The Picture Bride Era: The Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1907 between U.S. and Japan

Linda Harms Okazaki
Apr 12, 2024
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Play. Playing.
Play. Playing.
13m 56s
Play. Playing.
Picture Bride Era
7m 27s
Play. Playing.
Webb-Haney Act
6m 04s
Play. Playing.
The Ladies Agreement
4m 13s
Play. Playing.
Immigration Act of 1924
6m 43s
Play. Playing.
4m 11s
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Announcements / prizes
1m 18s
Play. Playing.
Questions / answers
3m 31s

About this webinar

The Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1907 was an agreement between the U.S. and Japan that restricted the immigration of Japanese laborers. Wives and children of laborers were permitted to immigrate. This led rise to what is informally called “The Picture Bride Era.” Learn about the history leading up to this policy, how the agreement impacted immigrants, what records were created, and why the policy expired in 1924.

About the speaker

About the speaker

Linda Harms Okazaki is a fourth-generation Californian, active in the genealogy and Japanese American communities in California and beyond. She is passionate about teaching people of all ages to research, document, and share their personal family
Learn more...

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  1. Sonja Nishimoto
    10 months ago

    My Husband’s grandmother was a Japanese Picture Bride from Kumamoto. They married 3 days after her arrival in Hawaii and had 13 children

  2. VP
    Virginia Parsons
    11 months ago

    Very interesting presentation. I had never heard of the Picture Bride Era and very much enjoyed learning about it. Thank you!

  3. DI
    DiAnn Iamarino Ohama
    11 months ago

    Thank you, Linda! My husband’s paternal grandmother was a picture bride from Hiroshima, although she denied it later in life. I have her ship manifest and all the picture bride’s were held for a while because they had uncinariasis (intestinal hookworm), a contagious disease. I always wondered why her manifest used her married name and listed her as married. Now I know! We have her photo, and it’s quite beautiful. You’ve given me more details to search for. Thanks again.

  4. JS
    Janet Shahmiri
    11 months ago

    Fascinating presentation. Most informative. Thanks!

  5. RH
    Randall Higa
    11 months ago

    Great webinar — highly informative. So sad to hear the history of immigration laws and agreements for Japanese and other Asians. It is impossible to fathom what my grandparents generation went through. Full disclosure, my grandmother was one of the featured picture brides. She defied her suffering by being one of the most upbeat, friendly, and happy people I knew. When she owned and operated a nursery, all of her customers loved her.

  6. AS
    Angela Southworth
    11 months ago

    Linda’s skill of oral storytelling is remarkable and when paired with the visual presentation it created a must-see webinar even if your research has not crossed paths with picture brides.

  7. DN
    Denise Nawaa
    11 months ago

    Fascinating. We love hearing the stories that have been linked with documentation. It helps us figure out what might be available to us! Family name Higa, wife’s maiden name Shigeta. We hope to use Linda’s other webinar information to pursue obtaining Kosekis for those grandparents who immigrated to Hawaii.

  8. JG
    Joyce Gillett
    11 months ago

    This is a part of our history that I had no idea about. I can only hope that the majority of the young women found happiness in their life here. I feel for those who did not.


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