African Americans Heading West

Janice Lovelace, PhD
Aug 5, 2022
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Play. Playing.
1m 39s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 32s
Play. Playing.
1m 17s
Play. Playing.
Western U.S.
3m 14s
Play. Playing.
Pre Civil War
8m 56s
Play. Playing.
Post Civil War
6m 37s
Play. Playing.
21m 05s
Play. Playing.
8m 43s
Play. Playing.
7m 01s
Play. Playing.
Finding Records
9m 36s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
4m 43s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
8m 05s

About this webinar

After the end of the Civil War in 1865, African Americans began leaving the areas where they had been enslaved. Many went to North to larger towns where work was more plentiful. But less discussed is that a number went West to farm, using the Homestead Act of 1862 to claim land of their own. Other settled in and helped develop some all-Black towns in Kansas and Oklahoma. Still others headed to the Pacific Coast for work. What can we find out about these settlers’ lives? Where can we find records?

About the speaker

About the speaker

Janice Lovelace is a genealogical researcher, educator, author, and lecturer, with over thirty years of experience. She completed the Genealogy and Family History certificate at the University of Washington in 2012, the certificate program in
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  1. JT
    Joan Taylor Fischer
    3 years ago

    Thank you from a new member.

  2. BB
    Brian Boneham
    3 years ago

    Brilliant webinar giving lots of valuable information to a topic which is much needed for those not so familiar with the subject.

  3. SM
    Sarah Mundt
    3 years ago

    Illuminating webinar on finding your African American ancestors in a dynamic American landscape. There were so many exceptionally fascinating stories, new research sources, and great legends to learn of. With a quick web search, Western historians estimate as many as 25% of cowboys were black, yet these sagas are virtually unknown. I learn something new every presentation, and am inspired to seek out more knowledge. Thank you sincerely.

  4. FE
    Frances Ewing
    3 years ago

    This was a very informative webinar. I learned a lot.

  5. PM
    Pamela McClellan
    3 years ago

    Excellent Webinar!!

  6. FU
    Fran Ussery
    3 years ago

    Learned so much !

  7. BA
    Beverly Anderson
    3 years ago


  8. KG
    Kathie Grover-Miller
    3 years ago

    Janice provided a comprehensive timeline with a sensitivity toward those displaced and those seeking freedom. This should be a course taught in our schools. Very well done. Thank you! Also great tips for researchers!


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