Find Your Immigrant Ancestors AND their Relatives in the New York Passenger Arrival Records

Mike Mansfield
Nov 30, 2017
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Play. Playing.
2m 26s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 40s
Play. Playing.
1m 19s
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Trends and Patterns
8m 44s
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History of Records
5m 40s
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Port of New York
2m 42s
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Index and Images
4m 05s
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Case Studies
13m 10s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
7m 48s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
8m 03s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
25m 27s

About this webinar

Until now, no organization has indexed the millions of additional names and relationships listed in the New York passenger arrival records which provide information about the arriving immigrant’s nearest friend or relative in his home country as well as information about a friend or relative in the USA. These additional names and relationships are now available in a searchable index for the first  time and can help genealogists find elusive passenger arrival records and solve difficult genealogical problems. This webinar will provide a brief history of passenger arrival records collected at the Port of New York and focus on using the newly updated and expanded index on MyHeritage to improve findability in these important immigration records.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Mike Mansfield works for as the Director of Content Operations. Previously Mike has worked for and FamilySearch and has been active in the genealogy and family history domain for the last 20 years. Mike has presented at
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago

    A really great presentation.

    Able to use the new addition of family names to find another cousin’s immigration record today! Thank you !

    although I have already spent a little time looking at these newly released/indexed records, having an insider give tips and suggestions was fantastic! Thanks very much for a webinar pertaining to something so newly released – we could use more like this.

    Amazing webinar!

    Another great addition…thanks Mike

    Excellent focused presenation!

    Excellent insights on the relationships available on the ship manifests.

    Excellent introduction to the MyHeritage site. I look forward to exploring with a 14-day trial.

    Excellent presentation about the value of these passenger records as well as the history surrounding them. Enjoyed it very much. Thanks!

    Excellent presentation!!!! Learned a lot, I am a new genealogist and this was very helpful.

    Excellent subject and presentation, Thank you!

    Excellent webinar. I have just started using My Heritage and have ordered a DNA kit. I learned so much. Thanks Mike and Geoff!

    Fabulous. Found my great great grandmother and her three sons on the Ship SS Belgenland 1888! Whoo-Hoo!

    Finally, database to show where subject went after arrival. THanks loads.

    good news indeed

    Great general information – and a great lead in to doing more research on our ancestors.

    Great ideas!!

    Great information about immigration records!

    Great information and Great job presenting it.

    Great new access to more names.

    Great presentation that increased my knowledge of the available information! Thanks

    Great webinar as usual. Can’t wait to keep searching!! Thank you!

    Great webinar on the new passenager list at MyHertiage.

    Great webinar! Love the piecing work for the passenger lists, it was so difficult to use before. Off to MyHeritage. Thanks:)

    I already subscribe to MyHeritage as it has led me to my ancestors in Spain. So I am a believer and will continue to subscribe as long as I can. Excited to see the new changes in passenger records. Can’t wait to try…

    I not only learned new tricks about the passenger list records, but became aware of other new record sets, like New York Marriages. Thanks My Heritage!

    I rated this highly because of the value of the new database and it’s innovative genealogical implications. Thank you so much, My Heritage!

    I really appretiated the Immigration run thru at the start of the webinar. the data presented is outstanding. thank you so much.

    INCREDIBLE! Loved the graphic and great leads! Thanks so much!

    It is great to hear about what’s on My Heritage, rather than trying to explore on my own.

    It’s fun to get new information about finding passenger records. Thank you.

    I’ve been frustrated by search results in these records on MH because there looked to be so many multiples for the names I want. But NOW I understand what they represent. I’m so glad I heard about this webinar in time to listen live. It will make a difference in my research.

    Love that it was NY. I think they’ve got another customer!! Thanks a bunch.

    Mike’s voice was so soothing. He was knowledgeable and provided me with many facts that I hadn’t thought about regarding immigration. One of my favorite webinars.

    My first webinar. Learned a lot

    MyHeritage – Thanks for all the work.

    New information–exciting!

    Now help me figure out a way to retire, so I can work on genealogy full time! So busy and having fun at work, hard to retire right now. Hoping to do so soon, so will just have to do my genealogy on the weekends. Thanks again!! Terrific. Thanks for speaking clearly and showing us so much.

    One of the very best… cannot beat the partnership of Legacy and MyHeritage. You are just GREAT!

    Outstanding presentation. Thank you!!!

    Terrific, not only for passenger lists but for research in general

    The webinar was very informative. I have been researching for almost forty years, yet you gave me so many fresh ideas. Can’t wait to check them out.

    This new addition to passenger lists is fantastic. Mike explained it well and even included some history of immigration to the US as a plus. Great job!

    This was wonderful, a big opportunity to explore other countries.

    Totally awesome!!! Great speaker

    Very good info and explanations and great follow up questions and online ability to observe using the website search options. Nice interaction between the host and presenter. Good history of passenger list and immigration procedures even for those of us who thought we knew most of the relevant info.thanks much!

    Very helpful to hear about the new info available on My Heritage & enjoyed the brief history review as well. Thanks to Mike & Geoff!

    Very informative webinar and usefulness of a new genealogical resource.

    Very informative, clear, organized, well-presented, both historical background and the new capabilities. Definitely worth my exploring on MyHeritage.

    Very informative. I will have to join MyHeritage.


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