A Guide to Third Party Tools For DNA Testing

Michelle Leonard
Mar 6, 2019
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Play. Playing.
1m 41s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 12s
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1m 28s
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Shared cM Project Tool
2m 01s
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Google Chrome Extensions
7m 02s
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20m 14s
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Chromosome Mapping
10m 05s
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Inferred Matching
4m 05s
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4m 36s
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Genome Mate Pro
2m 21s
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DNAGedcom & Genetic Family
6m 08s
Play. Playing.
Genetic Affairs
1m 44s
Play. Playing.
Play. Playing.
Advanced Tools
4m 45s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
5m 55s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
17m 14s

About this webinar

While all of the different testing companies boast helpful internal tools, it's important to familiarise yourself with the many excellent third party tools that can aid you on your DNA testing journey. This presentation will provide an overview of all the major and minor third party tools available and will include practical hints and tips on how to get the most out of them. These tools can help with understanding, interpreting and organising your DNA results and, ultimately, can contribute to how successful you are in identifying matches and making family history breakthroughs via DNA.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Michelle Leonard is a Scottish professional genealogist, DNA detective, freelance researcher, speaker, author and historian. She runs her own genealogy and DNA consultancy business, Genes & Genealogy, and specialises in DNA Detective work part
Learn more...

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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    6 years ago

    5+++++ Got to go to Scotland and join one of her classes. Really enjoyed today’s webinar.

    A good overview – covered a lot of ground. This could lead to several more webinars explaining in more depth what each tool can do and how they can solve some more specific questions.

    A good overview of lots of DNA tools that will help you analyze DNA matches.

    A great overview. Now I have an idea what some of these tools are.

    A LOT of good info. Will probably need to replay a number of times!

    A quick overview of many sites.

    Absolutely fantastic! A lot of information. Will need to listen to this webinar again.

    Although 80% of it was way above my intelligence level 😉 I still listened to it all as you never know if in the future I may remember a snippet of information also Michelle presented it in such an easy listening manner.

    Although it was a lot and information very quickly, I think this is the best webinar I have watched. Will definitely need to go back and watch again.

    Amazing info. It will take a few weeks to just absorb the ‘quick’ notes she supplied of the ‘must be visited’ sites she mentioned!

    Amazingly awesome presentation & presenter. I hope we hear another from Michelle soon!

    Awesome speaker on a challenging subject.


    Boy there is so much to know, very good presentation. Thank you

    Bring her back for more in depth on different tools.

    Can I rate it a 10 out of 5?! Wow!! I had no idea there were so many tools out there. Michelle did a very good job of giving us an overview. I am now following her group on facebook, and look forward to having some fun with some of these tools!!

    Can’t wait to try out all the new tools I learned about today! Will definitely be watching this again.

    Covered a lot of groud and explained well

    Deep! Need to see again and again. Thanks.

    Don’t know how many times I’ll have to look at this one to even begin to remember 1/4 of the things she taught! What an intelligent young lady! She did a fantastic job!




    Excellent detailed information about GEDmatch and DNApainter which I’ve dabbled with but not fully understood before. Got some good things to try out going forward.

    Excellent info, but so much covered that I will only be able to truly benefit from it by reviewing it later with the ability to slow down, pause, or replay certain segments (which I can do as a member).

    Excellent overview and learned about several more DNA analysis tools that will be very helpful. Thanks.

    Excellent overview of 3rd party DNA tools

    Excellent overview of major third party DNA tools

    excellent overview of tools

    Excellent presentation – clearly defines use of site

    Excellent presentation and introduction to many tools I never knew existed.

    Excellent presentation, clear, pleasant to listen to. A very difficult area to cover but she did a great job.

    Excellent speaker with lots of information, very good syllabus. Please have more webinars by Michelle.

    Excellent speaker!

    Excellent webinar! I need to view it several more times to absorb all the info!

    Excellent Webinar! Lots of information to sort through. Very helpful for DNA Testing and Third Party Tools, Thank you!


    Excellent! Thank you!

    Excellent! I would love Michelle to come back and talk more in detail about any of the third party tools she mentioned or anything DNA, maybe Thru-lines at Ancestry, or case studies, etc. Information was presented in a very logical, informative way.

    Excellent! Wish she’d do a webinar on each tool.

    EXCELLENT!!! Very clear and concise explanation of the third party tools. I will probably visit this webinar again and again as I decide which tool works best for me.

    excellent, great over view of what is available, Some of them were totally new to me. I hope that maybe you can break down the different tools and give a full webinar or two on each tool. Thanks for all you do, It does make life more fun and varied

    Excellent. I love seeing all the other tools that are out there that I did not know about. And I love that she was able in such a short time to demonstrate how some of them work as well. Very helpful. Thank you.

    Excited to try other tools!

    Fabulous content and well set out.

    Fantastic webinar, whorl wind speed through masses of very useful tools for DNA work. Need to re-watch the webinar in chunks to get a great review of the featured tools and assist in a hands on approach to some of them.

    Fantastic! We’ll probably break the internet now by all going to DNA Painter.

    Good DNA information

    Good overview of the many helpful tools trying to make a complex subject more understandable.

    Good to learn about the variety of apps possible to use.

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    6 years ago

    Good, concise speaker, goes very fast so best be a paid member to get syllabus for all this info or REWATCH if while we can. Loads of info about stuff I never even knew about and I am not a beginner at either Genealogy nor the DNA aspects. As usual, this was an amazing Webinar. Thanks as always.

    Great – thank you! And more webinars based on a single tool per webinar would be even better 🙂

    Great content. The Presenter was awesome and well informed on the subject of DNA. Thank you.

    Great overview of what is available. I had no idea some existed,

    Great overview presentation with very intensive content. Please invite Michelle Leonard to give additional webinars on each of the tools she mentioned today.

    Great overview with lots of information.

    Great overview! I would be interested in more detailed sessions on each tool. Thank you so much.

    great speaker

    GREAT WEBINAR!!!!!!!!!!!

    Great webinar, one of the best!!!!

    Great webinar.

    Holy Smokes, will have to watch this again.

    I definitely learned way more than a thing or two! Just wish my brain was a little speedier…..lol.

    I enjoyed thoroughly and won a door prize….please let me know how to retrieve my DNA test?

    I have only dipped a toe into DNA-genealogy, so this was pretty much beyond my current knowledge, but I learned about things to look for as I learn. p.s. Love listening to her!

    I learned a lot but will watch the recording again,

    I learned about 3rd party tools which I had never heard about. Thanks!

    I loved the “survey” aspect of the webinar and getting to see so many different tools at once. I had no idea there were that many out there.

    I was delighted to see that I am starting to use some of these tools mentioned. I’m glad she mentioned this was an intermediate webinar. Am so glad I attended and have an idea of some other tools and some other features of tools I’m currently using for the future as I gain in knowledge. The webinar was well done even if it was over my head in many places. Thank you!

    I would like to be able to plug into Michelle’s brain and do a download. She knows her stuff!!

    Incredible!!!! SO much information! Bring her back for more webinars. Can’t wait to try some of these tools.

    Information overload, in a good way!

    It is so exciting what is available to analyze the data.

    It was fast but filled with a lot of information. I will have to go back and watch it again. Never knew about the many places to go and use my DNA uploads to help determine matches.

    It was great to learn about tools to help understand DNA. Thanks and the speaker was awesome.

    Lots of fast-paced information. Glad it was recorded for future review and study.

    Lots of good info. Definitely have to watch again

    lots of good tools, now I just need time to play with all of them.

    Lots of great information. I will have to check the webinar library, but if there are not specific webinars on each of these tools, that might be something for you to look into providing (of course all these tools can change at any time 🙂

    lots of great information. Need to watch it again and again!

    Lots of helpful info. Great accent! Thank you!

    Lots of info – will have to listen again !!

    loved hearing the passion from presenter regarding the subject of dna

    Loved the Scottish accent. Could listen to her all day. Anyway, excellent seminar but the proof of how valuable it is to me personally is to go and try out some of these things. Michelle has encouraged me to venture outside my comfort zone in DNA and see what I can put together. I have lots of DNA matches but am having a “challenge” in putting things together. Now, I have a path to follow. Thank you, Michelle.

    Michelle definitely shared her passion and expertise on a fascinatingly difficult subject. Thank you sooooooo much.

    Michelle had a lot of good tips. I’ll have to digest them then go back and watch the recording again.

    Michelle is very knowledgeable. I’ve used several of the tools she covered, but was happy to learn of others I wasn’t aware of. Thank you!

    Michelle Leonard is a 5 +++ very enjoyable, and very smart!

    One of the best speakers……ever! So knowledgeable!

    One of the most informative webinars ever, lots to learn here. Thank you both.


    Outstanding! Please bring her back for more!

    Please get her again!

    Presenter was clear and concise and stuck to the topic and the content was what was suggested by the name of the webinar.

    Quite a bit to digest and many options to look into. Enjoyed!

    Really interesting!

    She is one of the best lecturers I’ve ever heard, presenting a lot of difficult information in an organized, comprehensible way. There are more tools out there than I imagined. A couple will be perfect for some of my future research and I may have never known of them without this presentation. Thank you so much for this webinar.

    So interesting!

    so much information – will have to view again (and again!)

    So much information, wow – love this presentation!

  3. Legacy Family Tree
    6 years ago

    So much information. My mind is spinning. Can’y wait for the replay to go on line because I need to see to this webinar again.

    Sooo much info!! Definitely worth watching several times,and keeping the hand-out!

    Speaker was excellent.

    Super informative, will need to watch several times to get all the good ideas she gave.

    Terrific presentation. There was a lot of information to take in though so I think II will watch this again.

    Thank you! Excellent!

    The examples given and the way she presented were excellent!

    The overview of GEDMatch was very helpful since it is something I’ve been thinking of expanding to.

    This is a very good presenter giving tons of info in easy to understand language.

    This is my new winner for best webinar ever.

    This webinar contained a lot of information. I will be watching the recording, for sure!

    Tremendous addition to our knowledge of using DNA!

    Very fast paced overview of Third Party DNA Tools. I liked that she spent relatively more time on DNA Painter.

    Very good speaker! So much information – I learned a lot

    Very good, and very detailed. Great!

    Very high confidence in speaker; hope she is contracted to give more detailed lectures on specific tools. Thank you for another great webinar.

    Very informative webinar

    Very informative! Will have to rewatch this to remind myself of some of these tools and get hints of how to use them.

    Very informative.

    Very interesting!!

    Very knowledgable whirlwind tour–enough to have more fun!

    Very knowledgeable, tons of information, will have to watch again and again!!!

    Very timely and FANTASTIC. I live streamed Roots Tech, and saw the new tools for both Ancestry and MyHeritage, and I had been trying them out. Now after watching your webinar, I feel like I can really use those tools much better. Plus I plan on using many of the other tools you mentioned. I already use GedMatch. Thanks so much for this webinar.

    Very well presented and included a mix of sites I was aware of and many that I was not.To me that is perfect blend! Excellent presenter with with a very clear and relaxed voice, knowlable can clearly comfortable with the topic. Please, please, bring her back once a month – she has lots to share!!!

    Volumes of information in a short time. Loved it.

    way over my head but I am VERY happy to have been able to be exposed to this information.

    wealth of information – so excited to try some of the things she mentioned – more like her!! Fabulous!

    Webinar provides a good overview of the many tools we can use for DNA testing.

    Whirlwind tour of lots of things! It will take some work to really know how to use them, but really good overview of what is available.

    Will listen to this several times… excellent!

    Wonderful and informative!

    Wonderful and will watch again

    Wonderful information – getting into DNA now and this webinar really helped me know where to go to third party tools – and what each tool can do. THANK SO MUCH!

    Wonderful! Must watch again to try to absorb everything! Thank you!

    Wonderfully clear overview of some of the key tools. And a very timely one, given some of the recent development.

    Wonderfully confusing. I loved it.

    Would like to see further webinars by Michelle Leonard, giving more time to some of the tools she discussed today. Perhaps one session for Chrome extensions only, one discussing GEDmatch, and especially one for Genome Mate Pro (or more if needed), etc. She really seems to know her stuff!

    Wow — so much good info, it made my head spin!

    wow was she knowledgeable about the subjuct. Not too, overwhelming, but definitely need to learn more.

    Wow! Rarely do I feel the need to re-listen to a webinar, but this one is jammed-packed with great information and worth while ideas on using the DNA tools in ways I was not aware of. Michelle is terrific in her presentation.

    WOW! So much info. Glad I’m a subscriber to rewatch. Answered many questions I have had about several of the tools. Chock full of great tips and techniques.

    WOW! So much to absorb and learn! Thank you very much.

    Wow! terrific information. Michelle is very knowledgable about these tools.

    Wow! Very fast paced — I had to listen quickly, but so worth it. I have better overall sense of many of the tools that I have heard of but did not know anything about. This is a webinar I will want to listen to over again. Excellent syllabus with so many useful links. Thank you!

    WOW!!,WOW!!, WOW. You will have to get Michelle back, cover each tool in depth. So much to learn here – Thank you

    Wow, extremely knowledgable speaker!! Time well spent!!

    Wow, great webinar…so much to learn!!


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