Michael J. Leclerc, CG

Michael J. Leclerc, CG, is a well-known professional genealogist who teaches family historians around the world. He is a longtime member of the teaching team for the Boston University Online Genealogy Study Programs. He has authored countless articles for genealogical journals and popular magazines, and is author of the chapter on “Crafting Family Histories” in Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice, and Standards. Among the books he has written or edited are Genealogical Writing in the 21st Century: A Guide to Register Style and More, Second Edition (with Henry B. Hoff, FASG); the fifth edition of the seminal guidebook Genealogist’s Handbook for New England Research. His major project is the family of Doctor Benjamin Franklin. The first volume of Benjamin Franklin’s Family, published in 2019, covers the English ancestry of his father Josiah. He is formerly managing editor of the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly, contributing editor for American Ancestors, and consulting editor for the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. You can find out more about Michael and opportunities for learning from him at his Genealogy Professor website (www.genprof.net).

Michael's Webinars (7)