Using Legacy with Specialized Studies – Legacy is for more than your family history

Tessa Keough
Apr 29, 2015
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Play. Playing.
2m 53s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
2m 04s
Play. Playing.
11m 50s
Play. Playing.
Personal Family History
1m 04s
Play. Playing.
One-Name Studies
4m 20s
Play. Playing.
Church Project
1m 52s
Play. Playing.
Cemetery Project
1m 28s
Play. Playing.
Other Projects
1m 26s
Play. Playing.
Preliminary Decisions
2m 06s
Play. Playing.
First Steps in Legacy
1m 41s
Play. Playing.
The Family View
1m 37s
Play. Playing.
Master Lists
5m 01s
Play. Playing.
Event Definitions
1m 16s
Play. Playing.
Identifying People
1m 21s
Play. Playing.
Adding Events/Facts
5m 11s
Play. Playing.
3m 59s
Play. Playing.
Reconstructing Families
2m 50s
Play. Playing.
Using Find A Grave
1m 17s
Play. Playing.
Mapping Migration
Play. Playing.
Using Legacy Reports
1m 24s
Play. Playing.
The Tools Tab
1m 01s
Play. Playing.
Maintaining Your Original Research
1m 51s
Play. Playing.
Using Excel with Legacy
1m 03s
Play. Playing.
Play. Playing.
2m 26s
Play. Playing.
Play. Playing.
Guild of One-Name Studies
1m 32s
Play. Playing.
Society for One-Place Studies
Play. Playing.
Using Legacy with Other Programs
1m 28s
Play. Playing.
8m 10s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
6m 18s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
16m 57s

About this webinar

Specialized studies take many forms & whether it is a one-name (surname) study, a one-place (location) study, or a cemetery, church or school survey. These projects often have us "reinventing the wheel" as we try to come up with a method for entering and using our data. Why reinvent the wheel when you can use Legacy? Join Tessa Keough as she shows you how she uses Legacy for more than her family history. We will discuss some tips and suggestions for using Legacy's well-known and lesser-known features with your specialized studies and projects. Whether you are simply thinking about a project, have just gotten started, or are taking a second look at your approach and software, there will be something for everyone.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Tessa Keough is a genealogist in transition (read – this is not her day job but she wishes it was!). She takes advantage of 21st century technology to work on her own family history as well as engage in specialized projects. These projects include
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