Foundations of Irish Genealogy 11: The Valuation Office
Griffith's Valuation is the best-known 19th-century Irish census substitute. But the published Valuation itself is only the tip of the iceberg. Before publication, a huge surveying operation produced mountains of documents providing an excellent source of information on possible living relatives.
Griffith's Valuation is the best-known 19th-century Irish census substitute. But the published Valuation itself is only the tip of the iceberg. Before publication, a huge surveying operation produced mountains of documents providing an excellent source of information on possible living relatives.
Foundations of Irish Genealogy 10: Registry of Deeds
Since 1704, the Registry of Deeds in Dublin has been providing legal registration of property transactions, often recording precious extended-family information in the process. The talk covers the nature of the transactions, the individuals involved and the main routes of access. This talk also covers the Genealogical Office.
Since 1704, the Registry of Deeds in Dublin has been providing legal registration of property transactions, often recording precious extended-family information in the process. The talk covers the nature of the transactions, the individuals involved and the main routes of access. This talk also covers the Genealogical Office.
Foundations of Irish Genealogy 9: Wills and Directories
Both of these sources concern those with at least some property to their name, and both are now much easier to search online. The talk details relevance, locations and access, online and offline.
Both of these sources concern those with at least some property to their name, and both are now much easier to search online. The talk details relevance, locations and access, online and offline.
The usefulness of Irish newspapers as a research tool has been completely transformed by digitization. The talk outlines the main geographic areas covered by newspapers since the 18th century and provides a guide to online access, as well as some very useful offline sources.
The usefulness of Irish newspapers as a research tool has been completely transformed by digitization. The talk outlines the main geographic areas covered by newspapers since the 18th century and provides a guide to online access, as well as some very useful offline sources.
Foundations of Irish Genealogy 7: Census Substitutes
Because of the destruction of almost all 19th-century censuses in 1922, census substitutes have taken on an unnatural importance for Irish research. This talk gives an overview of records involved, moving along the spectrum from things that are census-like to strange beasts that are nothing at all like a census.
Because of the destruction of almost all 19th-century censuses in 1922, census substitutes have taken on an unnatural importance for Irish research. This talk gives an overview of records involved, moving along the spectrum from things that are census-like to strange beasts that are nothing at all like a census.
Foundations of Irish Genealogy 2: The Major Records I, General Register Office
All Irish births, deaths and marriages were registered by the state from 1864. At least in theory. This talk describes how the system worked, the nature of the records it produced and the many, often confusing ways those records are now available.
All Irish births, deaths and marriages were registered by the state from 1864. At least in theory. This talk describes how the system worked, the nature of the records it produced and the many, often confusing ways those records are now available.
Foundations of Irish Genealogy 4: The Major Records III, Church Records
Before civil records started in 1864, Irish church records are often the only direct records of family events, and thus crucial to Irish genealogical research. This talk describes the locations and nature of the records, along with online and offline research strategies for the three major denominations, Roman Catholic, Church…
Before civil records started in 1864, Irish church records are often the only direct records of family events, and thus crucial to Irish genealogical research. This talk describes the locations and nature of the records, along with online and offline research strategies for the three major denominations, Roman Catholic, Church…
Foundations of Irish Genealogy 1: The Raw Materials of Irish Genealogy
The expectations and misconceptions that can be obstacles to Irish research are discussed and debunked. Surnames and place names, the most basic raw materials of genealogy, are both especially tricky in Ireland. The reasons are analysed and online tools for handling them are introduced.
The expectations and misconceptions that can be obstacles to Irish research are discussed and debunked. Surnames and place names, the most basic raw materials of genealogy, are both especially tricky in Ireland. The reasons are analysed and online tools for handling them are introduced.
Foundations of Irish Genealogy 3: The Major Records II, Censuses
This talk comprises a brief history of census-taking in Ireland. Research strategies are outlined for the earliest complete census records, 1901 and 1911, and for surviving earlier fragments. Often overlooked by the descendants of Irish emigrants because they are so late, 1901 and 1911 can provide wonderful information on collateral…
This talk comprises a brief history of census-taking in Ireland. Research strategies are outlined for the earliest complete census records, 1901 and 1911, and for surviving earlier fragments. Often overlooked by the descendants of Irish emigrants because they are so late, 1901 and 1911 can provide wonderful information on collateral…
Foundations of Irish Genealogy 5: The Major Records IV, Nineteenth-Century Property Records
Only two country-wide 19th-century census substitutes exist for Ireland, Griffith's Valuation (1849-1864) and the Tithe Books (1823-1838). Here they are examined them in detail and research approaches are outlined.
Only two country-wide 19th-century census substitutes exist for Ireland, Griffith's Valuation (1849-1864) and the Tithe Books (1823-1838). Here they are examined them in detail and research approaches are outlined.
Foundations of Irish Genealogy 6: Bringing the Major Records Together
It is one thing to know what the records are. It is another thing entirely to know how to fit those records together to extract as much genealogical information as possible. This talk concentrates on showing how the major sources interact with each other and how each can be used…
It is one thing to know what the records are. It is another thing entirely to know how to fit those records together to extract as much genealogical information as possible. This talk concentrates on showing how the major sources interact with each other and how each can be used…
Oops! Married twice (at the same time) Case Studies in Bigamy!
Wed, February 5 2025: 1:00 UTC
Divorce in Queensland Australia was very difficult to obtain. Some couples then just lived together and some underwent a bigamous marriage. What were the penalties? The records? Follow these ten bigamy case studies.
Divorce in Queensland Australia was very difficult to obtain. Some couples then just lived together and some underwent a bigamous marriage. What were the penalties? The records? Follow these ten bigamy case studies.
Genetic testing has taken the genealogical world by storm—but many good genealogists feel lost in that storm; and more than a few family trees have suffered damage. How do we harness the power of genetic genealogy without being swept away in the surge? This session guides genealogists through four areas: (1) converting DNA data into evidence; (2) turning that evidence into proof; (3) crafting citations that include all genetic details needed for proof; and (4) protecting privacy throughout the research and presentation of our conclusions. The session offers simple but solid ground rules—no geek speak!—illustrated by a variety of case studies.
Genetic testing has taken the genealogical world by storm—but many good genealogists feel lost in that storm; and more than a few family trees have suffered damage. How do we harness the power of genetic genealogy without being swept away in the surge? This session guides genealogists through four areas: (1) converting DNA data into evidence; (2) turning that evidence into proof; (3) crafting citations that include all genetic details needed for proof; and (4) protecting privacy throughout the research and presentation of our conclusions. The session offers simple but solid ground rules—no geek speak!—illustrated by a variety of case studies.
Genealogists can work together using the FamilySearch Family Tree, WikiTree, and Geni. Learn the differences among them and the best practices for each.
Genealogists can work together using the FamilySearch Family Tree, WikiTree, and Geni. Learn the differences among them and the best practices for each.
La généalogie et les enfants : comment intéresser les jeunes générations à leur histoire familiale
Thu, January 16 2025: 12:00 UTC
Qu’adviendra-t-il de votre généalogie lorsque vous passerez du statut de généalogiste de la famille à celui d’ancêtre ? Les jeunes générations de votre famille aimeront-elles la généalogie comme vous ? Contribueront-elles à faire vivre vos histoires familiales ? Découvrez comment utiliser les fonctionnalités de MyHeritage pour impliquer vos enfants et petits-enfants.
Qu’adviendra-t-il de votre généalogie lorsque vous passerez du statut de généalogiste de la famille à celui d’ancêtre ? Les jeunes générations de votre famille aimeront-elles la généalogie comme vous ? Contribueront-elles à faire vivre vos histoires familiales ? Découvrez comment utiliser les fonctionnalités de MyHeritage pour impliquer vos enfants et petits-enfants.
Have you enjoyed a unified effort in which you accomplished so much more with the help of others than you could ever have done alone? The cooperation, connection, and associations that result from such unified effort also established a protection to the results that were unexpected. Join Karen Clifford as she shares a ten-year experiment using the Collaborate tool at FamilySearch to shine a light on selected ancestors, and help to attract unknown, yet later proven relatives to our common family tree. See how the partnership between FamilySearch, and MyHeritage opened the previously closed door to a new generation.
Have you enjoyed a unified effort in which you accomplished so much more with the help of others than you could ever have done alone? The cooperation, connection, and associations that result from such unified effort also established a protection to the results that were unexpected. Join Karen Clifford as she shares a ten-year experiment using the Collaborate tool at FamilySearch to shine a light on selected ancestors, and help to attract unknown, yet later proven relatives to our common family tree. See how the partnership between FamilySearch, and MyHeritage opened the previously closed door to a new generation.
More and more, people are preferring to use their mobile devices to access their favorite software and services — and genealogists shouldn’t be left behind. MyHeritage continues to improve the genealogy-on-the-go experience from the MyHeritage mobile app, making it easier than ever to manage your family tree and conduct research from the palm of your hand. In this session, Gilad Katz, Senior Product Manager at MyHeritage, will show you the latest developments in the mobile app.
More and more, people are preferring to use their mobile devices to access their favorite software and services — and genealogists shouldn’t be left behind. MyHeritage continues to improve the genealogy-on-the-go experience from the MyHeritage mobile app, making it easier than ever to manage your family tree and conduct research from the palm of your hand. In this session, Gilad Katz, Senior Product Manager at MyHeritage, will show you the latest developments in the mobile app.
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