Buried in the Federal Records Center: Uncovering XC Pension Files

Alec Ferretti
Sep 25, 2024
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Play. Playing.
2m 02s
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Speaker's Introduction
1m 09s
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6m 29s
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5m 40s
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Is there an XC-File?
15m 40s
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How To Get A File
4m 41s
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24m 14s
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Reality Check
9m 33s
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Announcements / prizes
2m 42s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
15m 31s

About this webinar

This talk will discuss how to obtain deceased 20th century veterans’ claims files, of which 1.1 million boxes are languishing in warehouses around the US.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Alec Ferretti is a New-York-City-based professional genealogist, who has worked for the Wells Fargo Family & Business History Center, researching family histories for high net worth clients. Alec specializes in the genealogy of 20th century im
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  1. SC
    Sara Cochran
    4 months ago

    I sent two XC file requests (by fax as Alec suggested) right after the live broadcast on Sep 25th. I received a CD from the VA with one of the files on November 16th! I’m so excited to learn more about my WWI soldier.

  2. GU
    Grace Unverzagt
    6 months ago

    WOW! So timely. I had requested a XC file based on some information that I learned in another genealogy group. I JUST got back a letter from the NPRC/NARA stating they dont have the file. I was SO confused because I never sent my request to NARA. Your webinar made everything make sense. Any suggestions/follow up on how to appeal a “not found” file?

  3. AB
    Alva Balter
    6 months ago

    I learned alot. Also how to order those forms and the perseverance that may help me in other genealogical endeavors.

  4. KM
    Kirsten Max
    6 months ago

    Can’t wait to try some of these appeal tips! Great presentation!

  5. GL
    Graham Lowe
    6 months ago

    Alex Ferretti, thank you for a very insightful presentation that will greatly assist in furthering the research of our ancestors who served in the military. Also, thank you for all the time and effort you have put into the Reclaim The Records (RTR) Project for the benefit of current and future genealogists, historians, and other researchers.

  6. JA
    Jane A Miller
    6 months ago

    Mind boggling!!! Who knew? Can’t wait to start the search all over again…but not before I re-listen to this incredible webinar. I had NO idea there were so many more sources to seek out. Thanks, Alec

  7. LB
    Laurel Brown
    6 months ago

    We need a higher number for rating this webinar! Amazing information. So excited to know these records exist and are accessible. Very thorough webinar walking through the history of these files and their journey, including enticing examples of what could be in the files and then finishing up with the how-to on ordering. Wonderful tips and tools borne out of experiences sprinkled throughout. Definitely at the top of my re-watch list!

  8. CL
    Clifford LANHAM
    6 months ago

    Outstanding and examples! perhaps the best military genealogy presentation I have attended in years.


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