Government Gazettes as a Genealogical Resource

Helen V. Smith
Jun 8, 2022
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Play. Playing.
2m 11s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 22s
Play. Playing.
4m 57s
Play. Playing.
What you can find
29m 53s
Play. Playing.
Police Gazettes
10m 53s
Play. Playing.
Accessing the Gazettes
6m 52s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
5m 33s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
5m 35s

About this webinar

The Gazettes were the weekly notices of Government activities meant for other government departments and some were available to the public. They are an untapped genealogical resource. The general gazette lists government appointments, various licences, Justices of the Peace, changes to legislation, deceased estates, and so much more. Police Gazettes (only available to Police departments) list police officer movements, reports of crime often listing victims, reports on entry and exit from prison, Missing Friends notices while Education Gazettes list teacher movements, school information and more. Each colony had its own Gazettes and post Federation in 1901 the Commonwealth also produced a Government Gazette.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Helen has been researching her family since 1986 with research in Australia, England, Wales and Ireland. She is the author of Death Certificates and Archaic Medical Terms and Google the Genealogist’s Friend and has written for a
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  1. NH
    Nancy Hoppe
    3 years ago

    Wonderful webinar. Picked up so many new ideas for researching. Thank you!

  2. LW
    Lou Walsh
    3 years ago

    Concise information on Gazettes, where to find them and what they hold. The examples used give us a good insight into what is covered. Thank you Helen.

  3. SC
    Susan Cutler
    3 years ago

    As usual an excellent presentation. I had followed my English family from Tasmania to Melbourne with Trove, but the Gazettes may hopefully give some more info on them.

  4. FU
    Fran Ussery
    3 years ago

    Wonderful presentation !

  5. YJ
    Yvonne Jones
    3 years ago

    As always Helen is such a mine of information 🙂 also wonderful to be able to sit in the sun and watch this webinar instead of the usual very early morning starts.

  6. JD
    john danielson
    3 years ago

    I warned some visiting friends that there would by some dull, governmental audio going on, but it turned out to be fascinating! I am still waiting to find German or Yorkshire UK cousins in Australia, but it is good to be prepared because statistically I bet I have several.

  7. CA
    Cindy Allison
    3 years ago

    Very interesting! I wish we had that resource in the US.

  8. AF
    ANn Fitz-Gerald
    3 years ago

    Clear, concise information given, and what a wealth of information there is in both Govt Gazettes and Police Gazettes. I did not know these gazettes covered so many, many aspects of our lives.


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