DeepStory – Your Visual Storytelling Tool

Janna Helshtein
Apr 11, 2023
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Play. Playing.
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 15s
Play. Playing.
8m 08s
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Important Settings
2m 14s
Play. Playing.
12m 42s
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Tailor Made
3m 02s
Play. Playing.
10m 18s
Play. Playing.
12m 29s
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Janna's video
6m 07s
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Announcements / prizes
3m 28s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
11m 03s

About this webinar

We all have stories we know or discovered in our family history, we are constantly looking for ways to engage our families, especially the younger generation in family history. We need to do more than just preserve these stories, we need to bring them to life and pass them on, be known, and remembered for generations to come. Well, the search stops here, with DeepStory. What can be more exciting, moving and more memorable than our ancestors telling their story in first person? We all have this tool at the tips of our fingers. The use of artificial Intelligence has never been easier.

About the speakers

About the speakers

Janna Helshtein’s journey into genealogy started over 25 years ago prompted by an innocent question from her (then) toddler about people in the family. This journey took a turn into genetic genealogy over a decade ago discovering her ex-part
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MyHeritage is the leading global destination for discovering, preserving and sharing family history. Our platform and DNA kits make it easy for anyone, anywhere to embark on a meaningful journey into their past and treasure their family stories fo
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  1. MP
    Marijane Presar
    2 years ago

    The visual storytelling tool of “Deep South” as presented by Janna Helshtein was very enjoyable and beneficial.
    I especially like how she gave a variety of different stories …. i.e. love, hero, recipe, etc. that one could base their ancestor’s story upon. Adding a voice to the person interviewed made it more real.

  2. JW
    Janet Weber
    2 years ago

    I haven’t heard one that good in a long time.

  3. CN
    Carol Niewinski
    2 years ago

    Fascinating! Sure excited me about really cramming on family stories.

  4. DS
    Donna Sinclair
    2 years ago

    This was a wonderful, inspiring presentation! Everything was very well explained; to the point that I am still a bit apprehensive about attempting this myself, but not now feeling so overwhelmed and “frozen” at the thought of trying! Thank you!

  5. BP
    Barbara Pierson
    2 years ago

    This was one of the best and most interesting webinars that I have seen on this site. I recently began creating my own Deep Stories, and did so without any instruction, so it was interesting listening to the speaker tell how she created her stores. The tools and creativity in the photo section on MyHeritage is top notch, and above anything else I have come across. I look forward to creating more exciting stories of my ancestors. Thank you.

  6. MK
    Muriel King
    2 years ago

    Great information on creative ideas to inspire interest in family heritage.

  7. AG
    Annette Gazley
    2 years ago

    This was an excellent and inspirational webinar with detailed explanations that anyone can relate to. MyHeritage’s Deep Story is a great tool that anyone can use to tell the story of your ancestors.

  8. BM
    Barbara Miller
    2 years ago

    Loved Loved Loved. The instructor’s excitement has carried over to me!!


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