Peggy Clemens Lauritzen, AG, AGL

Peggy Clemens Lauritzen, AG, was involved in genealogy before she was even born. The daughter of avid genealogists, she was spending time in courthouses and cemeteries while other children were playing on swings and going to the beach. The love of her family’s history has never left her. With her experience as a former Family History Director, she is a frequent speaker at genealogical societies, workshops, seminars, and webinars where she loves bringing genealogy to life. Some of those would include The Ohio Genealogical Society, The Ohio State University, Brigham Young University, and many other state and local genealogy societies. She has recently completed several Legacy QuickGuides on Appalachia, which are also available on and

Peggy's Upcoming Live Webinars (1)

Fri, April 18 2025: 18:00 UTC
Community Research Using the National Register of Historic Places and the Historical Marker Database
Fri, April 18 2025: 18:00 UTC
Two genealogists began a conversation over lunch and ideas began to tumble around as they approached a common research dilemma from two different angles. It wasn’t long before they discovered these two valuable sites that led to valuable discoveries in their research. Those metal signs you see on old buildings or the metal historic markers by the side of the road may offer clues to the lives of your ancestors.
Two genealogists began a conversation over lunch and ideas began to tumble around as they approached a common research dilemma from two different angles. It wasn’t long before they discovered these two valuable sites that led to valuable discoveries in their research. Those metal signs you see on old buildings or the metal historic markers by the side of the road may offer clues to the lives of your ancestors.
Fri, April 18 2025: 18:00 UTC

Peggy's Webinars (18)