Did you know FamilySearch has a wealth of Quebec records that are not widely-known? These records have no search index so you would not be able to access them using the Search Records functionality and entering an ancestor’s name. FamilySearch has images of non-indexed Quebec non-Catholic parish registers from 1763 to 1967; images of Quebec non-indexed Catholic and non-Catholic church records from 1642 to 1902; images of Quebec guardianships from 1639 to 1930; images of Quebec notarial records from 1800 to 1920; plus many more hidden Quebec records. This session will show you step-by-step how to access these Quebec records on FamilySearch.
Did you know FamilySearch has a wealth of Quebec records that are not widely-known? These records have no search index so you would not be able to access them using the Search Records functionality and entering an ancestor’s name. FamilySearch has images of non-indexed Quebec non-Catholic parish registers from 1763 to 1967; images of Quebec non-indexed Catholic and non-Catholic church records from 1642 to 1902; images of Quebec guardianships from 1639 to 1930; images of Quebec notarial records from 1800 to 1920; plus many more hidden Quebec records. This session will show you step-by-step how to access these Quebec records on FamilySearch.
Using the Hudson Bay Company Records for Genealogy Research
Information on fur trade and Indigenous ancestors can be found in the Hudson Bay Company archives. These records contain information on over 300 years of fur trade employees in Canada. Archivists have indexed, microfilmed, and digitized them. This presentation will cover what records are available, where they are found, how to use them, and what genealogy information may be found in them.
Information on fur trade and Indigenous ancestors can be found in the Hudson Bay Company archives. These records contain information on over 300 years of fur trade employees in Canada. Archivists have indexed, microfilmed, and digitized them. This presentation will cover what records are available, where they are found, how to use them, and what genealogy information may be found in them.
You loved her last webinar on this topic and requested six more! In this webinar, Janice will introduce you to her next favourite online sources for Ontario family history.
You loved her last webinar on this topic and requested six more! In this webinar, Janice will introduce you to her next favourite online sources for Ontario family history.
This session will show how MyHeritage can help you find your Canadian ancestors through filters while searching through the records. A list of which Canadian records are available will be provided.
This session will show how MyHeritage can help you find your Canadian ancestors through filters while searching through the records. A list of which Canadian records are available will be provided.
With the right tools, searching for your French Canadian ancestors in Quebec has never been easier. French Canadians are passionate about their ancestral lineage, consequently a large number of repositories exist, both public and private, to help trace your French Canadian ancestors. Although the well known Drouin Collection is a wonderful source of genealogical data, many more databases exist on French Canadian ancestry. This presentation will focus on lesser known databases and websites to help you find your elusive French Canadian ancestors or to add valuable information to your ancestors’ lives.
With the right tools, searching for your French Canadian ancestors in Quebec has never been easier. French Canadians are passionate about their ancestral lineage, consequently a large number of repositories exist, both public and private, to help trace your French Canadian ancestors. Although the well known Drouin Collection is a wonderful source of genealogical data, many more databases exist on French Canadian ancestry. This presentation will focus on lesser known databases and websites to help you find your elusive French Canadian ancestors or to add valuable information to your ancestors’ lives.
The landscape of Canada is extensive, and so are our genealogy resources! In this presentation we’ll take a look at accessing some of the most common Canadian genealogy documents available online including census, immigration, military, and vital records. We’ll also explore the abundant number of Canadian Jewish specific resources including archives and heritage organizations, newspapers, and digitized books.
The landscape of Canada is extensive, and so are our genealogy resources! In this presentation we’ll take a look at accessing some of the most common Canadian genealogy documents available online including census, immigration, military, and vital records. We’ll also explore the abundant number of Canadian Jewish specific resources including archives and heritage organizations, newspapers, and digitized books.
Did you know that the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives is the largest private archives in the world? Let me show you one very special resource this archive has made available online: the Biographical Information Sheet. These goldmines provide a window into the HBCA’s records pertaining to 1000s of historical employees.
Did you know that the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives is the largest private archives in the world? Let me show you one very special resource this archive has made available online: the Biographical Information Sheet. These goldmines provide a window into the HBCA’s records pertaining to 1000s of historical employees.
We often hear of the California Gold Rush but the Klondike Gold Rush pulled the US out of a deep depression yet you do not hear much about it. We will outline the importance of this very short Rush, plot the routes and identify locations where you can find the records of your ancestor in the Canadian Rockies.
We often hear of the California Gold Rush but the Klondike Gold Rush pulled the US out of a deep depression yet you do not hear much about it. We will outline the importance of this very short Rush, plot the routes and identify locations where you can find the records of your ancestor in the Canadian Rockies.
With the 1931 Canada census finally released to the public on June 1, 2023, a new window into the lives of ancestors who lived in Canada in the early 20th century is being thrown open! This census offers a snapshot of Canada at a fascinating and difficult historical period, a few years into the Great Depression. Join us for a deep dive into this long-awaited collection and discover what you can learn about your ancestors living in Canada during this time.
With the 1931 Canada census finally released to the public on June 1, 2023, a new window into the lives of ancestors who lived in Canada in the early 20th century is being thrown open! This census offers a snapshot of Canada at a fascinating and difficult historical period, a few years into the Great Depression. Join us for a deep dive into this long-awaited collection and discover what you can learn about your ancestors living in Canada during this time.
If you watch TV, you might be forgiven for thinking that you need to pay hefty subscription fees to big genealogy companies to research your ancestors. But some of my most exciting finds were found on six free websites. In this webinar I will introduce you to my favourite online sources for Ontario family history.
If you watch TV, you might be forgiven for thinking that you need to pay hefty subscription fees to big genealogy companies to research your ancestors. But some of my most exciting finds were found on six free websites. In this webinar I will introduce you to my favourite online sources for Ontario family history.
Canadian land records contain valuable genealogy information but can be tricky to find. This practical presentation will give you instructions for finding these records. Using case studies, you’ll learn where to look for land records in Canada, the intricacies in finding them, and what information they may contain.
Canadian land records contain valuable genealogy information but can be tricky to find. This practical presentation will give you instructions for finding these records. Using case studies, you’ll learn where to look for land records in Canada, the intricacies in finding them, and what information they may contain.
The Filles du roi (King’s daughters) were around 800 young ladies who were brought to New France by the king to help with the population. They succeeded as the population of New France doubled in a decade. Two-thirds of French Canadians are related to one of these daughters as well many Americans including Hillary Clinton, Madonna and Angelina Jolie. This session will be share their history along with other smaller groups that the French Sun King, Louis XIV and Jean Talon brought to New France. Along with their history and their children’s history, we will share why are they so special and what they all did to survive, and the problems and hardships they endured. Also, how this endogenous DNA affects your results. The session will touch on the DNA results based on this endogenous beginning that affects your DNA, share where the records are available, and projects that are available online to help you find out if you are a descendant of these wonderful daughters of the king.
The Filles du roi (King’s daughters) were around 800 young ladies who were brought to New France by the king to help with the population. They succeeded as the population of New France doubled in a decade. Two-thirds of French Canadians are related to one of these daughters as well many Americans including Hillary Clinton, Madonna and Angelina Jolie. This session will be share their history along with other smaller groups that the French Sun King, Louis XIV and Jean Talon brought to New France. Along with their history and their children’s history, we will share why are they so special and what they all did to survive, and the problems and hardships they endured. Also, how this endogenous DNA affects your results. The session will touch on the DNA results based on this endogenous beginning that affects your DNA, share where the records are available, and projects that are available online to help you find out if you are a descendant of these wonderful daughters of the king.
German-French or French-German? Genealogy in Alsace-Lorraine. Do you have ancestors listed in the U. S. census as German in one and French in another? They are likely from Alsace-Lorraine, with a complicated history that presents family researchers with opportunities and challenges. Learn about sources and methods that will help you to progress in your research.
German-French or French-German? Genealogy in Alsace-Lorraine. Do you have ancestors listed in the U. S. census as German in one and French in another? They are likely from Alsace-Lorraine, with a complicated history that presents family researchers with opportunities and challenges. Learn about sources and methods that will help you to progress in your research.
Following the Revolutionary War, many British subjects were eager to get onto British soil and Canada was the nearest colony. Land was granted to soldiers who had remained loyal to the Crown and with the success of settlements such as Glengarry, colonizers soon realized that there was success to be had in getting immigrants to settle in the huge swath of untapped land in Upper Canada. In this presentation we will discuss: Military Settlements, Crown & Clergy Reserves, Queen’s Bush Settlement & Wilberforce Colony, Quaker Settlements, Mennonite Settlements, Talbot Settlement, Peter Robinson Settlement, Huron Tract. We will also look at sale of treaty lands, and emigration societies in Scotland.
Following the Revolutionary War, many British subjects were eager to get onto British soil and Canada was the nearest colony. Land was granted to soldiers who had remained loyal to the Crown and with the success of settlements such as Glengarry, colonizers soon realized that there was success to be had in getting immigrants to settle in the huge swath of untapped land in Upper Canada. In this presentation we will discuss: Military Settlements, Crown & Clergy Reserves, Queen’s Bush Settlement & Wilberforce Colony, Quaker Settlements, Mennonite Settlements, Talbot Settlement, Peter Robinson Settlement, Huron Tract. We will also look at sale of treaty lands, and emigration societies in Scotland.
Trouvez vos ancêtres dans les recensements canadiens sur MyHeritage
Thu, February 27 2025: 14:00 UTC
Dans ce webinaire, la généalogiste québécoise Kathleen Juneau Roy, vous présentera l’organisation des recensements canadiens et l’éventail de la collection détenue par MyHeritage. Nous verrons les particularités de chacun des recensements de 1851 à 1931, des défis qu’ils représentent, de leurs avantages et de leurs limites. Nous verrons qu’un recensement c’est plus qu’un document, c’est presque une « photo » de nos familles à une date et dans un lieu précis.
Dans ce webinaire, la généalogiste québécoise Kathleen Juneau Roy, vous présentera l’organisation des recensements canadiens et l’éventail de la collection détenue par MyHeritage. Nous verrons les particularités de chacun des recensements de 1851 à 1931, des défis qu’ils représentent, de leurs avantages et de leurs limites. Nous verrons qu’un recensement c’est plus qu’un document, c’est presque une « photo » de nos familles à une date et dans un lieu précis.
Probate records are a gem for those researching ancestors in Denmark. However, understanding the jurisdictions for these records is very complicated. This webinar will discuss the basics of the Danish Estate system the influence it had on our ancestors’ lives. We will also learn about the county records, finding aids and online resources for successfully navigating Danish probate records.
Probate records are a gem for those researching ancestors in Denmark. However, understanding the jurisdictions for these records is very complicated. This webinar will discuss the basics of the Danish Estate system the influence it had on our ancestors’ lives. We will also learn about the county records, finding aids and online resources for successfully navigating Danish probate records.
The county of Hampshire covers over 1 million acres, bordered to the south by the English Channel and includes the Isle of Wight. As one might expect the ancestral roots of the county are widely represented by agricultural workers, but it also has a strong maritime history. This includes not only coastguards, fishermen, and latterly Merchant Navy seafarers, but also the Royal Navy with its Portsmouth dockyard, now home to Nelsons’s flagship HMS Victory. Join Gill for a user’s guide to online and offline resources, including local archive collections, a guide to boundary changes, and where to search for missing ancestors. Our aim is research enlightenment.
The county of Hampshire covers over 1 million acres, bordered to the south by the English Channel and includes the Isle of Wight. As one might expect the ancestral roots of the county are widely represented by agricultural workers, but it also has a strong maritime history. This includes not only coastguards, fishermen, and latterly Merchant Navy seafarers, but also the Royal Navy with its Portsmouth dockyard, now home to Nelsons’s flagship HMS Victory. Join Gill for a user’s guide to online and offline resources, including local archive collections, a guide to boundary changes, and where to search for missing ancestors. Our aim is research enlightenment.
Mexican Notarial Records: An Invaluable Source for Reconstructing the Past of Mexican Families
Fri, March 21 2025: 18:00 UTC
Testaments, dowry letters, land sales, cattle leasing, power of attorney letters, and many other types of documents were created by public and royal scribes all over Mexico in the last five centuries. Notarial archives are rich in detail and history. Whenever they are available, they become an essential tool for genealogical research, adding depth to the lives of ancestors, or bridging gaps when church records have been lost. This conference is a basic outline of these records and where to find them both offline and online.
Testaments, dowry letters, land sales, cattle leasing, power of attorney letters, and many other types of documents were created by public and royal scribes all over Mexico in the last five centuries. Notarial archives are rich in detail and history. Whenever they are available, they become an essential tool for genealogical research, adding depth to the lives of ancestors, or bridging gaps when church records have been lost. This conference is a basic outline of these records and where to find them both offline and online.
Understanding and Benefitting from Process Changes to England’s Civil Registration for B/M/D Certificates
Fri, April 4 2025: 2:00 UTC
Understand original steps in getting from event – birth, marriage or death to an index; how online services impact searches; how to obtain inexpensive certificates. Access procedures and costs for obtaining birth, marriage and death certificates in England and Wales has changed radically in the last few years. Positively, the reduced costs make it such there is no excuse for not getting all birth and death certificates. Negatively, people are losing sight of what they are actually searching to get the certificate. – Learn the original process of getting from an event to a listing within an index (local or national). – Learn what rules and laws changed the above processes over time. – Understand differences between original and new indexes. – See the impact of which versions of the indexes are being searched by the different online services. – Learn how to purchase, and quickly obtain birth and death certificates. – See the different versions of the certificates that can be currently purchased. – Learn alternatives for obtaining cheaper marriage records.
Understand original steps in getting from event – birth, marriage or death to an index; how online services impact searches; how to obtain inexpensive certificates. Access procedures and costs for obtaining birth, marriage and death certificates in England and Wales has changed radically in the last few years. Positively, the reduced costs make it such there is no excuse for not getting all birth and death certificates. Negatively, people are losing sight of what they are actually searching to get the certificate. – Learn the original process of getting from an event to a listing within an index (local or national). – Learn what rules and laws changed the above processes over time. – Understand differences between original and new indexes. – See the impact of which versions of the indexes are being searched by the different online services. – Learn how to purchase, and quickly obtain birth and death certificates. – See the different versions of the certificates that can be currently purchased. – Learn alternatives for obtaining cheaper marriage records.
Tracing Female Ancestors in Greek Genealogy Research
Fri, April 4 2025: 6:00 UTC
In Greek genealogy research, tracing female ancestors can be rather challenging. However, a number of research options can tackle this problem. This webinar aims at presenting such options and tips to help you find the names and stories of your Greek female ancestors.
In Greek genealogy research, tracing female ancestors can be rather challenging. However, a number of research options can tackle this problem. This webinar aims at presenting such options and tips to help you find the names and stories of your Greek female ancestors.
Engagements, Weddings, marriage contracts and divorces in 19th century Germany
Fri, April 4 2025: 7:00 UTC
Explore 19th-century German engagement, marriage and divorce traditions, historical social norms and legal regulations, including economic motives, marriage contracts, remarriage, and strict divorce processes. This presentation will explore the complex world of marriage and divorce in nineteenth-century Germany, emphasizing its importance to genealogical research. Participants will gain insight into the economic, social, and legal factors that shaped marriage and divorce practices. The session will include examples of historical documents and introduce new types of records beyond traditional church records.
Explore 19th-century German engagement, marriage and divorce traditions, historical social norms and legal regulations, including economic motives, marriage contracts, remarriage, and strict divorce processes. This presentation will explore the complex world of marriage and divorce in nineteenth-century Germany, emphasizing its importance to genealogical research. Participants will gain insight into the economic, social, and legal factors that shaped marriage and divorce practices. The session will include examples of historical documents and introduce new types of records beyond traditional church records.
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