Getting the Most out of the Irish Census

Natalie Bodle
Nov 27, 2021
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Irish Census Records
11m 07s
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Census Website
10m 16s
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Household Form A
9m 12s
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Other Forms
6m 06s
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Finding Your Ancestor
9m 40s
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Future Censuses
2m 46s
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Old Age Pension Records
6m 20s

About this webinar

The National Census were undertaken in Ireland every ten years from 1821 although many only have fragments remaining. The webinar will examine what remains for those years where only fragments exist and look at examples that help to build a family tree, along with the differences in the information gathered. We’ll examine the different type of returns for the Census of 1901 and 1911, such as for lunatic asylums, army barracks and prisons and examples of each of these will be shown. These records can be difficult to pin down and we will cover practical tips to help you find them. The different census forms provided interesting additional background information about the type of home and outbuildings a householder had and help to build a picture of their lives. Tips on search techniques will help to ensure you can find your ancestor and we’ll look at why you might struggle to find them or their place of residence in the census. Census Search Forms are a useful census substitute for the 1841 and 1851 Census records that were used when applying for the Old Age Pension and we will look at different examples that can expand your family tree.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Natalie is a full-time professional genealogist, educator and tour guide and a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG).  A native of County Antrim, her company Roots Revealed is based in Ballymena, County Antrim, Northern Irel
Learn more...

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  1. SR
    Susan Rogers
    3 years ago

    Good information and a clear presentation, thank you.


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