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The Real Life of New England Vital Records
What are the secrets to finding New England vital records today? If you understand how they were made, and all the things that have happened to them since, you will bring new skills and insight to your vital records research. Also, let’s develop some strategies for those times when the record cannot be found.
What are the secrets to finding New England vital records today? If you understand how they were made, and all the things that have happened to them since, you will bring new skills and insight to your vital records research. Also, let’s develop some strategies for those times when the record cannot be found.
Fri, September 20 2024: 14:15 UTC
Hidden Treasure in New England Town Records
New England town records represent a unique resource for Family historians. Early settlers from England brought their traditions of town governance to the new world, including their ideas of legal matters and record keeping. The result is a treasure trove of documents that capture aspects of our ancestors’ lives as they went about their day-to-day business. These records are especially valuable for the 17th and 18th centuries as many other records may not have survived. This webinar covers not only vital record sources but also records from the Town Treasurer, Overseers of the Poor, and the Selectmen.
Ann Lawthers
New England town records represent a unique resource for Family historians. Early settlers from England brought their traditions of town governance to the new world, including their ideas of legal matters and record keeping. The result is a treasure trove of documents that capture aspects of our ancestors’ lives as they went about their day-to-day business. These records are especially valuable for the 17th and 18th centuries as many other records may not have survived. This webinar covers not only vital record sources but also records from the Town Treasurer, Overseers of the Poor, and the Selectmen.
Fri, September 22 2023: 15:30 UTC
Changing New England Records in the 1800s
Just as some New Englanders left their declining farms and headed west, industrialization arrived in New England and our ancestors’ lives and records changed forever. The days when deeds and probate would solve genealogical problems gave way to a dizzying array of new census collections, state mandated vital records, poorhouse, prison and asylum records, sturdier cemetery markers, and military pensions. Let’s re-teach ourselves as we trace 1800’s ancestors.
Just as some New Englanders left their declining farms and headed west, industrialization arrived in New England and our ancestors’ lives and records changed forever. The days when deeds and probate would solve genealogical problems gave way to a dizzying array of new census collections, state mandated vital records, poorhouse, prison and asylum records, sturdier cemetery markers, and military pensions. Let’s re-teach ourselves as we trace 1800’s ancestors.
Fri, August 26 2022: 21:00 UTC
Researching in Colonial New England
Researching ancestors who lived in colonial New England can be challenging. This webinar begins by tracing settlement patterns, setting the stage for understanding key records and where to find them. For the 17th century, many unique published resources exist to help the family researcher. During the colonial years, several conflicts such as King Philip’s War and the Seven Years War affected settlement and thus the surviving records. The 18th century culminated in the Revolutionary War, but also saw the continued growth of settlement and ultimately resources for the family historian.
Ann Lawthers
Researching ancestors who lived in colonial New England can be challenging. This webinar begins by tracing settlement patterns, setting the stage for understanding key records and where to find them. For the 17th century, many unique published resources exist to help the family researcher. During the colonial years, several conflicts such as King Philip’s War and the Seven Years War affected settlement and thus the surviving records. The 18th century culminated in the Revolutionary War, but also saw the continued growth of settlement and ultimately resources for the family historian.
Thu, February 10 2022: 1:00 UTC
New England’s ‘Seventh State’: Life along the coast
Before railroads, New Englanders traveled by water along the coast from CT to RI and MA to ME. Records for those following a seafaring life (and their families) can be found in archives and other repositories along the coast.
Before railroads, New Englanders traveled by water along the coast from CT to RI and MA to ME. Records for those following a seafaring life (and their families) can be found in archives and other repositories along the coast.
Wed, June 16 2021: 18:00 UTC
Understanding Massachusetts Vital Records
We’ll talk about original sources such as town records books as well as the many printed and database options. Learn how to use the “tan books,” vital records from 1841, and all the other lesser known resources available.
We’ll talk about original sources such as town records books as well as the many printed and database options. Learn how to use the “tan books,” vital records from 1841, and all the other lesser known resources available.
Fri, February 1 2019: 0:00 UTC
Looking After the Poor: Finding Your Ancestors in New England Poverty Records
Come find out about “strangers taken in” records, “warning out” records and settlement law. Settlement law impacted all New Englanders whether rich or poor, transient or long-time resident. Discover what records were created as a result and why. You will be surprised at the level of detail you can find about your ancestors. Marian Pierre-Louis will take you into the depths of these rarely discussed New England records to reveal a wealth of information about your ancestors.
Come find out about “strangers taken in” records, “warning out” records and settlement law. Settlement law impacted all New Englanders whether rich or poor, transient or long-time resident. Discover what records were created as a result and why. You will be surprised at the level of detail you can find about your ancestors. Marian Pierre-Louis will take you into the depths of these rarely discussed New England records to reveal a wealth of information about your ancestors.
Wed, June 1 2016: 0:00 UTC
Get the Most from is the most-used genealogical society website in the world. It provides family historians access to more than 400 million records spanning the U.S. and beyond, including one of the most extensive online collections of early American records, and the largest searchable collection of published genealogical research journals and magazines… is the most-used genealogical society website in the world. It provides family historians access to more than 400 million records spanning the U.S. and beyond, including one of the most extensive online collections of early American records, and the largest searchable collection of published genealogical research journals and magazines…
Wed, June 1 2016: 0:00 UTC
NEHGS: Who We Are, What We Do, and How We Can Help
New England Historic Genealogical Society is America's founding genealogical organization. Established in 1845, NEHGS strives to educate, inspire, and connect people through family history discovery. From our research center in Boston, Massachusetts we provide family history services, develop original scholarship, lead transformative educational tours and programs, publish genealogies and essential…
New England Historic Genealogical Society is America's founding genealogical organization. Established in 1845, NEHGS strives to educate, inspire, and connect people through family history discovery. From our research center in Boston, Massachusetts we provide family history services, develop original scholarship, lead transformative educational tours and programs, publish genealogies and essential…
Wed, May 25 2016: 0:00 UTC
New England Deeds and Probate – A Powerful Combination (BONUS webinar for subscribers)
Did you know that all the members of a family may be named in an old deed? Have you ever tried to get a close-up view of what your ancestors wore and the tools they used from an estate inventory? Learn how to use the records in New England Registry…
Did you know that all the members of a family may be named in an old deed? Have you ever tried to get a close-up view of what your ancestors wore and the tools they used from an estate inventory? Learn how to use the records in New England Registry…
Wed, May 13 2015: 0:00 UTC
Researching your Roots in Rhode Island
Rhode Island may be the smallest state but it offers genealogists a wealth of resources that date back to 1636 on the city, county and state level. While some resources are online, this webinar will also explore how to find what you need in local collections.
Rhode Island may be the smallest state but it offers genealogists a wealth of resources that date back to 1636 on the city, county and state level. While some resources are online, this webinar will also explore how to find what you need in local collections.
Wed, May 1 2013: 0:00 UTC
Pilgrims and Patriots: Discovering Your Massachusetts Ancestors
From the arrival of the Pilgrims in 1620, Massachusetts has maintained some of the best-kept records for genealogists. This abundance has made it easier to research in the state. Even so, it's helpful to have a roadmap to cover almost 400 years of history. Join Marian Pierre-Louis as she provides…
From the arrival of the Pilgrims in 1620, Massachusetts has maintained some of the best-kept records for genealogists. This abundance has made it easier to research in the state. Even so, it's helpful to have a roadmap to cover almost 400 years of history. Join Marian Pierre-Louis as she provides…
Wed, January 18 2012: 0:00 UTC

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Fri, February 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
Introducing 10 Million Names
Fri, February 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
There are at least 44 million descendants of enslaved individuals alive today, but slavery separated families, erased names, and obscured facts. The 10 Million Names Project, recently launched by American Ancestors and its partners, aims to connect the family stories of these descendants to the 10 million men, women, and children of African descent who were enslaved in the U.S. prior to emancipation and to restore their names to history. Join Cynthia Evans and learn about the scope of this project, the objectives, and our methodology.
There are at least 44 million descendants of enslaved individuals alive today, but slavery separated families, erased names, and obscured facts. The 10 Million Names Project, recently launched by American Ancestors and its partners, aims to connect the family stories of these descendants to the 10 million men, women, and children of African descent who were enslaved in the U.S. prior to emancipation and to restore their names to history. Join Cynthia Evans and learn about the scope of this project, the objectives, and our methodology.
Fri, February 14 2025: 19:00 UTC
Fri, February 21 2025: 17:00 UTC
Research Your Roots in Alsace Lorraine
Fri, February 21 2025: 17:00 UTC
German-French or French-German? Genealogy in Alsace-Lorraine. Do you have ancestors listed in the U. S. census as German in one and French in another? They are likely from Alsace-Lorraine, with a complicated history that presents family researchers with opportunities and challenges. Learn about sources and methods that will help you to progress in your research.
German-French or French-German? Genealogy in Alsace-Lorraine. Do you have ancestors listed in the U. S. census as German in one and French in another? They are likely from Alsace-Lorraine, with a complicated history that presents family researchers with opportunities and challenges. Learn about sources and methods that will help you to progress in your research.
Fri, February 21 2025: 17:00 UTC
Fri, February 21 2025: 19:00 UTC
Soldiers, Squatters and Settlers
Fri, February 21 2025: 19:00 UTC
Following the Revolutionary War, many British subjects were eager to get onto British soil and Canada was the nearest colony. Land was granted to soldiers who had remained loyal to the Crown and with the success of settlements such as Glengarry, colonizers soon realized that there was success to be had in getting immigrants to settle in the huge swath of untapped land in Upper Canada. In this presentation we will discuss: Military Settlements, Crown & Clergy Reserves, Queen’s Bush Settlement & Wilberforce Colony, Quaker Settlements, Mennonite Settlements, Talbot Settlement, Peter Robinson Settlement, Huron Tract. We will also look at sale of treaty lands, and emigration societies in Scotland.
Following the Revolutionary War, many British subjects were eager to get onto British soil and Canada was the nearest colony. Land was granted to soldiers who had remained loyal to the Crown and with the success of settlements such as Glengarry, colonizers soon realized that there was success to be had in getting immigrants to settle in the huge swath of untapped land in Upper Canada. In this presentation we will discuss: Military Settlements, Crown & Clergy Reserves, Queen’s Bush Settlement & Wilberforce Colony, Quaker Settlements, Mennonite Settlements, Talbot Settlement, Peter Robinson Settlement, Huron Tract. We will also look at sale of treaty lands, and emigration societies in Scotland.
Fri, February 21 2025: 19:00 UTC
Thu, February 27 2025: 14:00 UTC
Trouvez vos ancêtres dans les recensements canadiens sur MyHeritage
Thu, February 27 2025: 14:00 UTC
Dans ce webinaire, la généalogiste québécoise Kathleen Juneau Roy, vous présentera l’organisation des recensements canadiens et l’éventail de la collection détenue par MyHeritage. Nous verrons les particularités de chacun des recensements de 1851 à 1931, des défis qu’ils représentent, de leurs avantages et de leurs limites. Nous verrons qu’un recensement c’est plus qu’un document, c’est presque une « photo » de nos familles à une date et dans un lieu précis.
Dans ce webinaire, la généalogiste québécoise Kathleen Juneau Roy, vous présentera l’organisation des recensements canadiens et l’éventail de la collection détenue par MyHeritage. Nous verrons les particularités de chacun des recensements de 1851 à 1931, des défis qu’ils représentent, de leurs avantages et de leurs limites. Nous verrons qu’un recensement c’est plus qu’un document, c’est presque une « photo » de nos familles à une date et dans un lieu précis.
Thu, February 27 2025: 14:00 UTC
Thu, March 13 2025: 0:00 UTC
Danish Probate Records
Thu, March 13 2025: 0:00 UTC
Probate records are a gem for those researching ancestors in Denmark. However, understanding the jurisdictions for these records is very complicated. This webinar will discuss the basics of the Danish Estate system the influence it had on our ancestors’ lives. We will also learn about the county records, finding aids and online resources for successfully navigating Danish probate records.
Probate records are a gem for those researching ancestors in Denmark. However, understanding the jurisdictions for these records is very complicated. This webinar will discuss the basics of the Danish Estate system the influence it had on our ancestors’ lives. We will also learn about the county records, finding aids and online resources for successfully navigating Danish probate records.
Thu, March 13 2025: 0:00 UTC
Fri, March 14 2025: 18:00 UTC
Researching Your Hampshire Ancestors
Fri, March 14 2025: 18:00 UTC
The county of Hampshire covers over 1 million acres, bordered to the south by the English Channel and includes the Isle of Wight. As one might expect the ancestral roots of the county are widely represented by agricultural workers, but it also has a strong maritime history. This includes not only coastguards, fishermen, and latterly Merchant Navy seafarers, but also the Royal Navy with its Portsmouth dockyard, now home to Nelsons’s flagship HMS Victory. Join Gill for a user’s guide to online and offline resources, including local archive collections, a guide to boundary changes, and where to search for missing ancestors. Our aim is research enlightenment.
The county of Hampshire covers over 1 million acres, bordered to the south by the English Channel and includes the Isle of Wight. As one might expect the ancestral roots of the county are widely represented by agricultural workers, but it also has a strong maritime history. This includes not only coastguards, fishermen, and latterly Merchant Navy seafarers, but also the Royal Navy with its Portsmouth dockyard, now home to Nelsons’s flagship HMS Victory. Join Gill for a user’s guide to online and offline resources, including local archive collections, a guide to boundary changes, and where to search for missing ancestors. Our aim is research enlightenment.
Fri, March 14 2025: 18:00 UTC
Fri, March 21 2025: 18:00 UTC
Mexican Notarial Records: An Invaluable Source for Reconstructing the Past of Mexican Families
Fri, March 21 2025: 18:00 UTC
Testaments, dowry letters, land sales, cattle leasing, power of attorney letters, and many other types of documents were created by public and royal scribes all over Mexico in the last five centuries. Notarial archives are rich in detail and history. Whenever they are available, they become an essential tool for genealogical research, adding depth to the lives of ancestors, or bridging gaps when church records have been lost. This conference is a basic outline of these records and where to find them both offline and online.
Testaments, dowry letters, land sales, cattle leasing, power of attorney letters, and many other types of documents were created by public and royal scribes all over Mexico in the last five centuries. Notarial archives are rich in detail and history. Whenever they are available, they become an essential tool for genealogical research, adding depth to the lives of ancestors, or bridging gaps when church records have been lost. This conference is a basic outline of these records and where to find them both offline and online.
Fri, March 21 2025: 18:00 UTC
Fri, April 4 2025: 2:00 UTC
Understanding and Benefitting from Process Changes to England’s Civil Registration for B/M/D Certificates
Fri, April 4 2025: 2:00 UTC
Understand original steps in getting from event – birth, marriage or death to an index; how online services impact searches; how to obtain inexpensive certificates. Access procedures and costs for obtaining birth, marriage and death certificates in England and Wales has changed radically in the last few years. Positively, the reduced costs make it such there is no excuse for not getting all birth and death certificates. Negatively, people are losing sight of what they are actually searching to get the certificate. – Learn the original process of getting from an event to a listing within an index (local or national). – Learn what rules and laws changed the above processes over time. – Understand differences between original and new indexes. – See the impact of which versions of the indexes are being searched by the different online services. – Learn how to purchase, and quickly obtain birth and death certificates. – See the different versions of the certificates that can be currently purchased. – Learn alternatives for obtaining cheaper marriage records.
Understand original steps in getting from event – birth, marriage or death to an index; how online services impact searches; how to obtain inexpensive certificates. Access procedures and costs for obtaining birth, marriage and death certificates in England and Wales has changed radically in the last few years. Positively, the reduced costs make it such there is no excuse for not getting all birth and death certificates. Negatively, people are losing sight of what they are actually searching to get the certificate. – Learn the original process of getting from an event to a listing within an index (local or national). – Learn what rules and laws changed the above processes over time. – Understand differences between original and new indexes. – See the impact of which versions of the indexes are being searched by the different online services. – Learn how to purchase, and quickly obtain birth and death certificates. – See the different versions of the certificates that can be currently purchased. – Learn alternatives for obtaining cheaper marriage records.
Fri, April 4 2025: 2:00 UTC
Fri, April 4 2025: 6:00 UTC
Tracing Female Ancestors in Greek Genealogy Research
Fri, April 4 2025: 6:00 UTC
In Greek genealogy research, tracing female ancestors can be rather challenging. However, a number of research options can tackle this problem. This webinar aims at presenting such options and tips to help you find the names and stories of your Greek female ancestors.
In Greek genealogy research, tracing female ancestors can be rather challenging. However, a number of research options can tackle this problem. This webinar aims at presenting such options and tips to help you find the names and stories of your Greek female ancestors.
Fri, April 4 2025: 6:00 UTC