Newspapers for People of Color Genealogy Research

Nicka Smith
Feb 19, 2020
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Play. Playing.
2m 29s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
Play. Playing.
4m 42s
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Behind the Type
12m 51s
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When Race Meets the Press
14m 31s
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Getting to the Records
21m 12s
Play. Playing.
Case Studies
12m 18s
Play. Playing.
Additional Resources
3m 20s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
7m 07s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
14m 02s

About this webinar

Newspapers can be a goldmine for genealogy, especially in the case of records destruction or when all other avenues have failed to yield findings on an ancestor. In this session, we’ll discuss all you need to know to get the most out of using periodicals as genealogical resources for people of color communities.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Nicka Smith is more than just a genealogist; she’s a storyteller. With a keen eye for detail and a compassionate heart, she brings the past to life, one ancestor a
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    Always well presented. Nicka delivers subject matter in a manner which is easy to absorb and apply to my research. Great information!

    Amazing as usual.

    Nika said she wasn’t sure what one of her documents said about the pleura. Can you please tell her that I believe that it says tare of pleura. As an ICU nurse I believe that it means tear of pleura. It is common for someone who has suffered a serious fall, as this man had, to tear the pleura. A torn pleura often results in suffocation within a few minutes. Thank you.

    An excellent, informative webinar with an outstanding syllabus and great resources/references. Data packed!

    Another fabulous webinar by Nicka! She is definitely one of my favorites!




    Beautiful slides.

    Brilliant webinar with lots to follow up on using newspapers in genealogy research, must re-watching this webinar to gain further information.


    Excellent history and tips.

    Excellent information

    Excellent presentation! I love the fact that she provided general information about newspapers and clearly linked its significance. Case studies were amazing! Can’t wait to go exploring.

    Excellent presentation! Thanks!

    Good presentation.

    Great presentation as always.

    Great presentation. Nick a kept the right pace. I learned a lot that I can use in my research.

    Great presenter. Great information.

    Great topic

    Great topic and information thank you.

    great topic lots to look at

    Great topic!

    Great topic, great energy, great information. One of the best I’ve seen. Thanks, Nicka!

    Great webinar!


    I learned a lot. Even though I use newspapers already, I learned about additional repositories and ways to use the information found in newspaper articles for my genealogy.

    I love Nicka’s enthusiasm! I will be up late tonight!

    I love the webinars when they are the same as the handouts and you can follow along with the talks, I find it more interesting and easier to take notes.

    Thank you very enjoyable webinar. I will have to find info on Barbados for my relatives.

    Thanks again

    I was going out, but have decided to stay in an use some of the resources Nicka discussed. She brings so much energy to her presentation. The material is fabulous (slides, handouts) are invaluable.

    Informative, good overview.

    It was interesting and very informative.

    It was so helpful. I’ve struggled finding any African American newspapers to find my ancestors. This was great! Learned so much and I will use the info.

    Lots of good suggestions on how newspapers are helpful

    Lots of great new information! A+++

    Lots of material and lots of passion

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    New territory covered in terms of resources to search African American ancestors

    New way to find information, thank you

    Newspapers are one of my favorite Genealogical resources

    Nicka is always great!

    Nicka is awesome–please include more African-American genealogy webinars outside of Black History Month!

    Nicka Smith has a bundle of joy! You can hear it in her voice that she is passionate!!

    Nicka Smith is awesome!

    Nicka Smith presentation was well organized. She presented a wealth of information. I think I may be up all night researching newspapers for information relating to my ancestors.

    Nicka was great. This is the BEST webinar I have heard. The information on newspapers was invaluable.

    Nicka’s presentation was awesome. I have recently started using newspapers in my research. This presentation supports the use of newspaper for doing black research.

    Outstanding as usual.

    Outstanding! Thank you!

    So much fun to listen to her. She is so enthusiastic and fun!

    Sounded more like a history lesson today than a genealogy study. Not that I mind a good history lesson.


    That was absolutely excellent. I am now officially part of the Nicka Smith fan club!

    The beginning history of the newspaper was helpful. Enjoyed the stories which helped with how to use the various newspapers. Nicka’s enthusisam on the topic made webinar very engaging! Looking forward to researching newspapers with the knowledge gained today. Thanks Nicka!

    The info was very interesting and insightful. I thought that it would be discussion on how to search newspapers, but it was much more in depth. The live examples were great too. I’m very encouraged and motivated to use these new techniques. I’ve always been interested in my family history. Over the years I’ve dabbled into
    researching, but have gotten more serious this past year or so. This was great.

    Truly outstanding presentation with many comments applicable to all family history studies. I’m the developer of a one name study of primarily European descent families but several native american and African american families that I hope to be able to enhance from hints picked up today.

    very informative , Thanks

    Very informative and excellent presentation.

    very informative and insightful! i look forward to conducting research using newspapers with our users

    Very informative. Nicka is a great presenter.

    Very Informative. Now I hv something to break down this brick wall.

    very informative; good slides; good resources; excellent case studies.

    Very interesting subject matter and I learned something from it. Well worth my time. Excellent and knowledgeable presenter. Enjoyed it very much.

    Very thorough with great examples.

    Wealth of information shared. Awesome!

    Webinar was great! The hostess went quickly in explaining where the links are and I didn’t get those. Hopefully they will be emailed to all who attended. Thank you for this pleasure of learning more. The going deeper always helps!

    Well good webinar

    While the background on the History of Type was interesting, it didn’t really add anything of value for me with regard to the overall topic. Would have loved to see some of that time perhaps used for more practical examples of how to initiate actual newspaper searches. Just my opinion, but the overall presentation was great.

    Wonderful source for searching and well presented!

    WOW so much info. I could listen to Nicka all day. Love the history lesson too.


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