Using Mind Mapping as a Visual Research Plan (a 2021 Reisinger Lecture)

Amy Larner Giroux, PhD, CG, CGL
Oct 8, 2021
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Play. Playing.
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
Play. Playing.
3m 31s
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Mind Mapping
3m 28s
Play. Playing.
3m 30s
Play. Playing.
Mind Mapping Steps
13m 31s
Play. Playing.
Combined Mind Maps
7m 19s
Play. Playing.
Timeline Mind Map
11m 04s
Play. Playing.
Conclusion Mind Maps
5m 06s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
4m 09s

About this webinar

Thorough analysis of each source document is how genealogists plan their next research steps. Including mind mapping as a visual method of analysis can help focus further research questions, point to missing sources, and support indirect evidence analysis.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Amy Larner Giroux, PhD, CG, CGL, is co-author of the Florida edition of the NGS Research in the States series and has published in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly, the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Record
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  1. LS
    Linda Sullivan
    2 years ago

    I’ve used mind mapping for years prepping for meetings, presentations & papers, as I prefer it to outlines in the early stages of planning. I had never thought of it as a tool for genealogy research or of color coding it’s elements. Thank you for expanding my toolbox & for your excellent presentation.

  2. SC
    Stacey Cummings
    3 years ago

    I think of myself as a lists, outlines, excel worksheets person. I watched this to get a different perspective. After I watched it once, I came back with a fairly unfamiliar document and went through the steps as they were explained. I came up with many research questions that I didn’t think about the first time I read the document. Seeing the information visually and how I connected information items, research questions, context questions etc. helped me see what I absolutely need to do first. It also showed me the most logical progression of research questions and the plan. Thank you, very beneficial for me!

  3. HS
    Helen Schenkelaars
    3 years ago

    I’ve never got to grips with mind maps as I could never work out what should be written on the connecting lines/in the boxes etc and concluded that it wasn’t a technique for me, but Amy’s presentation has just changed that. Her method makes perfect sense and I can see myself using it moving forward. Thank you!

  4. TQ
    Tamara Quiring
    3 years ago

    Lots of new ideas to try with my mind-mapping process – thank you!

  5. LF
    Lynne Farrow
    3 years ago

    Very interesting. Really must do some of this to keep me on track. Thanks for giving up your time and sharing your knowledge.

  6. DC
    Debbie Cravens
    3 years ago

    This is one webinar I will have to watch at least one more time. The idea is intriguing and I’m anxious to try my hand at the technique!

  7. AS
    Annie Stratton
    3 years ago

    I didn’t think I’d get much out of another mind-map presentation. I was wrong. I mind-map the way Amy does: scribble on paper. Use for writing, planning, working with groups on projects, etc. Eyes opened when I realized she was using it in stages to progress in stages of research and analysis. The final “conclusions map”- Wonderful way to present a strong visual to lead into the narrative. Also her thought processes- keeping it simple, and the clarity that her style made possible. Thank you, Amy.

  8. JS
    Jacqueline Slater
    3 years ago

    I would’ve never thought to map, but I see that it will definitely help and simplify…thanks.


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