Expelled from Nova Scotia: Researching the Acadian Diaspora to the Colonies

Ann G. Lawthers, Sc.D.
Apr 15, 2022
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Play. Playing.
1m 26s
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Speaker's Introduction
Play. Playing.
9m 50s
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General Strategies
2m 31s
Play. Playing.
15m 53s
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6m 46s
Play. Playing.
10m 24s
Play. Playing.
4m 14s
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7m 13s
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Announcements / prizes
6m 35s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
11m 50s

About this webinar

In 1750 nearly 7000 Acadian settlers of Nova Scotia were summarily rounded up, boarded onto ships and sent southward to the American Colonies. The colonies to which they were sent had little or no warning of the refugees imminent arrival. This webinar reviews the unique political and social environments of each receiving colony, the fate of the Acadians once landed, and describes where the researcher can find clues about their ancestor in the records of each colony.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Ann G. Lawthers, Sc.D., a former staff Genealogist at American Ancestor’s Brue Family Learning Center for many years, teaches and lectures on a wide variety of genealogic topics. Her research interests include New England and the Mid-Atlanti
Learn more...

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  1. NP
    Nancy Parent Smith
    3 years ago

    Excellent presentation!

  2. JH
    Judy Haggard
    3 years ago

    So after all of this happened, my 5th great grandfather and grandmother, who were born and lived in Mass were forced to flee to Nova Scotia as they were loyal to the King. This was after the patriot seige of Boston in 1776. Just the opposite.

  3. GL
    Graham Lowe
    3 years ago

    Ann, thank you for your fabulous educational presentation and very detailed syllabus. You definitely corrected my long-held misconception that the Acadians had been expelled directly from Nova Scotia to Louisiana.

  4. SS
    Susan Steveson
    3 years ago

    Great webinar and again I have learned more history than ever taught in school.

  5. XM
    Xana Miller
    3 years ago

    Thank you

  6. RM
    Rochelle Males
    3 years ago

    So incredibly informative! I am so much to process before I get started utilizing these research resources. Thank you so much.

  7. KD
    Karen Drenzek
    3 years ago

    I learned a lot that I was unaware of. I was mainly looking into Scottish people that migrated into Maine and the New England colonies not knowing it was the French that were deported. Perhaps there is another story on them? Thank you.

  8. TS
    Traci S. Kape Thysell-McPherson
    3 years ago

    Wow! Ann, I had no knowledge previously about the Acadians & your webinar provided quite the wealth of information. Thank you!


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