Watch Geoff Live: Adding a City Directory (among other things…)

Geoff Rasmussen
Apr 16, 2020
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Play. Playing.
2m 07s
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3m 20s
Play. Playing.
12m 24s
Play. Playing.
8m 17s
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City Directories
42m 33s
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Online Tree
9m 00s
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Announcements / prizes
2m 53s
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Questions / answers
6m 18s

About this webinar

Geoff just discovered two incredible-to-him things about his great-grandfather – both from a city directory from MyHeritage’s new U.S. City Directories collection – and now he’s ready to add the new information to his personal tree in his Legacy Family Tree software. You’re invited to join Geoff as he does just this – live and unscripted. You’ll likely pick up a tip or two about using both Legacy and MyHeritage.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Geoffrey D. Rasmussen is the father of four budding genealogists. He graduated with a degree in Genealogy and Family History from Brigham Young University and has served as director and vice-president of the Utah Genealogical Association. He is th
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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    Actually doing research as a demonstration is the best way to learn how to use Legacy!

    Always enjoy Geoff’s live webinars

    Always great to learn live from Geoff

    Always great to watch Geoff live!!!

    Always helpful to watch Geoff live

    Always interesting as switching from one resource to another – Legacy, My Heritage, Google Earth, Photo Shop, etc.

    Always learn new tips watching you live. Thanks a lot.

    Always learn some fun and clever tips from these Watch Geoff Live webinars.

    Always learn something new that helps my approach. Thanks

    Always learn something watching your webinars

    Always learn something when you so generously demonstrate with real records in real time! Thanks

    As always Geoff leaves us thinking and thinking new tricks and new ways to use Legacy! Thanks!

    As always, a delightful treat to Watch Geoff Live! Always learn a tidbit or two!

    As always, a great job Geoff. The speed that you work always amazes me.

    As always, an interesting & informative adventure!

    Awesome job. Great reminders and few new tips or two. Stay Well.

    Enjoyed seeing the options for TO DO lists in Legacy software, which I don’t use, but there were other valuable research tips. My To Do lists are on various spreadsheets by location. Will definitely look up addresses in Google Earth right now, and get back into the MyHeritage city directory collection to see what more has been added. Thanks

    Excellent information

    Excellent webinar. I learned so, so many tricks that will enable to access more of Legacy & MyHeritage features. Thank you.

    Excellent! Lots of great tips! Thanks

    Fabulous! Great tips and info.

    Geoff is so personable, it is a pleasure to watch and listen to him.

    Great as usual! Thank you, Geoff.

    Great fun today!!!

    Great hands-on exploration of MyHeritage files & usage. Love the image colorization. Thanks!

    Great presentation, learned a lot and it was most interesting. Thank you Geoff! : )

    Great thanks!

    Great tips

    Great to watch someone else’s research process.

    Great webinar! We all love your improvising but not something we would do?? LOL Thomas will be after all of us for going for our BSO (bright shiny objects) Stay Safe!

    Great webinar. Not only directories but coloring b&w photos and adding citations. Geoff’s “Watching Geoff Live” series is always so good. And tell him it was NOT BORING AT ALL. I’ll be going through this one again and pausing it to take notes. Thank you to Geoff.

    I absolutely loved this webinar!!! It totally makes up on me missing out on the 50% deal! The best I’ve ever attended!!!!

    I did have to leave a bit early, but plan on watching it again.

    I don’t use Legacy software, but this is giving me pause that maybe I need to rethink what I’m doing

    I had to leave and return the session. The information presented in the webinar was excellent. Before this webinar, I did not like using MyHeritage site. Geoff demonstrated the new features that will make my research on MyHeritage beneficial.

    I have so much more clarity on using the MyHeritage city directories collection. Thanks, Geoff and Marian!

    I learn so much watching Geoff live — his thinking out loud is helpful as well as the ins and outs of Legacy 9.

    I learned a lot that I can apply to my research.

    I learned a lot! Thanks Geoff! I don’t have a My Heritage membership though.

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    I learned several new techniques today and much more. Thank you for having these webinars.

    I learned so many new tips that will help — gotta to write them down before I forget! Thank you for taking the time to share all this with us!

    I learned so many tips and sections of Legacy I have yet to use. These watch Geoff live webinars are GREAT.

    I like the live webinars because you can find new information and we’re shown the best way to handle it. Thank you.

    I love the Watch Geoff Live sessions. So helpful to learn while watching you go thru the steps.

    I love watching these webinars as I ALWAYS learn something….trick, tip, whatever! It’s worth my time! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and experience with us!

    I was really thrilled for all the La Grande OR directories–I was born there, my parents lived there before I was born, my grandmother had a couple of brothers who worked for the railroad in La Grande in the 1930”s-1950’s. Loved hearing about additional features of My Heritage City directories. I can learn neighbors’ names I remember hearing about as a child. The list goes on and on.

    I’ve learn so much each time I watch a Geoff live.

    Learned lots about city directories and other thingd as well.

    live, “unscripted” demos are great. Thx

    love the LIVE webinars

    Love the watch Geoff Live series, always learn so much.

    Outstanding! Very informative. Loved hearing Geoff’s excitement when he came across new information!

    Outstanding! Love Goeff’s digital filing methodology. Loved the Google Earth tips, too. Much more than I expected.

    Saw how to use many features of Legacy and MyHeritage

    Seeing how easily Geoff updated and negotiated Legacy, I can’t wait to start using my software. This was very informative and thank you MyHeritage for making the city directories available.

    so much to learn…so little time. Fantastic presentation

    sold me

    Super, as usual. thanks Geoff!

    Super, just super! Just as I was getting serious about sourcing, I got derailed for several months and forgot how to create the master sources and detail. Not completely, but enough. I was getting ready to watch one of the Watch Geoff Live videos when I heard the announcement about today’s class yesterday! Great timing! Back to sourcing I go!!!

    Thanx, Geoff! Your series are always my favorites!

    Very helpful Webinar!

    very informative

    Very informative and extremely informative!

    Very interesting and practical instruction; also very entertaining. Thank you!

    Very useful info and demo. Loved the logical flow of searching. Will definitely use this for future research. Didn’t know there was a Snagit webinar. I downloaded that software a few weeks ago and will check out webinar tonight…after Jeopardy!

    Watch Geoff Live are among my favorite webinars! Always learn something new from Geoff!!

    Watch Geoff Live is always informative and entertaining. We should do more of these.


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