The Family DNA Project

Nicka Smith
Jun 8, 2018
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Play. Playing.
1m 30s
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Speaker's Introduction
1m 25s
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15m 12s
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Holding Stones in Glass Houses
8m 14s
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Setting Up Your Project
10m 38s
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Now the Fun Begins
17m 08s
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Stay Organized
9m 53s
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Secrets Scandals and Lies
2m 54s
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Announcements / prizes
3m 51s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
13m 25s

About this webinar

Genetic genealogy truly bears fruit if multiple family members on multiple lines of the family have tested. Learn how to create and manage a project for your family while being mindful of privacy and sensitive issues that may arise.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Nicka Smith is more than just a genealogist; she’s a storyteller. With a keen eye for detail and a compassionate heart, she brings the past to life, one ancestor a
Learn more...

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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago

    OMGoodness, Nicka is so much fun! I love her presenting personality. She also made it easy to understand for those of us just starting to learn about DNA. Thanks so much!

    On the 1 to 5 scale, this was a 10! Great presenter, great content!

    One of the best ever!

    One of the best explained webinars on DNA!!!! Have her teach GenomePro and DNA Painter as she will do an excellent job!

    One of the best I’ve seen! Great job, Ms. Smith.

    One of the best seminars I’ve attended. Explanations were wonderful and examples were clear and helpful.

    One of the best Webinars

    Outstanding webinar! Packed full of great information and well explained, great job by Nicka Smith!

    Outstanding, thanks!

    Presenter was incredible. I wasn’t sure what the webinar would be about, other than it would be DNA related. This was a good DNA webinar without being scientific and was easy to understand. Visuals were great as well and will definitely help and give me more to think about while doing my genealogy.
    Really broke down how to look at the different family lines and how to track down some of the missing family members, and how do you match. I would love to take a three month course from Nika and each week just go over a small part of today’s presentation. Thank You so much.

    she answered lots of questions; thanks

    She did a wonderful job of explaining DNA. I especially liked the part where she told us who to select to get the most bang for our buck in DNA testing. She has very nice presentation skills.

    She had a way of making DNA relationships easier to understand and follow.

    She was terrific

    showed another way to organize dna matches.

    Simply fantastic – she’s so clear, her use of DNA tools so helpful!! I loved the whole webinar, and it clarified a few confusing things I was stuck on. Thank you for inviting Nicka Smith to present.

    So much information. And yes, I’ll be up to 5am working on my DNA project. Thank you

    So much to learn and be able to connect to my DNA matches! I learned a lot and realized I have a lot more to learn. I really liked her approach; I wish I had second cousins still living to be able to test.

    So wonderful info! She helps clarify the DNA. My family members aren’t wanting to test yet. But, would like them to.

    Stellar!!! I will listen to this one again and again.

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago

    Great presenter, easy to follow, wonderful content.

    Great speaker! So much to absorb, I’ll need to view/listen to it several times.

    Great speaker, she made the complicated DNA subject and testing understandable. Great suggestions, slides…

    Great Thanks!

    GREAT visuals and analogies to understand some difficult concepts

    Great webinar! I hope this helps me, even with testing at different places, I am not having luck finding matches. Thanks 🙂

    Hands down one of the BEST webinars I have attended!!! Nicka totally rocks! Want more Nicka time… What a brilliant concept of testers and matches standing proxy… wow!

    Have never understood but today I think I have finally broke through enough to take a few steps forward and if stumped know enough to ask the right questions for help. Thank you Mrs. Nicka Smith

    I am totally blown away by this webinar! Nicka did a fantastic job of explaining the DNA and the different tests. This is the first time that a light bulb went off with the explanation of DNA and the different tests. I am going to look at this one again and again! Wish I could mark a higher number. What a fantastic webinar!

    I learned exactly what I needed to begin familiarizing myself with the FTDNA results I received just last night. Thank you so much for all you do to bring resources such as these to us!

    I like how Nikka represents her “proxy” people against her pedigree chart. It helps clarify.

    I liked how she suggested who to test for your favorite four, people to proxy for your great grandparents. She explained how you could determine how someone was related to you using the favorite for.

    I liked the recommendation to have DNA matches as proxies for great grandparents and the spreadsheet matrix. The X chromosome and mtDNA being the same was misleading but cleared up during the Q&A.

    I still have very limited understanding of DNA but having just gotten my Ancestry I realize the power of this information. I need to relisten several more times.

    I wish there was a 10 to rate the webinar. Great learning about DNA that I thought was having problems with understanding the comparisons.

    Interesting subject

    It’s a little clearer now, and she did a fantastic job presenting the info. If I keep attending these webinars, it may all sink in to this old brain. Thanks.

    I’ve participated in numerous DNA workshops/webinars, and I’ve NEVER heard it presented in this way before. This presentation has broaden my outlook and approach to my research. Excellent! Well Done!

    Learned more today than in most of the DNA seminars I have been to. Down to earth information. Thank you! I’ll be watching again.

    Loved this topic. I missed the first part of the webinar but will definitely listen to it again. I’m totally new to DNA genealogy research.

    Most informative webinar I’ve ever watched! I’ve downloaded the syllabus and will rewatch several times. Very good!

    Nicka did a great job clarifying many crucial elements of DNA testing and analysis for beginners.

    Nicka did a super great presentation and was very thorough. Thank you.

    Nicka is a favorite presenter. Have her back please.

    Nicka is a very good presenter, you want to listen because the way she presents makes so much sense

    Nicka is great…so knowledgeable and professional. It was a joy listening to her presentation!

    Nicka makes everything so interesting & easy to understand. Thanks so very much.

    Nika Smith is the best presenter ever. DNA, photography, African American genealogy, etc. she does it all. Added to her knowledge base is a wonderful voice and informal, cozy presentation style. She could talk about accounting and I would listen.

    Nika was terrific. Thank her and thank you!!

  3. Legacy Family Tree
    7 years ago

    Such a wonderful presentation. Now I can go back through some DNA matches and really target the results. Thanks so much!

    SUPER GREAT !!!! When is she going to do another Webinar ????? SOON, I hope !!! Thank You !!

    Superb presenter and presentation! Please do have her back to explain Genome Mate Pro and DNA Painter. Thank you so much!

    Talk about making complex simple, excellent webinar. Thanks!

    Terrific Webinar! I am just beginning the DNA part of Genealogy after researching for 30 years. This has helped me better understand the science part and how to get the most out of it. Thank you.

    There aren’t enough adjectives in the dictionary to describe how wonderful this webinar is!

    This is a complicated subject for me. I enjoyed this webinar but will have to watch again to remember the fine points. I’m glad I can do that. Thanks!

    This is one that needs to be watched several times to absorb all the helpful and interesting information.

    This was a Fantastic Webinar. I will have to watch it several times to ensure that I get the most out of it. It is the best webinar I have seen so far on how to use DNA testing to assist me in my Genealogical Research. Thanks so much for this one!

    THIS WAS GREAT !!!! l

    This was the best webinar as it really tied together DNA and how to use it effectively in genealogy, rather than two distinct methods.

    This webinar was not ‘about what I thought it was going to be about! It’s one of the best mistakes that I have made in a long time!!!! Thanks, Nicka, for all the great information!!

    Very easy to understand. Covered why, how and when.

    Very educational. Will definitely watch again.

    very good webinar

    will have to watch it again to make sure i did not miss anything

    Very good. I have been doing a lot with genetic genealogy and facilitate DNA study groups. This presentation provided me some additional ways to explain ways to use DNA in genealogy research.

    Very helpful. Made things much clearer.

    Very informative and well-explained! Would love to see more webinars from Nicka.

    Very interesting and well prepared, thank you.

    Very interesting! I’ll have to watch it again to glean more about the chromosome matching.

    Very motivating. Thanks a lot

    Very well done!

    Very well explained ….simplified! Thank You!!

    Very well presented.I have a much clearer understanding of what autosomal means, and who in my family should be tested.

    WAY TOO SHORT…OUTSTANDING PRESENTER….KNOWLEDGEABLE…CLEAR…PRECISE…But raised too many questions in my mind…I guess that is ok.

    Well done!!!

    well done…one of the best I have seen!

    Wish I’d seen this years ago when more relatives were alive!

    Wonderful! Thanks so much for these webinars. 🙂


    yes more. very good


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