Mapping Software for Genealogists

Geoff Rasmussen
Sep 15, 2010
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Play. Playing.
2m 22s
Play. Playing.
2m 22s
Play. Playing.
1m 05s
Play. Playing.
22m 05s
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Legacy's mapping tools
9m 18s
Play. Playing.
6m 49s
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Map My Family Tree
11m 55s
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Announcements / prizes
3m 36s
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Questions / answers
5m 23s

About this webinar

In this 60 minute webinar we will cover the following topics: 1) AniMap software (U.S. & Canada): learn how to find the correct county for the time period, and perform radius searches (list all cemeteries/churches within 10 miles of a place). For 30 years a researcher looked in the records of Woodstock, Windham County, Connecticut for their ancestor who was born there in 1720. AniMap easily shows that in 1720, Woodstock would have been in Suffolk County, Massachusetts. Now we know the correct location to find the records for that time period. Brick wall problem solved. 2) Centennia software (Europe and Middle East): Have you ever wondered about the changing country borders in Europe? Have ancestors in Germany, Poland, or Prussia? Which is it? The Centennia Historical Atlas software shows the changing country borders from the 11th century to the present in Europe and the Middle East. 3) Map My Family Tree software (entire world): plot your ancestors on a map of the world, track family migrations, plot to Google Earth, use the time scroll bar to dynamically select which time period you want displayed on your map and more.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Geoffrey D. Rasmussen is the father of four budding genealogists. He graduated with a degree in Genealogy and Family History from Brigham Young University and has served as director and vice-president of the Utah Genealogical Association. He is th
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