gleaned about the lives of our…
The parish registers of baptisms, marriages and burials in England and Wales give many genealogical clues to help build a family tree. Kirsty Gray also highlights other documents kept by the parish, the diocese and the archdeaconry and the invaluable information which can be gleaned about the lives of our…
Wed, April 27 2016: 0:00 UTC
Zigzagging through German Church Records
You will learn about the methodology of using the baptismal, confirmation, marriage and burial records from German church registers most effectively. By utilizing the different bits of information found in each, researchers can zigzag their way to adding centuries to a pedigree.
You will learn about the methodology of using the baptismal, confirmation, marriage and burial records from German church registers most effectively. By utilizing the different bits of information found in each, researchers can zigzag their way to adding centuries to a pedigree.
Wed, February 11 2015: 0:00 UTC

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Fri, April 4 2025: 1:00 UTC
Seven Sources for Seeking Scoundrels
Fri, April 4 2025: 1:00 UTC
Janice loves researching scoundrels and black sheep – they leave behind such wonderful records! This webinar looks at seven types of records family historians rarely use: police records, criminal court records, jail records, coroner’s records, church disciplinary records, divorce records and juvenile reformatory records.
Janice loves researching scoundrels and black sheep – they leave behind such wonderful records! This webinar looks at seven types of records family historians rarely use: police records, criminal court records, jail records, coroner’s records, church disciplinary records, divorce records and juvenile reformatory records.
Fri, April 4 2025: 1:00 UTC
Fri, April 11 2025: 18:00 UTC
Neglected Gold in Older Genealogical and Historical Periodicals
Fri, April 11 2025: 18:00 UTC
Digitized, shelved, and some in obscure places. Online indexes and searchable images. Genealogical and historical society periodicals remain as important tools. This session illustrates the kind of treasures in those periodicals that might not be found anywhere else. Decades upon decades of articles have covered culture, migration, ethnicity, military, churches, cemeteries, family connections, queries, and other aspects of town, city, county, and state ancestral research. Indexes and record explanations with hundreds of names that are not on major genealogy websites. The webinar demonstrates how those periodicals are useful and vital for research, how to access them, and special considerations for using them to benefit your research.
Digitized, shelved, and some in obscure places. Online indexes and searchable images. Genealogical and historical society periodicals remain as important tools. This session illustrates the kind of treasures in those periodicals that might not be found anywhere else. Decades upon decades of articles have covered culture, migration, ethnicity, military, churches, cemeteries, family connections, queries, and other aspects of town, city, county, and state ancestral research. Indexes and record explanations with hundreds of names that are not on major genealogy websites. The webinar demonstrates how those periodicals are useful and vital for research, how to access them, and special considerations for using them to benefit your research.
Fri, April 11 2025: 18:00 UTC
Wed, May 21 2025: 0:00 UTC
From Despair to Cargoes of Hope: WWII’s Displaced Persons
Wed, May 21 2025: 0:00 UTC
Many immigrants entered the US under the Displaced Persons Act. Based on specific criteria, eligible displaced persons (DPs) could be admitted to the US if they would not become a public charge and have safe and sanitary housing and employment without displacing some other person. The displaced person or refugee was the concern of the International Refugee Organization. The US created the Displaced Persons Commission to oversee the act’s enactment. Is your ancestor named in the record sets created? The presentation will discuss the History of the Act and the records created as a result of the Act.
Many immigrants entered the US under the Displaced Persons Act. Based on specific criteria, eligible displaced persons (DPs) could be admitted to the US if they would not become a public charge and have safe and sanitary housing and employment without displacing some other person. The displaced person or refugee was the concern of the International Refugee Organization. The US created the Displaced Persons Commission to oversee the act’s enactment. Is your ancestor named in the record sets created? The presentation will discuss the History of the Act and the records created as a result of the Act.
Wed, May 21 2025: 0:00 UTC
Wed, June 4 2025: 9:00 UTC
Hidden in the Newsprint: UK Edition
Wed, June 4 2025: 9:00 UTC
An insight into the wealth of information that is available within newspapers including the British Newspaper Archive and The Gazette as well as hints and tips for getting more out of searching and finding useful articles within the newspapers.
An insight into the wealth of information that is available within newspapers including the British Newspaper Archive and The Gazette as well as hints and tips for getting more out of searching and finding useful articles within the newspapers.
Wed, June 4 2025: 9:00 UTC
Wed, June 25 2025: 18:00 UTC
Southern Ancestors…Black and White…in the Freedmen’s Bureau
Wed, June 25 2025: 18:00 UTC
Explore the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands to discover details of the Reconstruction lives of black freedmen and free people of color as well as white farmers and wealthy planters.
Explore the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands to discover details of the Reconstruction lives of black freedmen and free people of color as well as white farmers and wealthy planters.
Wed, June 25 2025: 18:00 UTC
Thu, July 10 2025: 0:00 UTC
Forgotten Records: Pension Ledgers and the Payments they Represent
Thu, July 10 2025: 0:00 UTC
Few people take the time to look at the pension payment process and the records that are created. Records may contain information about movement, kin, and primary sources for dates of death.
Few people take the time to look at the pension payment process and the records that are created. Records may contain information about movement, kin, and primary sources for dates of death.
Thu, July 10 2025: 0:00 UTC
Wed, July 16 2025: 0:00 UTC
Civil War Records: What is a Reasonably Exhaustive Search?
Wed, July 16 2025: 0:00 UTC
To correlate evidence, you must have evidence to correlate. Typical researchers stop too soon in their evidence collection, believing they have found all there is to find about a soldier. There is more to military research than the compiled military service record or the pension application file. A reasonably exhaustive search is not limited to the two or three typical record sources.
To correlate evidence, you must have evidence to correlate. Typical researchers stop too soon in their evidence collection, believing they have found all there is to find about a soldier. There is more to military research than the compiled military service record or the pension application file. A reasonably exhaustive search is not limited to the two or three typical record sources.
Wed, July 16 2025: 0:00 UTC
Wed, July 23 2025: 18:00 UTC
Unlocking Notation Codes on Alien Passenger Lists
Wed, July 23 2025: 18:00 UTC
Entries in late 19th and early 20th century immigrant passenger manifests often include cryptic number and letter codes. Most genealogists simply look past them. Learn how to interpret these codes and what significant details they can reveal about your ancestor’s immigration and naturalization experience. Discover additional information about aliens who were detained or deported. This presentation is heavily illustrated with examples from New York and Philadelphia alien passenger lists and the handout includes a glossary of the terms, codes, and abbreviations found on these manifests.
Entries in late 19th and early 20th century immigrant passenger manifests often include cryptic number and letter codes. Most genealogists simply look past them. Learn how to interpret these codes and what significant details they can reveal about your ancestor’s immigration and naturalization experience. Discover additional information about aliens who were detained or deported. This presentation is heavily illustrated with examples from New York and Philadelphia alien passenger lists and the handout includes a glossary of the terms, codes, and abbreviations found on these manifests.
Wed, July 23 2025: 18:00 UTC
Wed, July 30 2025: 18:00 UTC
Top Newspaper Sites That You MUST RESEARCH!
Wed, July 30 2025: 18:00 UTC
This presentation will discuss all of the newspaper websites that you must include in your genealogy research! This lecture will discuss: • • Genealogybank/Newspaper Archive • Chronicling America • Proquest Historical Newspapers • State digitized newspaper projects • Hunting Forebears
This presentation will discuss all of the newspaper websites that you must include in your genealogy research! This lecture will discuss: • • Genealogybank/Newspaper Archive • Chronicling America • Proquest Historical Newspapers • State digitized newspaper projects • Hunting Forebears
Wed, July 30 2025: 18:00 UTC