The Pursuit from Genealogy Hobby-ist to Professional

Claire V. Brisson-Banks
Apr 4, 2012
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Play. Playing.
2m 20s
Play. Playing.
1m 30s
Play. Playing.
Speakers' introduction
1m 19s
Play. Playing.
7m 07s
Play. Playing.
2m 21s
Play. Playing.
Skills Needed
1m 45s
Play. Playing.
4m 52s
Play. Playing.
Degrees or Certificates
4m 16s
Play. Playing.
Business Structure
Play. Playing.
Sole Proprietorship
2m 50s
Play. Playing.
3m 16s
Play. Playing.
3m 06s
Play. Playing.
2m 17s
Play. Playing.
2m 01s
Play. Playing.
Business Name
3m 11s
Play. Playing.
Research Project
1m 42s
Play. Playing.
Business Plan
20m 35s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
5m 33s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
19m 51s

About this webinar

Several terms are applied to individuals that are interested in their ancestors. Those who are fascinated by the story but not really interested in the data could be termed amateurs. Moving up a rung on the ladder would be the hobbyists, who gather photos, letters and family memorabilia to share with others. They quite often are members of societies, are familiar with local history, and help others to find their ancestors. This group is quite underestimated, in that many have self-taught expertise and are quite knowledgeable. However, most of them do not charge money for their assistance. The next step is to operate at the "professional" level, which requires perspective, attitude, methods, process, and some business skills. This webinar will discuss various ways to make that transition.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Claire V. Brisson-Banks, B.S. MLIS, AG®, is accredited in England, and Mountain States, a professional researcher for US/Canada, Scotland and Web 2.0 technology. Currently she is a Family History Professor for BYU-Idaho’s online Family Histo
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