The Germanic French – Researching Alsatian and Lorrainian Families

John Philip Colletta
Jul 30, 2016
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Play. Playing.
Play. Playing.
3m 36s
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Larger Communities
2m 00s
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George Ring Example
1m 45s
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Who Were They?
5m 32s
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Periods of Emigration
1m 49s
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Reasons for Emigration
3m 56s
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Migration Routes
2m 30s
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Ports of Departure and Arrival
Play. Playing.
Who Emigrated?
2m 35s
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4m 19s
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Town of Origin
7m 13s
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Where They Settled in U.S.
4m 10s
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Historical Studies
1m 13s
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Research Resources
5m 01s
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Microfilm and Online
6m 07s
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Other Resources
7m 46s

About this webinar

This webinar explains how a significant population of German-speakers came to reside in France and explores the peculiarities of researching ancestors of Alsace, Lorraine, and Elsass-Lothringen. It discusses when, why and how people from these areas came to the United States from the late eighteenth to the late nineteenth centuries. Research challenges include: records kept in French, German and Latin; shifting national borders; peculiar surnames; and Catholic, Protestant and Jewish residents. Indispensable Web sites are reviewed, as well as books and manuals, and the large body of microfilmed records available from the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.

About the speaker

About the speaker

 John Philip Colletta is one of America’s most popular genealogical lecturers. Knowledgeable, experienced and entertaining, he resides in Washington, D.C. For twenty years, while laying the foundation for his career in genealogy, he wor
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  1. AD
    Arlene Dukanauskas
    3 years ago

    This was a great Webinar. I have two ancestors from Alsace-Lorraine.


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