Changing Places, Changing Borders: Overcoming geographic challenges

Dave Obee
Sep 2, 2022
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Play. Playing.
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 06s
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Places and borders
30m 18s
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Evolution of Poland
7m 32s
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3m 26s
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Recording Place Names
4m 13s
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Announcements / prizes
1m 32s
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Questions / answers
8m 49s

About this webinar

Yes, it has been possible to be born in one country, get married in another, and die in a third — without ever leaving your home. The boundaries in Eastern Europe have been redrawn many times over the years, presenting challenges for modern-day genealogical researchers. But this phenomenon has not been confined to that area; even Canada has seen at least 50 boundary revisions between its provinces and territories. When jurisdictions have changed, it is especially important to learn how to interpret and record information.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Dave Obee is a journalist and genealogical researcher who has written a dozen books and given more than 700 presentations at conferences and seminars in Canada, the United States and Australia since 1997. He is Editor and Publisher of the T
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  1. CL
    Celia Lewis
    2 years ago

    Excellent webinar with such important information – not only for those researching in Eastern Europe, but anywhere! Knowing where boundaries are and were in the past, is so important. Dave was clear and very specific, and his use of maps was phenomenal. Highly recommended.

  2. Karen Clark
    2 years ago

    This is exactly where my family, including my mother comes from…Lviv and a small community just outside. My grandparents were born in Austro Hungary, while my mother was born in Poland — they never moved from the small village of Witko Nowy.

  3. AL
    2 years ago

    My second webinar from Mr. Obee, and he does not disappoint with good visuals and references.

  4. CW
    Cynthia Ward
    2 years ago

    Very informative, As a Map Librarian, one day, I was speaking with a patron that was working on her Master Thesis was wondering why she was not getting any of the surveys back from a certain area in East Germany and she gave the name of the city. When I heard the name, I informed her that the city is no longer in East Germany but is in Poland She had no Idea about the border changes. What she did she learned that info, I do not know. She may have had to mail all of those surveys to the correct city, country

  5. TC
    Tina Cunningham
    2 years ago

    Amazing – packed full of lots of great information. It’s a subject best described with maps. I see that I need to expand my research to include more maps! My father (and his ancestors back to early 1800’s) lived in a town 20 km. northeast of L’viv so this info was “spot on”. Thanks David Obee for sharing all the research you’ve done.

  6. JM
    Jenny Marsden
    2 years ago

    Fascinating stuff! Well presented & surprisingly relatively easy to follow despite the frequent geographic & languages changes! Even though I don’t have any Eastern European ancestry, at least that I am aware of, as a child of immigrants (who were also children of immigrants–this goes on for several generations back) this discussion of migration patterns in Europe is both interesting & helpful in my own research. Thank you!

  7. RA
    Rhonda Audenaert
    2 years ago

    I really enjoyed this program, My family is from Galicia so have many hurdles to over come with finding records. This webinar helped me in understanding the borders better (Available resources for maps was a plus) Thank you

  8. CK
    Catherine Kesseler
    2 years ago

    It was very informative with a lot of maps illustrating what the presenter was talking about. I learned a lot.


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