Using OneNote With Your Genealogy

Tessa Keough
Jan 23, 2019
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Play. Playing.
2m 12s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
2m 08s
Play. Playing.
7m 03s
Play. Playing.
Key Features
2m 25s
Play. Playing.
2m 04s
Play. Playing.
Getting Started
1m 52s
Play. Playing.
Quick Tour
7m 50s
Play. Playing.
Organizing Tips
5m 13s
Play. Playing.
Taking Notes
3m 07s
Play. Playing.
Clip to OneNote
5m 39s
Play. Playing.
1m 44s
Play. Playing.
1m 06s
Play. Playing.
2m 53s
Play. Playing.
7m 46s
Play. Playing.
Compare to Evernote
2m 40s
Play. Playing.
4m 54s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
6m 09s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
19m 07s

About this webinar

OneNote has been one of Microsoft's best kept secrets. Whether you use other software/applications in the Microsoft productivity family OR you want to use OneNote separately, it is a robust program to use in conjunction with your genealogy management software. Come learn how to get the most out of this great note-taking program.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Tessa Keough is a genealogist in transition (read – this is not her day job but she wishes it was!). She takes advantage of 21st century technology to work on her own family history as well as engage in specialized projects. These projects include
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    6 years ago

    Even as an experienced One Note user, I learned new ways to integrate it with my genealogical research.

    Tessa is a great speaker! I was able to follow her very easily. It is a lot to take in even with the handout so I will probably buy this webinar for future use.

    5+++ this was one of the best. She is so organized, plus natural in her way of speaking, the information comes thru very clearly.

    A big thank you from france !

    A lot of great info. Like idea of a series on OneNote so can get details on how to use!

    A lot of useful information – thankful to have a membership & the ability to review!

    A lot to take in. I am going to need the handout to see any thing I might have missed

    Another excellent webinar, clearly explained and I was able to understand the intricacies of using onenote. thank you

    As a long time OneNote user, I found this webinar very useful for tips and tricks. I think the suggestion that Tessa should lead a pre-recorded start up webinar to follow along and set up notebooks and learn the best tips is a great idea — learning by doing and following along is how people will adopt this tool. Thanks!


    Awesome webinar! First use, for me, will be using OneNote to organize my huge Ancestry Shoebox. Great idea! Next will be the calendar function. There are so many ideas presented in this webinar. Talk about action packed and FREE. I can’t wait to get started… fortunately, I am an annual subscriber and can watch this webinar again! Tessa is an excellent educator! Thanks!

    Best Webinar ever!!

    Clear and understandable presentation though perhaps could do with splitting in two – basic use and advanced.

    Convinced me to try this powerful free tool



    Excellent amount of information. Will be reviewed a couple or three times over.

    Excellent information on OneNote. I have several versions on my desktop going all the back to OFFICE2010. I will start using it then load a version on my tablets (I have kindle, apple and android tablets).

    Excellent information. I have thought about using OneNote and this was very helpful. Thank you.

    Excellent introduction to OneNote.

    Excellent job and presenting the information. Helpful for a first time user of OneNote.

    Excellent Presenter and information.

    Excellent presenter.

    Excellent presenter. And her timing was superb—-exactly one hour!

    Excellent speaker! Look forward to a series on OneNote.

    Excellent speaker, topic, content

    Excellent Syllabus, Presenter and Presentation. I will need to watch it again and then start using it. Need to convert from Evernote to OneNote. Thanks for all the information.

    Excellent! I have been using OneNote 2016 for a few years (synced to my iPad and iPhone), and I learned several new tips today! This is probably one of the better Legacy Webinars I have attended. Thank you!

    EXCELLENT! I’m making the switch. Thanks Tessa.


    Excellent. Another lesson would be great.

    Excellent. I’ve used OneNote for a couple of years and love it. I learned lots today. But the add-on macros at the end were a bit too much and got complicated.

    fantastic seminar

    Fantastic webinar with lots to try out and learn. Need to watch it again to get to grips with using OneNote, Brilliant…

    Fantastic webinar! Very information packed! I will have to rewatch this several times to learn it all !

    Going back to One Note after this. Its got so much more I didn’t use before. Thanks!

    Going to play with onenote

    Good but will need to watch again as there was a lot of information – good value! The demo at the end was a great idea as it made the theory come to life. The sound was better than usual as it wasn’t too high and I could adjust it to suit me. Thanks guys.

    Good overview, loved the specific tips such as use of the clipper, and onetastic to add apps; features I am going to try rightaway.

    Good overview. I do use OneNote but learned some new items/add-ins from her.

    Got enough info to make me try it. Thank you


    Great and easy to understand. Would love additional webinars on One Note. Also, maybe something on Evernote to facilitate comparisons.

    Great info

    Great information

    Great overview of OneNote. The examples she used really helped demonstrate how the program could be used.

    Great presentation! Information, pacing, examples, and handout all excellent! I would really enjoy a OneNote series, too! Thank you!

    Great presenter and topic. Thanks!

    Great presenter, knows her stuff

    Great webinar.

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    6 years ago

    Tessa is an excellent presenter: knowledgeable about her topics, very focused and easy to follow. Thanks.

    Tessa is well versed in using One Note. Thank you.

    Tessa was excellent with her explanations but as one who has never used OneNote it was difficult to comprehend and follow. Right at the end of question time when Geoff started a OneNote page it made sense and was good to follow. A webinar giving ‘instructions’ and someone doing them would be good!

    Thank you for an excellent presentation. You answered quiet a few questions I have had on OneNote and I’m an old OneNote user. I appreciate that you explained both versions, as well as all the cool tools I’ve not used yet. Thank you.

    Thank you. I enjoyed the presentation!

    thanks for all the info

    Thanks so much! I had used OneNote a little, so now I hope to use it a lot more!

    Thanks! Good introduction to OneNote. A live presentation would be really great too. (Although I have not looked on the internet to see what videos may already be available.)

    That was fantastic!!!!! Tessa’s handout is so clear and complete. I can’t wait to try OneNote. Thanks so much.

    Think I might give this a try. Great seminar. I appreciated the real time demo at the end. This helped me to “see” it in action.

    this seminar was well put together and well presented. I will be trying OneNote out thank you

    This was a really great and well-done program. I am considering watching future programs.

    This was outstanding! I’d give it higher than 5 if I could. THANK YOU, Tessa!

    This webinar could easily bee two. It was a lot of great info but more then I could keep up with.

    This would be ideal for a “Watch Geoff Live”

    Thoroughly enjoyed it. Tessa was an excellent presenter and easy to follow.

    Very beautiful in structure, clean and logically organized presentation – one of the best. The retail narrative encouraged me to become more familiar with this tool, which I had never known and appreciated – and I have had it in a laptop for a long time. Such an extensive program – very useful, of course, is impossible to master during one webinar. I will definitely want to listen to this lecture again and again – up to now it seemed to me that I know and that it is enough. Bravo and thanks.

    Very clear and informative. Thank you.

    Very clear, very straightforward, full of good information.

    Very good overview! I will need to watch again for the details and setup a sandbox to practice.

    Very good. Plan to work with it.

    Very helpful. I look forward to giving OneNote a try.

    Very helpful…………….never considered using One Note until this webinar. THANKS

    Very informative

    very informative and helpful

    Very informative. I would like to see more on this subject.

    Very informative. Some more “hands on” demonstrations would be helpful, for example at the end Geoff showed us how he open onenote and started a file.

    Very interesting, I use OneNote on my work but came never to the idea to use it for Genealogy too 🙂 Thank you very much Tessa 🙂

    Very interesting, thank you for this ‘new to me’ information

    very interesting. Thank you.

    Very useful; good pace and depth conveyed a lot in an hour

    Very well organized! Very clear and pleasant voice. Good info.

    Well done! Explained well, and Tessa kept it moving at a nice pace. I will have to watch it again to feel a bit more comfortable with it. Who knew I had it on my computer? A forgotten source!

    Well done! Will review the webinar in areas that I need to be sure I caught everything she did!

    Well prepared, informed

    Went by too fast!

    Will certainly need to rewatch!

    Would be interested in more specifics about she uses it, but will check out the blog she suggested.

    WOW! potentially the most useful tool outside of the Legacy software.

    Wow! OneNote is so much more than I expected! Tessa provided great information about this lesser-known tool for genealogy!


    wow. motivating and helpful. thanks a lot

  3. Legacy Family Tree
    6 years ago

    Great! learned new skills again

    I always wondered how to use OneDrive on my desktop. Tessa is a good teacher!

    I didn’t realize that there were 2 versions of OneNote, what I had OneNote 2013, and now the OneNote app, and they seem to be able to sync together.
    I have had One Note forever, but not actually used it. After today’s webinar I will definitely learn it and use it. It seems to be exactly the kind of thing I have been wishing for. Thank you very much for ALL of these webinars.

    I have OneNote but had no idea what it was. Great overview of what it can do, love syllabus, should be very helpful. Was hoping it was similar to Evernote which I recently heard about. Looking forward to using it with my newspaper clippings. Thanks!

    I have OneNote. I’ve been using it, however, it’s been underutilized. I truly appreciated her suggestions.

    I have the perfect project to use OneNote for… I have no reason not to try!

    I learned so much. Guess I need to start using One Note.

    I like the idea of doing a series , with basic and on up

    I liked the end where you were experimenting – that is where I’m at too.

    I thought it was very good. Thanks.

    I was already familiar with OneNote, both the app and the Office 2016 version, but I did pick up some good information, especially about add-in’s. I was hoping to get some more ideas about how to use it specifically for genealogy (i.e. making family group charts, research logs, timelines, etc.).

    I will review this again to help improve the use of OneNote. I last used my version in 2017.

    I’ve wanted to try OneNote for so long. Now I must!!! Thanks for a great webinar – Tessa was excellent!!

    I’ll be using OneNote! Thanks so much for this webinar!

    I’m a paper and pencil person too and really appreciate the webinars that help me to see how I might incorporate more technology into my research. Tessa’s presentation was terrific! Thank you.

    Interesting and a very helpful syllabus.

    It was a very good seminar. Just a lot for me to try to understand at once. Thank you for the seminars.

    I’ve been using OneNote but now I will be more productive

    I’ve known about OneNote for years and have a MS Office suite, but never used this tool. I suspect that will change very soon. Thank you!

    I’ve used OneNote for years but still learned a lot from the Webinar.

    Just what I needed!


    Kudos to Tessa. She brought me thru a subject I had no knowledge smoothly, and I didn’t loose track. Her speaking voice is very easy to follow. AND there were no uuhhh’s in the talk. Brava, Tessa.

    learned a lot. Excellent speaker,teaches well!

    Looking forward to using One Note for the first time and more confident in getting started after this excellent webinar. A few more webinars for specific lessons on using the features would be a good idea as was suggested!

    Lots of info!

    Lots of new information

    Lots of super good information, and a crystal clear reception

    Loved Tessa’s style of presentation; liked she gave page # references to her syllabus and she really knew her subject.

    More more more!

    Must watch again.

    My head hurts. Will have to watch a couple of times to let it all soak in. Glad I’m a subscriber now!

    ONe of the best on the subject. Great job.

    One of the best webinars I’ve listened to (though of course I love the Watch Geoff Live series!). Very dense with good info. Now I need to play with it. I’m an Evernote user, so I need to make the mental shift (just as Tessa did going the other direction). We’ll see which I stick with. It might be handy to have a webinar on migrating from Evernote to OneNote since there have been some rumors about Evernote’s future; now that they have a new CEO, who knows what will happen…

    Outstanding lecture made me a convert!!

    Outstanding summary of OneNote



    Really helpful. Would like a more indepth class. Will now look into OneNote.

    Really like the subject, looking forward to multiple webinars on OneNote. Very complex for me, so I will be viewing this again. Thank you, well done.

    She had a lot of great tips that I am going to start using right away. Can’t wait to rewatch this one!

    She was easly to listen to. Well spoken and well organised in the way the material was presented. Great hand out.

    SO MUCH wonderful information about OneNote! I’m excited to make it a part of my digital organization!

    Such great info. Very practical. Thank you!

    Tessa gave a great overview of OneNote. I’ve used Evernote mostly but I’m going to give OneNote a try.

    Tessa gave a great presentation of OneNote.

    Tessa gave me a lot to think about concerning OneNote and OneDrive. I’ve had both for years and never used them. Examples of how other use and organize their genealogical or other research would be really helpful. I find that while I’m somewhat dogged in researching, I occasionally lack creativity in using programs, and I tend to learn better by example.


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