Using to Your Advantage

Craig R. Scott, MA, CG, FUGA
Mar 25, 2020
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Play. Playing.
1m 31s
Play. Playing.
Speaker's Introduction
1m 04s
Play. Playing.
11m 17s
Play. Playing.
NARA on Fold3
22m 03s
Play. Playing.
Civil War
10m 58s
Play. Playing.
World War I
8m 56s
Play. Playing.
Search and Browse
7m 34s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
11m 55s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
15m 22s

About this webinar

With every subscription service, there are nuances. What is free? What will you have to pay for? How can I best use this tool, efficiently, but effectively? Where are their mistakes? How can I find what I need, even when I cannot seem to find it? Come learn my tricks about

About the speaker

About the speaker

Craig Roberts Scott, MA, CG, FUGA is the author of The ‘Lost Pensions’: Settled Accounts of the Act of 6 April 1838 (Revised) and Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury, Inventory 14 (Revised). His m
Learn more...

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  1. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    good content and presentation

    Good information. Thank you.

    Good overview of what is available on Fold 3.

    good speaker. very enthusiastic

    Good start on learning about Fold 3

    Great content.

    Great content.

    Great info

    great information

    Great information – wow – he went through some of it rather quickly.

    Great information.

    great information; very well presented.

    Great knowledge of subject matter

    Great overview, and as Craig mentioned there could be several more detailed webinars created to cover specific collections & records in Fold 3.

    Great presentation. It is obvious Craig Scott is very passionate about the subject and offered his expertise to answer questions after the webinar.

    Great resource! Now…to dig in! Thank you.

    Great speaker and I learned a lot about using Fold3. Thanks!

    great speaker…so easy to understand

    Great survey that didn’t try to go too deeply into a particular area of Fold3. Helpful examples. I’m leaving the talk with specific things I want to try to do in Fold3, and that is a good outcome from any webinar.

    Great tour of Fold3. Would enjoy other more specific webinars. Will check out what he already has in the library!

    Great Webinar and so much information. Thank you

    Great webinar on Fold3.

    Great webinar, however I think it was more suited for those that have a working knowledge of Fold3.

    Great webinar.


    Great, easy to follow information! I am better prepared to research the databases at Fold 3. Thank you!

    I found the speaker very interesting and helpful.

    He is really good.

    He was EXTREMELY INFORMATIVE! I was not sure how to use Fold3, and now I am more confident & can’t wait to use it!

    He was well versed and informative. I’m always anxious to learn anything as I hope to get accredited and might have use for more in the future. As to how it pertains to my current research, my family didnt arrive until the 1880s so I mainly use it for the 20th century wars. He focused on the early stuff while I was more anxious to
    learn tips on the WWs, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf etc. Is there anyone else who can speak on those or is there not enough to warrant that as a topic?

    He went really fast and I didn’t understand some things.

    Helped clarify why I’m having such a problem navigating fold3. Very helpful.

    Hoped for more WWll info

    I also have trouble navigating Fold3 and was hoping for more pointers. I guess for someone who has no trouble navigating, this is a difficult concept! Otherwise the webinar was most excellent.

    I always learn so much from Craig’s talks!

    I am excited to go into Fold 3 again where I have had a subscription for a while!

    I enjoyed everything he brought forth but wish there had been more on WWII and medical branches.

    I had many questions answered about how to best use Fold3. Thank you!

    I have been absent for almost two years. It is so good to be back!! This was a wonderful welcome back. I finally believe that I will be able to find another WAVE with whom I trained!! Thank you

    I have enjoyed all that I have watched. I appreciate the Q and A segment.

    I have gone into Fold3 many times, but now I know how to find what I am looking for. Mr. Scott was a great presenter. Thank you for another great webinar.

    I have never used Fold-3. Nice to know what it is all about.

    I have spent years looking for things on fold3 and never found anything even when I had all the person military information; this has made me decide to go back and try again.

    I just got a Fold3 subscription and have used it only a bit. This was a good beginner’s guide to what I might find.

    I know time is limited, but WWII was very important war as they all were, but not to mention anything about that section except 30 second on the aviator site was very disappointing. Yes perhaps a part two to Fold3 would be a great idea. Start with WWII then work forward.

    I know you only briefly touched on WW11 but would have liked some info on the WAC and WAV’s records on Fold 3,

  2. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    made Fold 3 not so intimadating

    more please. whatever he wants to tell us. most excellent

    My first webinar to hear Craig Scott. It was superb! Thanks for the level of detail. You kept it JUST RIGHT!

    My first webinar, of any kind. Craig obviously knows what he’s talking about. The organization was easy to follow. I’ve used Fold 3 often but much of what he talked about was new information so I found it very useful.

    Never have success with fold3,but Craig makes it sound so much easier to navigate than ever before for me.

    Nice summary of what is on Fold3.

    nicely done. clear and concise.

    One of the best presenters out there.

    Outstanding presentation. I really learned a great deal.

    Outstanding!!! Well organized. Easy to understand.

    Packed a lot of information into a short time frame.

    So informative. Easy to understand. Looking forward to using his suggestions. Thanks, Craig.

    So many military records. I learned something new.

    So much to take in. I will be looking at the webinar again. Great job !!!

    Solved some of my problems and furstrations in using Fold3 and gave me new ideas of things I should be looking for. Great webinar.

    Speaker was MOST knowledgable.

    Speaker was very clear and easy to follow even if one was not familiar with Military Records. Love it that Mr. Scott welcomes questions for his stumper files as it it difficult for a non-military person to understand all about the nature of Military Records sets. Appreciated the clarity provided by using his set of examples and the Search Tips portion. Thanks for my answer about single soldiers and their Pension beneficiaries. Whole new search adventure to pursue now!!

    Straight forward. Gave good simple information.


    Superb webinar about FOLD 3! A wealth of info presented in a very thorough and easy-to-understand manner! Spot on! I had no idea how many records are available here! Many thanks!

    Thank you – I really am more confident trying to use Fold 3

    Thank you!

    Thank you. I have never used my Fold3 membership thru Ancestry. Now, I’m encouraged to do so.


    The information provided was excellent and will be very useful.

    The presenter was very knowledgeable but even better is that he is an excellent presenter. I don’t usually write comments but this presentation was above average. I look forward to more of his presentations.

    This presenter certainly knows his material. Most likely, there should be a ‘follow up’ as to Other-than-Military-Records, i.e. Naturalizations and Passport Applications as he emphatically stated he would not discuss these items within Fold3. Both of these items are exceptionally important in locating ancestors.

    This really helped me understand better how to search for records.

    This was an informative presentation. I am looking,for data that fold3 has and how to access it.

    Thanks much for the webinar.

    This was very helpful!

    This webinar was fantastic. I am going to have to listen again since there was so much information.

    Time well spent. Thanks

    Too much info for one hour

    Too much to absorb in one viewing!

    Too much. Must watch over.

    Tremendous information!!!

  3. Legacy Family Tree
    5 years ago

    Very comprehensive. Didn’t know how much was on fold 3. Thanks.

    Very good information

    Very good information. Now I will attempt to use it.

    Very good webinar, I learned a lot.

    Very Good, learned a lot.

    Very good. There were some terms mentioned that needed at least a one sentence explanation for those of use who are fairly clueless about military records. Otherwise, great content and useful suggestions.

    very helpful information . I have used the site, but feel like I can use it more effectively now. Thank you!

    very informative

    Very informative

    Very informative

    Very informative webinar. Craig is always a great speaker. Thank you! : )

    Very informative! Thank you. I now ‘feel empowered’ to try searching for my military ancestors.

    Very informative! Great speaker!

    Very informative, but I was sad that he skipped the WWII information.

    Very informative, got a lot out of it.

    Very informative, I just wish he would have provided more specifics on the African-American features.

    Very informative. I might actually get a new membership now – maybe I can find more than 1 record!

    Very informative. Engaging speaker.

    Very informative. I am a newbie to Fold 3. His comments will spur me to use Fold 3 in a more knowledgeable way.

    Very informative. Learned a lot. I did not even know they had a free section. Nice job of making a boring subject interesting and inviting. Thanks for offering this Webinar.

    Very informative; easily understood with good advice on links and further places to search.

    Very interesting and loaded with new info. Wish I had had that info years ago!

    Very interesting with lots of information I need to search effectively. Thanks!

    very interesting, he does a great job teaching

    very interesting, would have liked a little bit on international records

    Very thorough and great tips on how best to search Fold3. I’ve often had problems searching it, but I believe his tips will help!

    Very useful — gives me a new approach to searching on Fold3.

    very useful information – thank you.

    Very useful! Especially the tips on how to approach your research with these resources. Thank you.

    Very very interesting. Learned a lot.

    Very, VERY helpful to me as I have ancestors who were in the colonies from shortly after the Mayflower. From that time on one or more fought in whatever war was in progress, sometimes families were split and thee were brothers, cousins on both sides. Very sad. All war is terrible, and some of my ancestors were also peace
    loving Quakers who helped provide food and medical supplies to whatever army was nearby.

    Was hoping for more on WWI and WWII records.

    Well-organized and easy to follow

    Well done

    Well presented, one to watch again.

    well-pace and informative

    Went really fast! Hard to keep up but overall generally was a lot of good information. Thank you!

    What a great webinar. Know where I will be spending my time. Looking through old military records. Hurrah to Craig.

    What a terrific webinar! Craig really knows his stuff…

    Wish it was longer so we could go over the new items.

    Wonderful for those searching Revolutionary War records.. I look forward searching WW1 records in VA.

    Wonderful information ! Thanks so much!

    Wonderful speaker

    Wonderful webinars! Thank you for this opportunity. We are all stuck in our homes, everywhere. So, this was just perfect!!!

    Would have preferred a case study for each major Fold3 Category and the interpretation of the record(s)


    Wow! Lots more sources than I thought at Fold3! Thanks so much to the speaker & Legacy Webinars.

    Wow! this was very informative. I have been a Fold3 user for a number of years but now I will conduct better searches with better results. Mr. Scott is an excellent and I will look for more of his webinars. As an experienced genealogy researcher, I appreciated the fast paced presentation.


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