Using DNA To Solve Interlinked Mysteries

Michelle Leonard
Jun 1, 2022
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Play. Playing.
1m 50s
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Speaker's Introduction
1m 20s
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5m 58s
Play. Playing.
Case Study - Alison
6m 13s
Play. Playing.
Build Out Trees
16m 12s
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Master Research Trees
11m 35s
Play. Playing.
Investigate Spousal Ancestors
5m 19s
Play. Playing.
Case Study - William
9m 05s
Play. Playing.
Fish in All Ponds
11m 40s
Play. Playing.
Announcements / prizes
7m 42s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
13m 05s

About this webinar

Sometimes when trying to solve family mysteries using DNA, we discover that the best matches on the mystery line also have recent mysteries of their own and the connection between the two lies on their respective mystery lines. It’s exciting when there are close DNA matches on a mystery line but, equally, it can be frustrating if those matches also have recent blanks or brick walls and it’s tempting to treat these kinds of matches as dead ends. In this presentation, Michelle will outline some extraordinary case studies where multiple mysteries linked together and only by investigating them all could answers ultimately be uncovered. She will demonstrate the best techniques for navigating these tricky situations and provide her top hints and tips for working with interlinked mysteries. Often if you can solve one interlinked mystery, you can solve them all!

About the speaker

About the speaker

Michelle Leonard is a Scottish professional genealogist, DNA detective, freelance researcher, speaker, author and historian. She runs her own genealogy and DNA consultancy business, Genes & Genealogy, and specialises in DNA Detective work part
Learn more...

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  1. CC
    Cathy Cline
    3 years ago

    My grandmother was adopted. Turns out, the majority of my best matches ALSO had adoption or unknown parentage more recent in time on what turned out to be the bio paternal line. These folks were very eager to coordinate efforts and together we solved these interlinked and multiple mysteries.

  2. BG
    Barry Gates
    3 years ago

    Wonderful, and pretty comprehensive for the caveats that abound. I was using 16 groups for my subtree family links, and splitting the remaining 8, half for flags (projected, ancient, double-cousin, etc.) and half for ICW current R&D, but I am once again moving my 16 off to a spreadsheet, and combining & sharing them all to a single ‘linked’ flag group, freeing up 15 more ‘working’ groups.

  3. HS
    Helen Schenkelaars
    3 years ago

    Brilliant as always Michelle. I’m also in the camp that would have enjoyed even more detail on the last case study and how it panned out. All of Michelle’s webinars are worth watching multiple times as there are so many tips and tricks in them that are easy to miss or forget over time.

  4. ED
    Elaine Drury
    3 years ago

    Great webinar

  5. BD
    Bonnie Davine Roberts
    3 years ago

    I guess I missed the handout, if there was one. Does anybody know? I attended this webinar.

    1 Reply
      3 years ago


      The handout is located above on this page on the left just under the main image. Look for the word “syllabus.” You must be signed in as a member to access it.


  6. JE
    Judy Engelhart
    3 years ago

    Very good. The second case was a bit beyond my skill level right now, but the other was very understandable.

  7. CM
    Cheryl Mapes
    3 years ago

    Michelle does a great job at keeping your attention to what she is saying. Her webinars are very informative and her “tips are oh, so helpful” Great job Michelle it is always a joy listening to you.

  8. ED
    Erin Doyle
    3 years ago

    Fantastic! She is truly a DNA whisperer. I learned so much about using DNA for genealogy from this presentation, and it makes me want to go take a DNA test from Ancestry right now! Thank you so much for this excellent presentation, which was clear and understandable. I look forward to more presentations by Ms. Leonard!


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