Paula Williams

Paula is a professional genealogist who has been researching for more than two decades in primarily southern US states and has been using DNA to solve problems for more than a decade. She has studied at IGHR, SLIG, GRIP, and the Genealogical Institute on Federal Records (Gen-Fed). In addition, she’s a board member of the Virginia Genealogical Society and of the Genealogical Research Institute of Virginia (GRIVA) and is the facilitator for the latter’s DNA Special Interest Group. She also serves as an administrator for Blaine Bettinger’s “Genetic Genealogy Tips & Techniques” group on Facebook, helping to answer people’s questions about DNA testing and analysis tools. She has taught at the IGHR and GRIP institutes and has lectured for the Southern California Genealogical Society’s Genealogy Jamboree and for the National Genealogical Society conference, among others.

Paula's Upcoming Live Webinars (1)

Fri, August 15 2025: 18:00 UTC
5 Questions to Answer About Your DNA Matches
Fri, August 15 2025: 18:00 UTC
Our DNA matches can't really help us if we don't know who they are. But we also need to ask ourselves what the match is telling us and what evidence it can provide for our genealogical research.
Our DNA matches can't really help us if we don't know who they are. But we also need to ask ourselves what the match is telling us and what evidence it can provide for our genealogical research.
Fri, August 15 2025: 18:00 UTC

Paula's Webinars (3)